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Rolling Planning - Distribution#


The "Distribution" sub-module of rolling planning is explained below. This planning method allows you to see the current project status and progress at a glance. At the same time, it provides an overview of the future planning process, which minimizes uncertainties in the planning. The planning can be continuously updated and an automatic distribution proposal can be used if required.

The distribution module provides an overview of the planned budgeting. You also have the option of customizing the proposed distribution in order to design the budget control of your project according to your needs.

Rolling planning can be carried out in the same way as a work breakdown structure, both on the WBS line and on the budget line.


The distribution sub-module can be used independently of the forecasting sub-module, but the two complement each other perfectly.


"Rolling planning (distribution)" is an activation module that can only be used with additional licensing and activation.


Projects Setup#


Field Description
Distribution Active Activate the switch to use the distribution.
Invoicing Distribution Type Specifies the distribution of the billing quantity in relation to the planned quantity. You can choose from the following options:

Proportional to quantity distribution
If a quantity of 10 and a billing quantity of 20 are planned and distributed, then a 1:2 distribution takes place.

Use up the budget
There is a 1:1 distribution of quantity and billing quantity.
(Adv.) Payment in Distribution If a payment plan exists in the project, this facility is used to define whether the billing quantity in the distribution should be determined by the payment plan.
Color Planning
Color Actual
Color Distribution Suggestion
The setup fields for the colors refer to the graphs that are currently hidden.
Distribution Chart Type This field determines the graphical representation of the values in the corresponding info boxes in the quick distribution. The following display options are available:

- Line
- Bar
- Radar
Notification Planning This is used to define what should happen if over- or under-planning occurs. The following options are available:

- None
- Notification
- Error
Notification excess Capacity Planning This field can be used to control what should happen in the event of overplanning. The following options are available to you:

You will not receive any notification in the event of over-scheduling.

You will receive a notification in the event of overplanning.

You will receive an error message in the event of overplanning. Overplanning is not possible with this option.
Default Value Distribution Finish PSP Line When a WBS line is "Closed", a default value can be defined for the purely informative field "Distribution of remaining budget", which is automatically filled when the WBS line is closed. The following selection options are available:

The budget can be called up for requirements at a later date.

Not required
The budget is no longer required.

The budget has been/will be reallocated to other PSP lines.
Update Actual Default If the switch is activated, the actual values in the distribution are automatically updated via the Codeunit for the task queue.
Commit Interval Project Queue Fill Gaps Specifies how often the changes should be committed. The default value is 500, which means that the changes are committed (written to the database) after every 500 checked project budget items.
Archive Planning If the switch is activated, the planning of the project is archived cumulatively once a month via the Codeunit for the task queue.
Hide Negative Distribution Suggestion and Invoicing If the switch is activated, it is permitted to exceed the budget and plan negatively.
Distribution Entries Filter WBS Work Status The filter is used for all actions in which the distribution is updated for several WBS rows. This allows, for example, terminated or canceled rows to be excluded in order to gain performance at the point where fewer rows are calculated and updated.
Ignore Invoice Changes on blocked Sales Budget If the billing quantity is changed in the distribution while the sales budget is blocked, an error message appears by default. The switch ensures that this message does not appear and the changes to the billing quantity in the distribution are ignored.

This only applies if the billing quantity of the distribution differs from the billing quantity of the budget line or WBS line. As long as the billing quantity remains the same, an error message does not appear, whether the switch is activated or not.
WBS Work Status Filter in Fast Distribution The filter is applied in the quick distribution view.

This makes it possible, for example, to exclude completed or canceled lines in order to obtain a better overview of the WBS lines to be distributed.
Budget Line Status Filter Fast Distribution The filter is applied in the quick distribution view.

This makes it possible, for example, to exclude completed or canceled lines in order to obtain a better overview of the budget lines to be distributed at this point.
Unit Cost Period Calculation If the cost price changes in the budget line or WBS line, this should often not affect the entire distribution. A “Fixed date” or a “Date formula” can be used to define which distribution periods should be affected.
Unit Cost Update Starting Date If the "Fixed date" option has been selected in the "Cost price period calculation" field, this field can be edited.

In this field you can enter a fixed date from which the cost price is to be changed.
Unit Cost Update Period Start If the "Date formula" option has been selected in the "Cost price period calculation" field, this field can be edited.

In this field you can enter a date formula from which calculated date (outgoing from working date) the cost price is to be changed.
Distribution Entries Period Calculation So that the distribution does not always have to check all actual postings, the date range can be limited using a fixed date or a date formula.
Distribution Entries Update Starting Date If the "Fixed date" option has been selected in the "Actual distribution item calculation" field, this field can be edited.

In this field, you can specify a fixed date from which the actual values in the distribution should be updated.
Distribution Entries Update Period Start If the "Date formula" option has been selected in the "Actual distribution item calculation" field, this field can be edited.

In this field you can enter a date formula from which date (starting from the working date) the ACTUAL values in the distribution should be updated.
Date range check actual values Specifies a date range that is to be checked beyond the ACTUAL distribution check period (previous fields).

For the check, the report "Check postings before date specification" Report 5548341 must be executed in the task queue. Only projects in which the "Check distribution of actual values" checkbox is activated are taken into account.

The lines to be checked are then visible in a tile in the Project Manager Role Center.
Update Project Queue Interval For large projects, you can specify that they should be updated via the task queue. The interval specifies how often (e.g. every 2 weeks) this update should be triggered.
Archiving Duration Specifies the duration for which an archived distribution is to be saved.
Delete Archive after Archiving Duration Specifies whether the distribution archive should be deleted after the archive duration.
Archiving Interval Specifies the time interval between archiving.
Archiving Interval Past Specifies the period of time for which archiving is to take place in the past.
Archiving Interval Future Specifies the period of time for which archiving is to take place in the future.
Warning at Deviation (Percent) Specifies a percentage deviation value for the comparison of archived schedules via the task queue. From this deviation, the value is output as defined in the "Style deviation warning" field.

Please note that you can only specify one deviation value (percentage or absolute) for the warning.
Warning at Deviation (Value) Specifies an absolute deviation value for the comparison of archived plans via the task queue. From this deviation onwards, the value is output as defined in the "Style deviation warning" field.

Please note that you can only specify one deviation value (percentage or absolute) for the warning.
Critical Warning at Deviation (Percent) Specifies a percentage deviation value for the comparison of archived plans via the task queue. From this deviation, the value is output as defined in the "Style crit. Deviation warning" field.

Please note that you can only specify one deviation value (percentage or absolute) for the critical warning.
Crit. Warning at Deviation (Value) Specifies an absolute deviation value for the comparison of archived plans via the task queue. From this deviation, the value is output as defined in the "Style deviation warning" field.

Please note that you can only specify one deviation value (percentage or absolute) for the critical warning.
Style Deviation Warning Specifies how a warning deviation is to be displayed in color (e.g. as an indicator for: Deviation must be checked).
Style Deviaition critical Warning Specifies how a critical warning deviation is to be displayed in color (e.g. as an indicator for: Deviation must be checked urgently).

Rolling Planning#

Field Description
Planning Type Default The selection of the planning type in the planning wizard is preset by default with the entry from this field. The following selection options are available:

- Budget
- PSP lines
- Mixed
Skip Planning Type Selection If this switch is activated, the selection of the planning type is not displayed in the planning wizard.
New Version Default If this switch is activated, the "New version" identifier in the planning wizard is set to "Yes" by default.
Update Distribution Default If the switch is activated, the "Update distribution" identifier in the planning wizard is set to "Yes" by default.
Distribute Difference This field defines which selection is to be preset for the "Distribute differences" field in the planning wizard.
Update Actual Default If the switch is activated, the "Update actual values" identifier is activated by default in the planning wizard.
Create New Version after Initial Planning If the switch is activated, a new WBS version is automatically created after the initial planning via the planning wizard and this is marked as the active version.
Default Page for Planning Wizard Specifies which view of the WBS is opened in the "Plan customization".
Version Selection Editable Specifies whether the WBS version may be changed in the planning wizard.
Default PSP Version for Planning Wizard This is used to specify which WBS version is opened in the "Plan adjustment" of the planning wizard.
Page Selection Editable Specifies whether the WBS view may be changed in the planning wizard.
Hide Update Distribution Specifies whether the "Update distribution" option should be hidden in the planning wizard.
Rounding Precision for Item/GL Account Specifies the number of decimal places to which the distribution for budget lines of the type "Article" and "G/L account" is rounded.
Rounding Precision for Resource/Resource Group Specifies the number of decimal places to which the distribution for budget lines of the type "Resource" and "Group" (resource) is rounded.

The other non-editable fields in the "Forecast" and "Distribution" groups show whether there are corresponding facilities. If facilities are available, this is indicated by "Yes". Clicking on "Yes" or "No" takes you to this facility. The facilities for the "Distribution" sub-module are as follows: Distribution formulas, distribution matrix work package assignment and distribution template setup are relevant.

Distribution Calc. Formulas#

You can call up the distribution formulas via a lookup using the "Distribution formulas setup" field in the "Projects setup" or via the user search.

Distribution formulas are transferred to projects and used there. If a distribution formula is subsequently changed, the "Update projects" function can be used to update the distribution formula in the projects. Only projects with the "Distribution active" indicator are updated.

Field Description
Formula Type
Parameter 1, 2, 3, Base Influencing the progression. You can view the exact effects of the parameters via "Open formula explanations" in the ribbon.
Start Value Here you can enter a fixed starting value with which the distribution should begin.
Use Request Page Specifies whether a query page should be opened when the distribution formula is selected, on which the parameters of the distribution formula can be changed on a line-specific basis.
Chaotic Formula Code A chaotic formula can be stored here for the "chaotic" formula.

If the "Test data (preview)" area is filled with corresponding test values, the progression of the formula can be seen in the info box.

Chaotic Formulas#

You can call up the "Chaotic formulas" via the user search.

The chaotic formulas combine several of the other formulas. To do this, the period is divided into any number of equal phases and a proportion of the total quantity is defined. A distribution formula can then be stored for each phase.


Field Description
Code Specifies a code to uniquely identify the formula.
Description Specifies the description of the formula.
Status Indicates the status of the formula. Only released formulas can be used. To release, the quantity must be 100% distributed. The formula is released via "Release formula" in the ribbon.
Distributed Shows the percentage already distributed in the rows.


Field Description
Phase No. Specifies a code to uniquely identify the phase.
Percentage Indicates the percentage share of the total quantity.
Distribution Calc. Formula Specifies the formula to be used in the phase.

Distribution Matrix Work Package Mapping#

You can call up the "Work package assignment distribution matrix" via a lookup using the "Work package assignment distribution matrix" field in the "Projects setup" or via the user search.

In this facility, the visibility of matrix row types in the distribution matrices is defined for each work package.

For example, the line types of the billing quantities etc. can be hidden for work packages that contain non-billable internal services.

This setup data is transferred to projects and used there. This means that if an allocation is subsequently changed, this change must be transferred to the projects using the "Update projects" function. Only projects with the "Distribution active" indicator are updated.

Distribution Templates#

You can call up the "Distribution templates" via a lookup using the "Distribution templates setup" field in the "Projects setup" or via the user search.

Distribution templates can be used to define a distribution in projects for each work package code. These fields are used for this purpose:

Field Description
Work Package Code Specifies the code of the work package for which the setup is to apply.
Work Package Description Specifies the description of the work package selected in the "Work package" field.
Distribution Calculation Formula Code Selection from the above distribution formulas.
Period Unit Type Specifies the period unit in which planning is to take place (week, month, quarter or year).
Distribution Level Type Specifies whether the distribution is to be made on WBS line (work package) or in the individual budget line level.
Distribution Base Type Quantity distribution (e.g. resources) or amount distribution (e.g. G/L accounts).
Distribute Differences Specifies whether the differences are to be distributed automatically.
Keep Total Quantity If "Amount" is relevant for the distribution basis, e.g. if an amount is planned with quantity 1 and this is distributed, the quantity should be 1 again after the distribution.
Use Resource Capacity Relevant when distributing quantity for resources. See application tips
No Active Planning Specifies whether there is no active planning for the line in the distribution and only the ACTUAL values are to be transferred to the planning.

Update projects#

This function can transfer subsequent changes in the "Distribution matrix work package assignment" and "Distribution formulas" settings to the projects at the same time. The update function can be executed from the two setup pages; either only one of the two or both can be updated at the same time. In general, the update only takes place in projects with the "Distribution active" indicator set.

New PSP version option values#

Setup for standard assignment of the WBS Copy report. See chapter Forecast

Project Templates#

Important parameters for new projects can already be specified on the "Lines" and "Distribution" information tabs in the project templates.


Field Description
Distribution Calc. Formula Code Specifies the distribution formula for the row (e.g. "Linear distribution").

This specification overrides the calculation formula from the distribution formula template. Further information on the calculation formulas can be found in the section "Priority of the setup fields".
Period Unit Type Specifies the period unit in which planning is to take place (week, month, quarter or year).
Distribution Level Type Specifies whether the distribution is to be made on WBS line (work package) or in the individual budget line level.
Distribution Base Type Quantity distribution (e.g. resources) or amount distribution (e.g. G/L accounts).
Keep Total Quant If "Amount" is relevant for the distribution basis, e.g. if an amount is planned with quantity 1 and this is distributed, the quantity should be 1 again after the distribution.
Use Resource Cap Relevant when distributing quantity for resources. See application tips.
No Active Planning Specifies whether there is no active planning in the distribution for the line and only the actual values are to be transferred to the planning.
Distribute Differences Specifies whether the differences are to be distributed automatically.


Field Description
Distribution Active Activate the switch if the distribution is to be used for the project.
Distribution Template Code Specifies a distribution template to be used for the distribution.

This can be used to define for each work package how the individual WBS lines are later distributed over the planning period using calculation formulas (e.g. linear distribution). More on the distribution templates below.
Period Unit Type Specifies the period unit in which planning is to take place (week, month, quarter or year).
Use Distribution Setup on Lines The above-mentioned fields (Distribution active, Distribution template code, Period unit) also exist on the WBS lines and their templates; this switch defines that the distribution should only be based on these fields. This makes it possible to exclude individual WBS lines from the distribution. See also "Priority of the setup fields".
Check Distribution Actual Values Specifies whether this project should be checked to see whether there are ACTUAL postings outside the set period. Further information can be found in the section "Setting up projects - ACTUAL fields".
Archive Distribution There is a codeunit for the task queue. If the switch is activated, the planning of the project is archived cumulatively once a month via the code unit.

Work Packages#

There are also setup fields for distribution in the work package master.

Field Description
Distribution Calc. Formula Code Specifies the distribution formula for the row (e.g. "Linear distribution"). Further information on the calculation formulas can be found in the section "Priority of the setup fields".
Period Unit Type Specifies the period unit in which planning is to take place (week, month, quarter or year).
Distribution Level Type Specifies whether the distribution is to be made on WBS line (work package) or in the individual budget line level.
Distribution Base Type Quantity distribution (e.g. resources) or amount distribution (e.g. G/L accounts).
Keep Total Quantity If "Amount" is relevant for the distribution basis, e.g. if an amount is planned with quantity 1 and this is distributed, the quantity should be 1 again after the distribution.
Use Resource Capacity Relevant when distributing quantity for resources. See application tips.
Rounding Precision Specifies the rounding precision used in the distribution of budget lines for this work package to round the quantities in the planning periods.
No Active Planning Default value for the "No active planning" field in the WBS line.

Priority of the furnishing fields#

As described above, there are setup fields that can be defined in the work package master, in the WBS line and/or in the project. How these are prioritized is described below.

Distribution always takes place per WBS line. The fields of the WBS line are checked first, then the project settings and finally those of the work package master. With "Only use distribution fields of lines", the "Project" and "Work package master" levels can be deactivated so that only the setup on the WBS line is taken into account. No distribution takes place without defined fields.

User Setup#

Field Description
Edit Calc. Formulas Controls whether the calculation formulas may be changed.
Allow Edit Origin Budget Controls whether the WBS version marked as the original budget may be edited.
Allow Set Origin Budget Controls whether a PSP version may be marked as the original version.