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Forecast & Commitment#

The goal of a project forecast is to determine a preview of the expected costs at the end of the project (Estimate at Completion EAC) as well as the currently achieved project value (Earned Value EV) on the basis of the current project planning, the costs already incurred and the assessment of the project manager.

You can forecast the following areas in KUMAVISION factory365:

  • Project
  • Project Task,
  • Project planning line
  • Project task account

In the following, the fields on the "Forecast & Commitments" info tab are first explained in more detail:

Field Description
Planned cost price (MW) Indicates the planned cost price (MW) for the project.

Forecast on You can enter the forecast at the following level:

No forecasting

In addition, in the "Forecast (MW)" field on the "Forecast & Commitment Amounts" info tab, specify the total costs you currently expect for the overall project.

Project Task:
On the corresponding task line, in the "Forecast (MW)" field, you can see the total costs that you are currently calculating for the project task.

Project planning line:
On the corresponding project plan line, in the "Forecast (MW)" field, you can see the total costs that you are currently calculating for the project plan line.

Project task by account:
On the project plan line aggregated by project account (Project task - Edit - Project plan line aggregated by project account) you can see in the "Forecast (MW)" field the total costs you are currently calculating for the account.

If you change the "Forecast to" setting, any existing forecast items will be disabled.

Please note that the field "Forecast Maintainable" must be activated for the maintenance of the field "Forecast (MW)".
Forecast Maintainable Check the box to maintain the "Forecast (MW)".
Actual progress % The solution enables you to define an objective progress definition by the project manager or consultant on the levels project - project task - project plan lines in addition to the calculated progress definitions.
The definition is made in the Actual progress % or Forecast (MW) field. The Actual progress date field is also always defined with the current date.
Forecast (MW) If you set the forecast to "Project", use this field to specify the total costs you currently expect for the entire project.

For the calculation of the forecast (MW), the system determines it as follows:

(Consumption (cost price)
Time commitment Amount (MW)
Purchase commitments Amount (MW)
Stock commitment Amount (MW)
Production commitments Amount (MW))
Actual progress %
Forecast (MW)
Actual progress date Specifies the date of actual progress for the project.
Stock commitment Amount (MW) Indicates the amount of stock allocated/reserved for the project.
Purchase commitments Amount (MW) Specifies the amount of the captured order lines for the project.
Time commitment Amount (MW) Specifies the amount of recorded working hours for the project.
Production commitment (MW) Indicates the amount of production items recorded for the project.
Cost price (MW) Specifies the cost price of the project in client currency.
Last booking day Specifies the last booking day for the project.
Planned costs for production order (MW) Indicates the amount of production orders assigned/reserved for a project.
Capacity costs (MW) Specifies the capacity items for the project.
Consumption costs (MW) Indicates the consumption costs for the project.
Actual messages (MW) Specifies the value of the actual messages for the project.

When you change the "Forecast MW", the Forecast Argumentation window always opens. In the Forecast Argumentation window you can define or influence the creation of the plan lines. If you exit this window by clicking Cancel, your entry will be discarded. To save the change, you must have maintained the "Argumentation" field.


Please note, a subsequent deletion of the Forecast Argumentation is only possible in reverse chronological order (the last record then the second to last etc.).

Field Description
New value Enter the new total value for the position here. In this field, the value from the forecast (MW) is transferred when creating from the project task as well as project plan line.
The system also determines the "Additional Cost Amount (MW)" value from this.
The "Additional cost amount (MW)" value is also transferred to the Additional sales amount (MW) field.
Additional purchase price (MW) In this field, the system displays the budget change in absolute terms in client currency.
Argumentation Here you can justify why the task was budgeted again.
Order type Use the Order Type field to specify which type of budget adjustment you currently want to make.

You can make the following selections in the option field:

Option value - Description
'' - Empty, No definition
Initial commissioning - First commissioning, planning
Follow-up order - Budget change, but with sales increase
Deviation - Budget change, without sales adjustment.

The Additional sales amount (MW) field is not editable.

Please note that you can already make a global setup in the project setup, so this selection is hidden.
Project Contract Item No. If the point was created as a project plan line, this field refers to the generated plan line.
Additional sales amount (MW) In this field, maintain the extent to which the budget change is also converted as an increase. The field is initialized by the additional cost amount (MW) for the order types initial order and follow-up order.


For the later forecast creation within a project, some settings have to be made in advance. In the following, the facilities for the possible forecast levels are explained in more detail:


Forcasting at the project level requires the following fields to be set up in the "Projects setup":

Field Description
Art Forecasting Specify here whether and if so via which type (and no.) you want to transfer the determined budget variance to the project.

No budgetingThe
defined forecast has no deviation on the plan lines

defined forecast is created with a project plan line of the type Resource.

defined forecast is created with a project plan line of the type Article.

G/L accountThe
defined forecast is created with a project plan line of the type G/L account.

Project accountThe
defined forecast is created
with a project plan line of type "Rework".
No. Forecasting Specify here whether and if so via which no. you want to transfer the determined budget variance to the project.
Only deviation in the forecast Define here whether the forecast should create pure deviation plan lines or (deactivation of the switch) these can also be set to billable.
Forecast project task no. At this point, define on which project tasks the recorded forecast deviation should be realized.

The system records a new project plan line with the variance amount in the project task when versioning the forcast.

The following applies:
- positive deviation = creation negative project plan line
- negative deviation = creation of positive project plan line
- neutral: No creation of a project plan line
Service type for project forecast In case of forecasting on project, you define here with which activity type the project task for the deviation should be created.

Project Task#

Forcasting at the project task level requires the following fields to be set up in the "Projects setup":

Field Description
Art Forecasting Specify here whether and if so via which type (and no.) you want to transfer the determined budget variance to the project.

No budgetingThe
defined forecast has no deviation on the plan lines

defined forecast is created with a project plan line of the type Resource.

defined forecast is created with a project plan line of the type Article.

G/L accountThe
defined forecast is created with a project plan line of the type G/L account.

Project accountThe
defined forecast is created
with a project plan line of type "Rework".
No. Forecasting Specify here whether and if so via which no. you want to transfer the determined budget variance to the project.

In addition, the following fields must be maintained in the "Activity types":

Field Description
Art Forecast Define here with which type of project plan line the forecast position should be created.
Forecastnr. Define here, depending on the type of forecast, to which master record the project plan line should be linked.
Forecast work type code In case of the type Forecast resource, define here a work type with which the forecast should be created. (Optional)

Project plan line#

When forcasting to project plan line, the system uses the values directly from the respective line, therefore no further setup is required.

Project task account#

Forcasting at project task account level requires the following fields to be set up in the "Projects setup" or in the

"Activity types":

Field Description
Type Forecasting Specify here whether and if so via which type (and no.) you want to transfer the determined budget variance to the project.

No budgetingThe
defined forecast has no deviation on the plan lines

defined forecast is created with a project plan line of the type Resource.

defined forecast is created with a project plan line of the type Article.

G/L accountThe
defined forecast is created with a project plan line of the type G/L account.

Project accountThe
defined forecast is created
with a project plan line of type "Rework".
No. Forecasting Specify here whether and if so via which no. you want to transfer the determined budget variance to the project.

In addition, the following fields must be maintained in the "Activity types":

Field Description
Art Forecast Define here with which type of project plan line the forecast position should be created.
Forecastnr. Define here, depending on the type of forecast, to which master record the project plan line should be linked.
Forecast work type code In case of the type Forecast resource, define here a work type with which the forecast should be created. This setup is optional.


You define the level at which you want to make the forecast on the project map on the "Forecast and Commitment Amounts" info tab in the "Forecast on" field.


Please note that the "Forecast maintainable" switch must be activated for maintaining the forecast. This ensures protection against error recording.


You can enter the forecast at the project level on the respective project card, on the "Forecast & Commitment Amounts" info tab in the "Actual Progress %" field.


The "Actual progress %" field is automatically pre-populated with the calculated progress from the system for the first time when "Forecast on=Project" is selected.

Project Task#

You can enter the forecast at the project task level on the project card on the "Tasks" info tab or in the project task card (info tab "Lines" > "Line" > "Project task card").

The fields "Actual progress %" and the field "Forecast (MW)" are available for the entry. You can thus maintain the forecast either as a percentage or with an absolute amount. The fields calculate each other.

Project plan line#

You can enter the forecast at the project plan line level in the project plan line as well as in the project task cards on the "Project plan lines" info tab.

The fields "Actual progress %" and the field "Forecast (MW)" are available for the entry. You can thus maintain the forecast either as a percentage or with an absolute amount. The fields calculate each other.

Project account#

You can enter the forecast on a project account of a project task in the project task map on the info tab "Project plan line aggregated by project account".

The fields "Actual progress %" and the field "Forecast (MW)" are available for the entry. You can thus maintain the forecast either as a percentage or with an absolute amount. The fields calculate each other.


After maintaining your forecast for a project, you can have the deviations resulting from the forecast written to the project, depending on their settings, via the call Associated\Archive\Version Release in the project card.

Please note that the Forecast field is cumulative:

Cost amount (MW) Forecast (MW) Variance item Cost amount (MW)
Initial commissioning 5000,00 €
Forecasting 1 5000,00 € 7000,00 €
After archiving 5000,00 € 7000,00 € First position 2000,00 €
Forecasting 2 5000,00 € 10000,00 € 2000,00 €
After archiving 5000,00 € 10000,00 € Other position 3000,00 €