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Project controlling#

In this section, the possibilities of project controlling are presented. It will be discussed how project results with multi-level contribution margin accounting can be presented in the Projects module with the help of the project chart of accounts. In addition, the project information that can be called up immediately is presented.

Project controlling is basically based on budgeted and actual values. The realization should correspond to the planned values. In order to be able to manage the project properly and promptly, a comprehensive evaluation of the planned values and the actual values incurred, related to the stored time periods, is immensely important. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 offers this evaluation.

The project items show the actual values that are charged to the project from daily work. These are usually goods or time postings. The plan values are defined via the project tasks and its project plan lines. This enables a target/actual comparison of certain cost types. On the basis of this project chart of accounts, evaluation schemas can be formed, with which, combined with correspondingly generated column layouts, specific information can be formed from the values. The procedure corresponds to the account evaluation in the financial accounting area.

Data basis and structure#

The creation of the project account framework is fundamental for project controlling via Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1. This contains the most important areas (cost types and revenue types) that are important for the company for the evaluation of projects. The level of detail of the accounts can be freely selected. Thus, a very compact or also a very elaborate project chart of accounts can be the basis.

Based on this, the project items or plan values are formed. These items are combined using a project account scheme.

Project chart of accounts and project account setup#

All project entries can be posted to project accounts via the project account setup, similar to the G/L items in financial accounting. This enables evaluation possibilities to an undreamt-of extent.

The project account and the project chart of accounts have already been explained in the section "Project setup", so only the project account setup will be discussed in detail here.

Project account determination is based on the combination of product posting group, project type and activity type. Each combination is assigned a consumption and sales account from the project chart of accounts.

The information is used to determine the respective project account as follows:

Field Description
Product posting group From the consumed or invoiced item, resource, G/L account. The product posting group is the only mandatory field in the matrix.
Project type From the project
Service type From the addressed project task to which the consumption or revenue was posted or planned.

With the above information can be e.g.

  • the resource expenditure for project management on research projects with internal resources
  • the cost of small materials for assembly on site
  • the travel times of external employees on major projects
    can be determined.

Depending on what is to be evaluated later, the project chart of accounts and especially the matrix must be set up accordingly.

Project items = actual values#

With each posting where a project is addressed, the system creates a project item. Project items form the basis for project settlements (expense items) and reflect the revenues of these settlements (revenue items). Project valuation is also built on the project item.

For project controlling, the project item provides all ACTUAL information from consumption and from sales.

As soon as a project booking is made, a project account is assigned to the resulting project items via the matrix mentioned above. In this way, actual consumption and actual sales can be used directly for project controlling.

Down payment plan / payment schedule#

Both options behave the same. The only difference is the data source. While the payment plan is a general payment plan for projects, the down payment plan is a part of the down payment accounting module.

Project account schemeta#

As soon as project plan lines and bookings are formed, projects can be evaluated. How and according to which criteria these projects are evaluated on the basis of this data is mapped in the project account schemes. The thinking and procedure of these project account schemes corresponds completely to the procedure in financial accounting with the account schemes on the basis of the G/L accounts and G/L items there.

To set up the project account schemes, call up the "Project account schemes" via the user search.

Several structures can be defined via the project account schemes, which can be used to throw different views on the project results. E.g. internal projects should be evaluated differently than customer projects. The project account scheme defines the structure of the rows. In the following the setup fields are explained in more detail:

Field Description
Code Specifies a meaningful abbreviation of the project account scheme.
Description Specifies a description of the project account scheme.
Standard column layout In the field "Standard column layout" you can define the criteria for the evaluation in the column view. The column layout stored there is always used as a basis when calling up a project account scheme. However, it is possible to assign a different column layout at any time.

Project account schemes lines#

A report structure is set up in the project account scheme itself, in which the corresponding project accounts are assigned to the individual lines. Totals lines or formulas can also be entered.

The important fields are:

Field Description
Heading no. A logical line numbering is to be stored in the field "Rubric no.".
Description In the "Description" you have to enter which area you want to display in this line.
Counting type In the "Totals type" field, specify whether an account total, a grand total or a formula should be stored.

When specifying the account total, the values of one or more accounts are displayed.

If the Totals selection is activated, totals lines from the project chart of accounts can be taken into account.

If the Formula type is selected, a formula can be defined within the project accounts scheme.
Counting up In the "Totals" field, according to the previously defined type, project accounts, totals rows or calculation formulas can be specified.
Line type This field can be used to define whether the line is a main line or an auxiliary line.
Hide row This field can be used to control whether the line should be shown/hidden.
Line color By means of the selection it can be indicated whether the line is to be printed "black" or "blue".
Boldface The check mark can be used to specify whether the line should be printed in bold.

Project account schemes column layout#

When you call the "Set up column layouts" function, the Column layout project page is opened. Among other things, the column layout TARGET - ACTUAL is stored in the database.

Field Description
Column no. In the "Column no. " an identification of the line is to be indicated.
Column heading In the field "Column header" you have to enter the name of the column as it should appear in the printout.
Column type In the "Column type" it is possible to specify what will be done in the column:

Calculations are performed between the columns.

Pure transaction data is displayed.
Item type In the field "Item type" the respective item type (depending on the field "Column type=Movement) must be specified.
Archive source Depending on the "Item type" field, the archive source must be specified if necessary.
Document type The type of document is defined in the Document type field. This field depends on the item type. E.g. Item type=Purchase line can be defined as document type "Offer".
Amount type The "Amount type" field specifies what type it is, e.g. "Cost amount".
Assignment type filter In this field, a filter can further narrow down this line.
Comparison date formula In the "Comparison date formula" field, you can define which comparison period is to be displayed. The entry is made in relation to the time period specified in the date filter in the report requests. Entries can be made with the known time specifications (T, TW, W, M, Q, J).
Formula In the "Formula" field, the formula can be entered if the column type is the Formula selection.
Rounding factor In the "Rounding factor" field, you can specify whether and if so how to round. This allows large values to be displayed clearly.
View The "Display" field can be used to define whether the column

• always,
• never,
• if positive
• If negative

is displayed.
Red color The display is in red color.
Green color The display is in green color.

Project account schemes matrix#

You can call it up via the menu item "Matrix". It shows you the values resulting from the defined rows of the account scheme and the columns of the column layout.

  1. Microsoft, Microsoft Dynamics, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.