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Project Setup#


In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1, business transactions that occur over a relatively long period of time and might involve frequent changes to requirements and expenditures are grouped into projects. With the help of budgets and line activities, and phase, task, and step codes, you can plan, manage, and invoice these projects with ease.

At the heart of each project is a work breakdown structure (WBS). The structure is used to track sales and costs and provide the project team with a highly granular view of past, present, and future staff, machine, and material needs. Work packages related to a project can additionally be split into budget line activities, which you can assign as subtasks for specific resources to complete.

Thanks to integrated billing, you can also record the revenues and expenses posted to a project in Sales and Purchasing. However, to work with projects, you need to set up the functionality first.


Projects Setup#

This is where you specify number series and default values for projects.

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Projects Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. Fill in the fields as described in the following tables.


Field Description
Automatic Update
Project Item Cost
Turn on this toggle if you want usage costs in project ledger entries updated automatically to match changes in negative inventory adjustments.

In other words, this field determines if cost changes are adjusted when you run the Adjust Cost – Item Entries function. The adjustment process and its results are the same as when you run the Update Project Item Cost batch job.
Document No. Is Project No. Specifies that the project number is also the document number in the ledger entries posted for the project.

Like the No Project Journal Doc. No. Check, this field affects project journals. But unlike the other toggle, it also affects item consumption postings to these journals.
Use Deferral With the toggle turned on, the system creates project ledger entries in addition to G/L entries when you post a line with a deferral code and a project number on a purchase or sales invoice or in the general journal.

A sales invoice created for a project needs to be deferred over a period of three months.

Initially, the entire invoice revenue is added on the posting date. Afterward, the process is reversed, and the amount that you billed is distributed over three months according to the deferral schedule.


This FastTab stores the most important number series for managing projects. To set up a series, use the lookup next to a field or choose Alt + Down Arrow. Both approaches will lead you to the No. Series table, where you can create a new series.


Number series required for processing projects, for example, in the purchase, sales, and resource areas, must be selected directly from their setup pages.

Project Management#

Field Description
Project Posting in Quote Status Turn on this toggle if you intend to post consumption of time and material as early as the quote stage. After the toggle is turned on, you can set the work status on WBS lines to In Progress or Open while the project is still on Quote.

Leave the toggle turned off if you want to post expenses only after the status of the project has been set to Open on both the project card and the relevant WBS lines.
Auto PTS Code With the toggle turned on, the system uses the internal number assigned to a WBS line to designate a phase, task, or step. This might help to create a more unique line descriptor when a work package is entered on multiple WBS lines.

All new WBS lines must be unique. A line is made unique by combining the codes of a work package, a phase, a task, and a step.
Lock Auto PTS Code on WBS Turn on this toggle if you want to prevent manual changes to phase, task, or step codes that are created by the system after you activate the Auto PTS Code toggle.

Leave the toggle turned off if turning on the Auto PTS Code feature is only meant to help speed up code creation.The setting you make here also applies to project templates.
Budget Filter on Time Posting Sets a filter when you want to link budget lines to a time journal.

With the toggle turned on, only resources specified in the project budget can post to budget lines when you choose Budget as the time posting level on a project card.

You must turn on this toggle if you want to use line activities.
Budget Filter on Documents Sets a filter when you want to link budget lines to purchase or sales lines.

Turning on the toggle limits posting to items and resources that are included in the project budget when Budget is chosen in the Project Doc. Posting Level field on a project card.
Budget Filter in Project Journal Sets a filter when you want to link budget lines to project journal lines.

With the toggle turned on, only items and resources added to the project budget can be used to post consumption when Budget is chosen in the Gen. Journal Posting Level field on a project card.
No. Project Journal Doc. No. Check Turn on this toggle if you do not want the system to check for document numbers when you post to a project journal.

This way, project ledger entries can be created, for example, for work hours entered by a staff member, without having to tie the employee to a document.
Check Team at Time Release Before time entries are released, they are copied to a journal for editing.

Turn on this toggle if you want the system to check if a user is authorized for this process.
Auto Resource Budget Allocation Turn on this toggle to have resource capacity determined based on a project budget, that is, have the system distribute planned work in linear fashion between the starting and ending dates of a budget line.

With the toggle turned off, you must trigger the process manually or run the relevant function.

Without allocation, the entire resource capacity is assigned to the starting date entered on the line.
Default Budget
Allocation Period
Specify the default period for distributing project work. You can change this period when you run the allocation function from a budget line.

Amounts can be distributed on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis throughout the planned duration of a project.
Multi-Use Budget Resources Turn on this toggle if you want to assign a resource or a resource group to more than one budget line on a WBS line. The toggle has no influence over how many activities you can assign to both types of lines, however.

You must turn on this toggle if you want to use budget lines for completing activities. Items and G/L accounts can be budgeted on any number of lines.
Auto Budget Relation at Posting Establishes a link to a budget line when you post project ledger entries if no link has been created by a user or a function before posting.

The link can then be used for budget-to-actual comparisons on the budget line. For a link to be created, the line must contain a unique type-number combination that is associated with certain revenues or expenses on the related WBS line.
Calculate Work Package BOM With the toggle turned on, the budget assigned to a bill of materials is multiplied by the quantity specified on a WBS line if you enter a work package related to the BOM on the budget lines that have been set up for the WBS line.
Confirm WBS Update from Budget Turn on this toggle to request confirmation when a user attempts to copy new budget values to a WBS line after changing the budget and closing the associated budget lines.

This confirmation dialog only appears if the WBS line is set up for storing a budget line total (that is, the Copy Budget checkbox is selected on the line).
No JLE Posting Date Check Typically, project ledger entries can only be changed in the posting period that is specified in General Ledger Setup. Turn on this toggle to forgo the posting date check.
Project Status Reset on Final Invoice With the toggle turned on, a project is no longer blocked when a final invoice has been created for it.
No Project Accounts Turn on this toggle if you want to start working with the project365 industry solution but do not have a clear idea of the kind of project accounts you want to use.

This prevents an error message about non-existent or incomplete accounts when you budget and post to a project. After you create the accounts and set up the related matrix, you can use a batch job to add any existing ledger entries and budget lines.
Project Field Check Turn on this toggle if you want users to fill in certain fields before they can proceed with a project.

For more information, see Mandatory Field Check.
Guarantee Field Check With the toggle turned on, certain fields on the Projects page must be filled in before you can use a guarantee.

For more information, see Mandatory Field Check
Project Completion Reason Required Turn on this toggle if you want users to specify a reason for why a project is set to Completed.
Auto Project vs. (Advance) Pmt. Plan Check With the toggle turned on, the system checks if the amounts on a project-related payment plan match the budgeted sales amounts.

To put it another way, the system checks if plan prices differ from the prices entered on the WBS.

This toggle is only relevant when you bill projects based on invoice suggestions. Turning it on prevents situations in which the WBS related to a plan was changed (or a WBS line quantity reduced) but the change was never copied to the plan (in other words, you would invoice too little or too much by using the original payment schedule).
Project Budget Name (Main WBS) Select the name of a project budget if you want to specify an active WBS version linked to the budget as the target structure to which to copy the results of calculations and change orders.

You must fill in this field before you can use the Main WBS feature.
Keep Invoice Qty. Separate With the toggle turned on, invoice quantities that have been entered on lines for transfer to a main WBS are not totaled but replaced with a quantity of 1 each. The toggle does not affect fields showing total costs and prices.
Work Type (Service Package) For more information, see Service Packages.
Sales Price List (Service Package) For more information, see Service Packages.
Auto Update Sales Price List (Serv. Pckg.) For more information, see Service Packages.
Purch. Price List (Service Package) For more information, see Service Packages.
Auto Update Purch. Price List (Serv. Pckg.) For more information, see Service Packages.
Disable Indicators in Project List With the toggle turned on, the budget and profit value fields and indicators on the Projects page are deactivated.

The Projects page needs to be closed for the toggle to take effect.

This option might be useful for performance reasons, for example, as turning on the toggle not only hides the fields when they are not needed, but they are also not calculated when you open the page.
Batch Copy Change Requests from Sales to WBS With the toggle turned on, the Create WBS/Lines action that you can run from a sales document adds lines to a work breakdown structure as a block, enclosed by a Begin-Total and an End-Total line.

For a better overview, the number of the sales document is then entered on the Begin-Total line.

Project Billings#

Field Description
Fixed Sales Budget when Ordering With the toggle turned on, you can set a project to Open without affecting the sales budget of the project's active WBS.
Use Project Prices on Sales Doc. With the toggle turned on, a price entered for a project also applies to sales documents that the project is entered on.

This way, you can create quotes and orders both from a WBS and manually by using project-specific unit prices.
Check Team at Invoice Suggestion Select this field to have the system check if a user has permission to create invoice suggestions for a certain project. Only users that are part of the project team can create suggestions.
Sales Project Budget Sync. Turn on this toggle if you want data synchronized automatically to ensure that certain sales line changes are also copied to project planning.
Sales Project Budget Sync. Error Handling If you turn on the synchronization feature (see the previous field), you can use this field to specify what you want the system to do when synchronization fails.

You see an error message while the process is canceled, that is, the sales line remains unchanged. Choose this option to ensure the highest level of synchronization between projects and sales, with the focus put on first correcting the issue you encountered.

You are asked if you want to change the sales line. Choose No if you want to cancel the entire process and restore the original line.Choose Yes if you want the sales line changed but not the project itself. At the same time, the problem is logged.

You are only informed about the problem, without synchronization, and the change is only made on the sales line. The issue will be logged, however.
Sales Project Budget Sync. Notification Turn on this toggle if you want the system to tell you whether synchronization was successful.

With the toggle turned off, no feedback is provided, except in the form a log entry.
Performance Date Formatting When you bill services based on time and materials, the invoice includes a service period. This period can have the following format:

• [month]/[year]
• [month]/[day]/[year]
• [month spelled out] [day], [year]
Setup Customer Change Despite Revenue Typically, the customer of a project can be changed only if project ledger entries of type Sale have not been posted to the project yet. To be able to replace the customer even after posting revenue, you need to change the value in this field. Options are:

Changes are not possible after project ledger entries have been created in the system.

Every authorized user can replace a customer.

Only those authorized for the process in User Setup can change customers.
Qty. to Invoice vs. Invoice Entry Check Turn on this toggle if you want to ensure that the invoice quantities on sales order and invoice lines match those stored for the related invoice entries so that an invoice does not list quantities other than those on the associated proof of performance document.

A quantity check, however, is only run if the Billing Type on a line is set to Time & Materials.
No Separate Pmt. Plan Invoices Turn on this toggle if you want the system to create one instead of two direct invoices from an invoice suggestion by including invoice lines from a payment plan and lines marked for direct billing.

If the toggle is turned off, direct invoices are created separately for payment plan lines, which simplifies final invoice creation (if you are working with final invoices, that is).
Posting Date on Pmt. Plan Invoices Specify if the planning or work date should be used as the posting date when you create an invoice from a payment plan line (whether by using the action on the payment plan ribbon or an invoice suggestion).

You cannot choose the Planning Date option if the No Separate Pmt. Plan Invoices toggle is turned on, as invoices then contain suggestion lines for direct billing and payment plan lines, so the posting date is set automatically to the work date.


Field Description
Default Purchase Document Type Specify the type of document that you want to create when you run the Create Purchase Document function from a WBS.

You can change the type again on the related request page, if necessary.
Default Req. Wksh. Template Specify the template that you want to use when you run the function for creating requisition worksheets from a project budget.
Default Req. Wksh. Name Specify the worksheet that you want to use when you run the function for creating requisition worksheets from a project budget.
Type Filter to Create Purchase Orders Specify the default filter that you want to use when you run the Create Purchase Document function from a WBS.

In most cases, the default setting, Item, is sufficient.

Users can change the content of this field on the WBS at any time.
Purchase Request Workflow Code You must fill in this field if want to work with purchase requests.

The system then uses the value entered here when you create a request from a project.

For more information, see Create a Request.
Use Purch. Invoice Entries Turn on this toggle if you want the system to select the checkbox with the same name on the cards of external resources (where you can also clear the field again manually).

With the field selected, resource-related purchase documents can only be posted with the help of invoice entries.

The toggle is needed when external resources can post times to a project, as purchase receipts might then lead to duplicate postings.
Copy WBS Descr. to Purch. Line Specify if and in what way you want to copy the description of a WBS or a budget line to a purchase document when you run the Get Work Package function.

The description is automatically copied to the purchase line for which the function is run.

When you run the function, you are asked if you want to replace the default description—a text taken from, for example, the item master—with that of the related WBS or budget line.

(This is the most adaptive option, as it prevents the overwrite of line descriptions that you entered manually.)

WBS and budget line descriptions are never transferred to purchase documents.

Manufacturing and Warehouse#

Field Description
Project Purchase Incl. Inventory With the toggle turned on, an item is posted to inventory when you post its receipt. This doesn’t cover consumption, which must be posted manually at the appropriate time.

This is an extremely sensitive toggle. Please contact your Business Central partner before changing it.
Auto Assign Project Inventory Turn on this toggle if you want all item receipts linked to a budget line through order tracking or reservations (assembly and production output, receipt and purchase, and transfers) to be posted to the location and bin assigned to the line.

The relation to the line is then stored with the item ledger entry.
Post ILEs on Project Correction Turn on this toggle if you want to reclassify an item stored at a location without bins when you remove the link between the related item ledger entry and project.

With the toggle turned off, the system will only delete project-related fields from the entry.

If a location has bins, the item will be reclassified regardless.
Default Location Non-Project Inventory Specifies the target location when reclassifying items from a cancelled project.
Default Bin Code Non-Project Inventory Specifies the target bin when reclassifying items from a cancelled project.
Default Prod. Req. Wksh. Template Specifies the worksheet template that will be used when you create a production order from a budget line.

This field is only available to users who have purchased the premium edition of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1.
Default Prod. Req. Wksh. Name Specifies the worksheet name that will be used when you create a production order from a budget line.

This field is only available to users who have purchased the premium edition of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1.
Prod. Order Status for Budgets Specifies the status of a production order created from a budget line for an item with a production BOM.

This field is only available to users who have purchased the premium edition of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1.
Return Shipments to Project Inventory This feature only applies to items. When you post a return shipment to a project—that is, when you post negative consumption, credit the project, and then post the item back to inventory—the toggle determines if an item is returned to the general inventory or to the inventory specific to the project.


Field Description
Dimension Integration (Project) Specify the dimension that a value should be created for automatically when you set up a new project, with the value matching the number of the project.

To integrate the Cost Object dimension into project 1000, cost object 1000 will be created for the project.
Dimension Integration Prefix (Project) The dimension specified for integration into projects can be given a prefix in this field.

A project with the number 1000 will show a dimension value of P1000 if the prefix entered in this field is P.
Dimension Integration (Main Project) Specify the dimension that a value should be created for automatically when you set up a new main project, with the value matching the number of the main project.

To integrate the Cost Object dimension into project 1000, cost object 1000 will be created for the main project.

The dimension is then passed on to all projects assigned to the main project. Those projects, however, will not be updated should you later decide to change the dimension.
Dimension Integration Prefix (Main Project) The dimension specified for integration into main projects can be given a prefix in this field.

A main project with the number 1000 will show a dimension value of P1000 if the prefix entered in this field is P.
Main Project as Dimension Total Turn on this toggle if you want the system to add a total line to the dimension entered in the Dimension Integration (Main Project) field.

The Totaling field on the line then lists the numbers of all projects linked to the main project. With this feature, you can easily analyze, for example, the cost objects assigned to a main project.

Like most other setup toggles, this toggle does not apply retroactively. This means that total lines will be created only after the toggle is turned on and another project is linked to the main project.
Use WBS Line Dim. as Default With the toggle turned on, the WBS line dimensions used in project planning are copied to (sales, purchase, and project) documents and to (time, project, and G/L) journals when you assign a unique identifier to a WBS line. This way, you can copy manual dimensions from planning to ledger entries.

Leave this toggle turned off if you want dimensions entered automatically based on the project number, the relevant work package, and other data, such as the number of a resource or an item.
Use Budget Line Dim. as Default Works in the same way as the previous toggle, the difference being that the system will copy manually created dimensions from budget lines instead of WBS lines.
Update Project Dimensions from Resource Turn on this toggle if you want the system to transfer to a project the dimensions stored for the relevant project manager resource.

These dimensions are then copied to the project when you fill in the Person Responsible field on the project card.
Project Type Dimension Code Specify the dimension that a value should be created for automatically when you set up a project type, with the value matching the code of the type.

Team Roles#

Here you can specify up to 10 team roles that you want to show on the project list or project cards. This way, you can see immediately who works on which project in what area or capacity (for example, as the architect or as someone in billing or cost control).


The roles you specify need to be marked as Unique to Project (because roles that aren’t make it impossible for the system to choose the name of a team member).

Contact Roles#

Used to specify the roles that will be assigned to project contacts. If set up, a role is then filled in on the project card after the contact associated with the customer is.

Field Description
Bill-to Project Customer Contact Role Specifies the organization contact assigned to the bill-to customer on a project.
Bill-to Project Contact Role Specifies a contact person if one is assigned to the bill-to customer on a project.
Sell-to Document Contact Role Specifies the contact assigned to the sell-to customer on a project sales document (see Project No. field on the header).
Bill-to Document Contact Role Specifies the contact assigned to the bill-to customer on a project sales document (see Project No. field on the header).
Buy-from Document Contact Role Specifies the contact assigned to the buy-from vendor on a project purchase document (see the Project No. field on the header).
Pay-to Document Contact Role Specifies the contact assigned to the pay-to vendor on a project purchase document (see the Project No. field on the header).


For more information about the fields on this FastTab, see Project Measurement.


Used to set up indicators that change color based on project performance.

Field Description
Budget Indicator Green Specifies up to which consumption level the light in the Budget field will be green. At higher consumption levels, the light will turn yellow.
Budget Indicator Yellow Specifies up to which consumption level the light in the Budget field will be yellow. At higher consumption levels, the light will turn red.
Profit Indicator Green Specifies the margin up to which the light in the Budget field will be green. At lower margins, the light will turn yellow.
Profit Indicator Yellow Specifies the margin up to which the light in the Budget field will be yellow. At lower margins, the light will turn red.
Disable Budget & Profit Indicator Calculation in Project List Description to follow.

Time Tracking#

Here you can set up your preferred method for recording time in the system. Many companies pick one method for all employees to use.

Nevertheless, we recommend that you leave the project time journals turned on even if you opt for CTC time tracking or time sheets. The journal is still the easiest way for you to post corrections to time entries.

Field Description
Time Comments on Customer Doc. With the toggle turned on, the Print on Customer Doc. checkbox is selected automatically for each comment created in time tracking.

Comments marked in this way are later printed on proof of service statements that need to be sent to customers when billing by time and materials.

You can clear the checkbox again manually if you want to exclude certain comments from those statements.
Use Project Time Journal Turn on this toggle to add project time journals to the role center page (recommended).
Check by Time Manager With the toggle turned on, resource hours must be approved by a time manager (not the project lead). A time manager needs to be specified for each resource individually.

For more information, see Project Journals.
Team Filter on Time Posting Turning on this toggle limits the available resources in time tracking to members of the project team.

The Check Team at Time Posting toggle must also be turned on for the relevant project.
Strict Team Filter This toggle expands on the preceding field. If turned on, it prevents users who are not authorized to post to a certain project from doing so even if they fill in the No. field manually.

Projects that the Check Team at Time Posting toggle is turned off for are commonly considered shared projects. They do not require you to set up a team and can be posted to by all resources.
Auto Fill Unique Hit from Project Search With the toggle turned on, a project is entered in a time journal or on a CTC card by the system when it is the only project found with the help of the Project Search feature.
With the toggle turned off, you need to select the project manually.
General Time Recording Resource Specifies a dummy resource for budget lines and budget line activities that are not tied to a certain resource or group.

As a special resource, it is included automatically on all time tracking pages at budget line level so that every user can post to it.
Use CTC Time Tracking Turn on this toggle to add CTC time tracking to the role center page.
CTC Posting As Specify how CTC card entries should be posted to projects.

Time Entry
Project leads must first post and release the card entries before project ledger entries can be created.

Ledger Entry
Only project ledger entries are posted. Note: Without time entries, some resource-related analyses will no longer be available.

Time and Ledger Entries
Both entries are posted at the same time. This means that project leads no longer need to retrieve and release time entries from CTC cards, although the entries might still prove useful when analyzing project performance, for example.
CTC Time Tracking Incl. Start/End Times With the toggle turned on, you need to specify a start and an end time instead of filling in the Qty. field on a CTC line.
Check Break Total in CTC With the toggle turned on, the amount of time that is specified in the Break (Hours) field at the top of a CTC card must be distributed across the lines by filling in the fields with the same name there.
Deactivate Break Minimum Turn on this toggle if want the system to skip the check for minimum breaks.
New Invoice Qty. in Time Tracking Typically, the Invoice Qty. field is filled in from the Quantity field. A different invoice quantity can only be entered if services are billed based on time and materials and this toggle is turned on.

Additionally, when time is posted to budget lines, the line you want to change the quantity on must be billable in full.

In other words, the Billable checkbox needs to be selected on the line and the Invoice Qty. % field cannot be filled in with a value other than 100.

If the time cannot be invoiced in full, the amount that you can bill will depend on the specified line activity.
Confirm Invoice Qty. Variance Turn on this toggle if you want a user who runs time entry checks to have to approve any variance between the quantity (=the amount of work performed) and the invoice quantity on project journal lines before the lines can be posted.

This option is relevant only if you set up journal lines by running the Create Project Time Entries function.

On WBS lines that are set to No Billing, the two quantities always differ (the Invoice Qty. being 0). As a result, these lines are released automatically.
Job Time Correction Template Specifies from which template for project time book sheets a book sheet is to be selected for the temporary execution of ZDE line reversals.
Job Time Correction Batch
Use Time Sheets Turn on this toggle to add time sheets to the role center page.
Time Sheet Mgt. Approval Turn on this toggle if you want an employee's time sheet released—that is, checked by a resource manager—before a batch job can be used to post time or project ledger entries from the time sheet.
Time Sheet Posting As Specify how time sheet entries should be posted to projects.

Time Entry
Project leads must first post and release the sheet entries before project ledger entries can be created.

Ledger Entry
Only project ledger entries are posted. Note: Without time entries, some resource-related analyses will no longer be available.

Time and Ledger Entries
Both entries are posted at the same time. This means that project leads no longer need to retrieve and release entries from time sheets, although the entries might still prove useful when analyzing project performance, for example.
Auto Archive Time Sheets Older Than Enter a formula to specify when you want the system to archive time sheets. For example, -1Y means the system will archive all time sheets older than a year.

The actual process is performed by the Move Timesheets to Archive batch job in the task queue.
Post Neg. Time Sheet Qty. as Correction With the toggle turned on, an attempt is made to post a reversal entry when you enter a negative quantity in a time sheet.

More specifically, the system will search for a reversal entry that matches the number, WBS line, budget line activity, date, and quantity of the project for which the time sheet was created.

Alternatively, you can cancel quantities through the time journal.

CTC Calendar Colors#

Stores colors and styles that are used in CTC time tracking to visualize the progress of time capture on different calendar days.

Specify posting groups#

Before you can include a project in your financial reports, you need to specify posting groups and accounts for it.

General Posting Setup#

You record WIP and recognize revenues from a project by posting consumption and sales to different G/L accounts in Finance. To set up two of these accounts:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter General Posting Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. Fill in the fields shown in the following table.
Field Description
Project Sales Adjmt. Account (Sales) In the context of the Post Project Work In Process to G/L batch job, the balancing (P&L) account to the WIP Sales (balance sheet) account.

You post to this account income from services rendered but not yet billed during an accounting period.
Project Costs Adjmt. Account (Consumption) In the context of the Post Project Work In Process to G/L batch job, the balancing (P&L) account to the WIP Costs (balance sheet) account.

You post to this account items that were consumed during an accounting period but haven’t been posted as expenses (through a purchase invoice).

Of course, both accounts are also used when you recognize revenues and expenses by running the Post Project Recognition to G/L function.

Project posting groups#

The project posting groups contain other accounts through which you can post project-related WIP and recognition amounts to Finance. To add accounts to these groups:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter project365 Project Posting Groups, and then choose the related link.
  2. Fill in the fields shown in the following table.
Field Description
WIP Costs Account (Consumption) Stores the costs of unfinished projects.
WIP Sales Account (Sales) The account to which unit prices are credited when you Post Work in Process to G/L and debited when you Post Project Recognition to G/L.

When you record WIP, the Project Sales Adjmt. Account from General Posting Setup is used as the balancing account to this account.

For revenue recognition, that role is assumed by the Project Sales Account.
Project Costs Account (Consumption) An income account to which unit costs are debited when you run the Post Project Recognition to G/L batch job.
Project Sales Account (Sales) A P&L account to which unit prices are credited when you run the Post Project Recognition to G/L batch job.
G/L Expense Account Used when posting to project-related G/L accounts. Amounts are credited to the account when project usage is copied to sales lines.
WIP Profit Account Stores prorated profits according to the percentage of completion (POC) method as defined by IAS.
WIP Profit Applied Account Contra account to the WIP Profit Account.

For more information, see Project Measurement.

Set up project types#

You can use project types as filters on projects, for example, during measurement. The types are also crucial to setting up project accounts and cost-only (that is, internal) projects, where services aren’t billed to customers.

To create a type:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Project Types, and then choose the related link.
  2. Specify default settings as necessary, including for posting levels, internal projects, and fixed time periods.

To specify additional default values, you need to create a project template, which you can then link to a project type.

Use project templates#

By using project templates, you can have multiple fields filled in automatically during project creation.

You will want to set up at least one template for each kind of project you might work on. The template provides basic information that will be entered on every new project you create from it.

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Project Templates, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose New.
  3. Fill in the fields as described in the following table.


Field Description
Code Specify a code for the template.
Description 2
Specify the description that will be copied to new project cards.
Language Code Specify the code of the language that should be used by default. If you do not, the system will retrieve the code from the relevant customer card. The code determines, for example, the language in which text appears on new sales documents and on items entered for a project.
No. Series Select the number series that will be used to create projects from the template.
Formula Sales
Project Acc.
Enter a formula for dates.

For example, entering +1M specifies that revenue estimates will be recorded for cost control purposes one month after expected consumption of an item or a resource.
Start on Active WBS Turn on this toggle if any new project created from the template should start on an active WBS.

Because active structures do not need to be released, you can start posting to the project right away.
Project Type Choose the type that you want to assign to new projects by default (see Project Types).
Status Specify the status that projects created from the template will start in.
Dimension Integration Specify the default dimension that should be created and assigned to new projects automatically.
Dimension Integration Prefix Specify a prefix to distinguish the dimension integration value entered in the preceding field from the number used for a new project.

For example, choosing IT as the prefix will create cost object IT2365 for project 2365.
ICP Ships to Customer Address Specify if the shipping address of a project created from the template should be copied as the delivery site to the service company selected for IC transfers.

With the toggle turned off, services rendered will be delivered to the business billing them—in other words, to the customer address that is entered in the company to which the project is transferred.
WBS Line Batch to Auto Insert If needed, specify another template that WBS lines should be copied from automatically and inserted at the start or end of a WBS created based on the current template.

This way, general-purpose cost lines only need to be set up once for them to be entered by the system on all other templates where they are required.

The line batch is then added when creating a WBS in the usual way, by using the relevant project ribbon function, or when doing so from a sales document. In the latter case, this feature is useful if the cost lines were not transferred to the document but must be included on the WBS.
WBS Line Batch Position Specify the position of the line batch, which can be put before or after the WBS lines copied from the current template.

The remaining fields are described in other help articles (see Create a Project).


The fields on this FastTab are described in other help articles (see Create a Project).

Project Billings#

The fields on this FastTab are described in other help articles see (see Create a Project).


On this FastTab, you can set up a WBS that you want to copy to new projects so that you can specify structural elements such as begin- and end-totals early on. You can store one WBS per template.

As for the Expand Budget Lines field, you can use it to specify that when you run the Create Lines from Project Template function to set up document lines in sales and one of the Copy to Sales Doc. Field on the relevant template is set to WBS Line, the system should also copy the budget lines from the template to the new structure.

For more information on how to set up a WBS, see Work Breakdown Structure.

Project budgets#

You can also create budget lines for work packages entered on a template WBS. But unlike actual projects, templates don’t include a pricing function. This means that a work package line entered in a template isn’t updated when you create budget lines for it.

To set up budget lines:

  1. Open a project template.
  2. Go to the Lines FastTab and select a WBS line.
  3. On the ribbon, choose Line > Project Budget Lines.

For more information about the fields found on budget lines, see Budget Lines.

If you are using the activation module Rolling Planning (Distribution), you will find the descriptions of the associated fields in the section Project templates - Lines.


If you are using the activation module "Rolling planning (distribution)", this info tab is visible. Further information on the fields can be found in the section Project templates - Distribution info tab.

Predecessors / Successors#

You can link a WBS or a budget line to both preceding and following lines in a template. These relations are later retained when you create work breakdown structures from the template.

See also Line Dependencies.


Copy Template#

Copies the template WBS, dimensions, extended texts, measurement methods, and other data from an existing to a new template. This function can only be used, however, if you haven’t yet created a WBS for the new template.

Assign Position Nos.#

Adds a position number to every line of the work breakdown structure.

Renumber Lines#

All WBS lines are automatically given internal numbers in 10 000 increments so that you can insert more lines between them. For example, the first line you add between 10 000 and 20 000 will be assigned internal number 15 000.

Done too often in one place, however, the line numbers will eventually go outside the integer range, and insertion will no longer be an option. To create the space required for inserting more lines, you can use this action to reassign the numbers throughout the work breakdown structure.

Create Template from Project#

You can use this action, found on the ribbons of project cards and the project list, to copy a project and its work breakdown structure to a new project template.

When you run the function, a dialog page shows the project number and the active WBS version that are copied by default. You can, however, choose another version if necessary.

You can then enter a unique template code on the page. The system will check whether this code already exists and will show an error message if it does. You can also use multiple toggles here to specify the project-related data that you want transferred.

The Copy Project Data option tells the system to transfer the contents of all fields that are—or can be made—visible on project cards.

Specify project accounts#

Consumption and sales that you post to projects are shown on a chart of project accounts. This chart provides you with both cost estimates and analytical tools for monitoring project progress and performance. The accounts available on the chart are specified in Project Accounts Setup.


When you start using the project365 industry solution but have yet to decide on the structure of your chart, turn on the No Project Accounts toggle in Projects Setup. This will avoid an error message because of non-existent or incomplete project accounts when you budget and post to projects.

After you created the accounts, and set up the related matrix, you can use a batch job to add ledger entries and budget lines that already exist. For more information, please contact your Business Central partner.

Chart of project accounts#

The account chart is used for cost control and provides you with a detailed view of all project-related revenue and expense accounts. None of them are related to the chart in Finance. To set up the chart:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Chart of Project Accounts, and then choose the related link.
  2. Enter a number and name for the account.
  3. In the Account Type field, select one of the options shown in the following table.
Option Description
Posting Specifies an account to which you can post.
Heading Specifies a line of text for structuring a chart.
Total Specifies a sum derived from totaling project account fields.
Begin-Total Specifies from where to start totaling account lines. Calculation extends from the Begin-Total to the End-Total field.
End-Total Specifies the point up to which account lines should be totaled. Calculation starts in the Begin-Total field. The overall sum is shown in the Total field.
  1. On the ribbon, select Actions > Indent Chart of Accounts.
  2. You are then asked to confirm that you want to indent the chart. Choose Yes.


Allows you to add information not included in the Project Account card fields. To enter a comment, select a line, and choose Related > Account > Comments on the ribbon. Each comment can have a maximum of 80 characters.

Project Accounts Setup#

This page looks almost exactly like a posting matrix in Finance. Here you can assign revenue and expense accounts to general product posting groups. You can then use these accounts to budget and post project usage and sales.

You can specify what accounts are selected for posting with the help of project types or work packages, or both. A project ledger (or budget) entry is then assigned to an account according to its entry type (Sale or Usage). The following fields stored with all entries are later used to find an account:

  • Gen. Prod. Posting Group
    Shows the general product posting group of a posted resource or a posted item.
  • Project Type
    Shows the type selected for a posted project.
  • Work Package Code
    Shows the code from a posted WBS line.

Project operations#

Project work is typically broken down into different sections called work packages. These packages are then assigned to stages of a project by using phase, task, and step codes.

Work packages#

Work packages (packages of services or material) are among the most important components of any work breakdown structure. You can assign budget values to a work package, post to the package, or use it in cost control.

You can also split a work package into subtasks, known as budget line activities in project365.

Each time you enter a package on a WBS, the system copies the same basic data for fields with the same name from the Work Package table. In most cases, you can then change their contents again if necessary.

For more information about work packages, see WBS Lines. The following table will describe only those work package fields that you cannot find on the WBS.

Field Description
Billing Base Specifies the base for billing a project. This base is used if the work package, that is, the WBS line, is copied to a sales document, such as a quote or an order (with resource being the most common choice here).
Blocked The work package code can no longer be used on WBS lines. The block, however, doesn’t affect lines that already contain the code.
Billing No. Depending on the selected billing base, this field shows the number of a resource, an item, or a G/L account that you want to use on sales lines.

Often, a special billing resource and not a person is entered here.
Info BOM Total Cost (LCY) If a bill of materials has been specified for the work package, this field shows the total unit cost value of that BOM.
Info BOM Total Price (LCY) If a bill of materials has been specified for the work package, this field shows the total unit price value of that BOM.
Last BOM Recalculation Shows when the work package BOM was last recalculated.
Use in Resource Planning Specifies if the work package is available in resource planning. With the toggle turned off, the package contains only material costs.
Budget Type Resource With the checkbox selected, you can budget the work package on a WBS that includes resources.
Budget Type Item With the checkbox selected, you can budget the work package on a WBS that includes items.
Budget Type G/L Account With the checkbox selected, you can budget the work package on a WBS that includes G/L accounts.
Budget Allowed This checkbox needs to be selected if you want to assign budget lines to a WBS line created from the work package.


Code Description Working type code Unit code Type for billing Billing no. Billing type
AP007 Training DL HOUR Resource BILL0001 Time & Materials
AP008 Support (T&M) DL HOUR Resource BILL0001 Time & Materials
AP009 Introduction DL HOUR Resource BILL0001 Time & Materials
AP010 Services DL HOUR Resource BILL0001 Time & Materials

Work package texts#

Work packages can include additional text. To add text:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Work Packages, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select a work package. On the ribbon, choose Edit.
  3. This opens a page where you can edit the package. On the ribbon, choose Extended Texts.

When you enter a work package with extended texts on a WBS, the texts are copied alongside other data to the relevant line. When you later create sales documents, such as quotes and orders, from the WBS, the texts are copied to these new documents as well. By selecting one of the Print checkboxes on extended text lines, you can specify on which kind of document you want to print the text that you entered.

Alternative sales texts#

When you enter a work package on a WBS, the Description and Description 2 fields stored with the package are copied alongside other data to the relevant WBS line, where they can be changed again manually if necessary.

Both fields are also copied to sales lines when you create sales documents. If you, however, want documents to show another description than the one used in-house, you can specify an alternative sales text for the package.

To specify an alternative description:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Work Packages, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select a work package. On the ribbon, choose Edit.
  3. This opens a page where you can edit the package. On the ribbon, choose Alternative Sales Texts.

All packages offer a default setting for alternative descriptions and support various language codes for texts relevant to sales. These are then copied to the Description in Sales and Description in Sales 2 fields on WBS lines depending on what language is used for the project.

Work package BOM#

For each work package on the Work Packages page, you can specify a simple bill of materials that can be used as the default BOM for detailed planning. This BOM is later copied to the budget lines that you set up for lines containing the package.

Work package info#

You can track the consumption of work packages across projects and document types in the purchasing, sales, and projects areas with the help of a FactBox. This FactBox indicates how often a package has been retrieved so that you can, for example, identify and delete unused packages. To see the FactBox:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Work Packages, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select a work package. On the ribbon, choose Edit.
  3. This opens a page where you can edit the package. On the ribbon, choose Related > Work Package > Info.

Phases, tasks, and steps#

Project activities can be divided into phases, tasks, and steps. Additional levels can be set up for work packages on the WBS.

Phases and tasks specify inter-project structures. Steps group all activities specified for a certain project.

Project budget names#

You can define several budget names and manage, side by side, several budgets for a project. However, only one of these budgets can be active at any given time. To set up a budget:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Project Budget Names, and then choose the related link.
  2. Choose New to create a name for the budget.
  3. Fill in the fields as necessary.

You can also select a default name here and block certain budgets across projects.

Journal templates#

Project journal templates#

Every project manager must be assigned a separate project journal. It is enough to use a project journal template named PROJECT for this.

From the template, you can then create journals for employees who will post to projects. Creating one journal per project manager and per person responsible for project-related HR matters should be sufficient. For more information, see Project Time Journals.

To specify journals for users:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Project Journal Templates, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose New to create a template. After filling in the fields, use the Batches action on the ribbon to assign users.

You are then directed to the journal assigned to you when you open the Project Journals page. A user for whom no journal has been created will see an error message.

Project time journals#

Employees are assigned to project time journals in the same way as to project journals. The difference is that instead of a user ID, resource numbers are used for the assignment process. These numbers are also added to journal lines when times are recorded.

Project measurement journals#

These journals are set up like journals in Finance, which also means that you cannot assign employees or users to them. Creating a template is sufficient here.

Invoice suggestions#

These are best created per person to bill. You cannot assign employees or users to suggestions. You need to use the Search icon and go to the Invoice Suggestion page manually the first time you want to create a suggestion.

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