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Project accounting#

The sales document forms the commercial basis vis-à-vis the customer. From the project tasks, the sales calculation can be transferred into a quotation and / or order.

General behavior#

Project type#

In the project type, you can set up an order type for the creation of sales documents, if required. This will be used when creating the documents.


When creating documents, it should be noted that this is only possible from the project tasks / project plan lines if the project has the required status:

  1. Quotation can be created only with project status "Quotation" as well as "Order".
  2. Order as well as complaint can be created only with project status "Order
  3. An offer can only be converted into an order if the project status is "Order".
  4. Only project plan lines with the Billing item "Yes" flag (line type "Budget and Billing" as well as "Billing") can be transferred to a sales document.

Document quantity#

The documents can be created from the project plan lines as well as from the project tasks. The system uses the field "Quantity to be transferred to invoice" to determine the quantity of documents (offer, order, invoice, credit note and complaint).

Address data#

The sales header takes over the address data from the project header. This means the sales to information of the project is transferred to the sales to information of the offer or order the same with the invoice to data. The delivery address is derived from the sales to address.

Position numbering#

The item numbering in the sales documents depends on the creation of the plan lines as well as on the task breakdown.

Task planning#

If you have used the task planning, the position number is filled with the planning project task.

Use of the project outline#

The position numbering is based on the project task. The from line has the project task as item no., the plan line supplemented by the extension of the next level of the project outline.

Consecutive numbering#

If there is no project structure, the item number is determined on the basis of the project task no. '.' and the consecutive number. If the maximum length of 20 characters is exceeded, the project task will be shortened so that the sequential number can be added up to the maximum value of 99. When the consecutive number reaches 100, an error message appears.

Order type#

The order type represents whether the order is the initial order or a follow-up order. If, when creating a new sales document, it is determined that a document already exists, the system switches the order type to follow-up order.

Updating the vouchers#

The project is the leading bracket in plant engineering and thus allows updating sales documents from within the project.

An update from the sales documents and thus an indirect change of the project plan by the order department is not possible. However, a maintenance of order specific data such as the assignment of the article tracking is allowed.

The project plan is updated by posting results, which are made by the system in the background.

Posting result depending on the line type#

Please note that only lines with the line type "Billable" and "Budget and Billable" will be included in the sales document.

Billable lines do not create any items in case of deliveries, in case of billing they create a project item with the item type "Sales".

Budgetable and billable lines also generate project items with the item type "Consumption" for deliveries.

Function support#

Below you will find the functional support for VK documents generated from a plant engineering project in tabular form:

Function call via Function Support
Manage rows Attribute search Disabled
Lines Article availability according to Event Active
Lines Article availability according to Period Active
Lines Article availability according to Variant Active
Lines Article availability according to Storage location Active
Lines Article availability according to BOM level Active
Rows\Line\Related information Reservation item Reference to project plan line
Rows\Line\Related information Item tracking lines Reference to project plan line
Rows\Line\Related information Select replacement item Disabled
Rows\Line\Related information Dimensions Reference to project plan line
Rows\Line\Related information Comments Active
Rows\Line\Related information Article Allocation of additions/deductions Disabled
Rows\Line\Related information Delivery date commitments Reference to project plan line
Lines\Row\Linked information\Order assembly Program production lines Disabled
Lines\Row\Linked information\Order assembly Calculate multilevel price Disabled
Lines\Row\Linked information\Order assembly Calculate multilevel costs Disabled
Rows\Line\Related information Document line tracking Active
Line\Line Calculation tracking lines Disabled
Rows\Line\Related information Incoming orders Active
Lines\Row\Linked information\Document texts Pretext Active
Lines\Row\Linked information\Document texts Post text Active
ROW FEATURES Get price Disabled
ROW FEATURES Retrieve line discount Disabled
ROW FEATURES Unfold parts list Disabled
ROW FEATURES Insert text modules Active
ROW FEATURES Reserve Reference to project plan line
ROW FEATURES Demand creator Reference to project plan line
ROW FEATURES Select catalog item Disabled
ROW FEATURES Calculate manufacturing cost estimate Disabled
Line order direct delivery Order Disabled
Line order special order Order Disabled

Offer for sale#

You can create a sales quotation directly from the project via the project plan lines. The function calls can be found on the one hand on the project map via the "Tasks" info tab and on the other hand via the project plan lines.

If the document creation is triggered from the project plan line, the system tries to transfer all selected project plan lines to the sales quotation.

When creating from the project tasks, all the billable lines of the tasks are transferred to the sales document.

If you want to create a sales quotation for all lines, the "Tasks" info tab can be used to call up the quotation. By means of the row selection you can control which task rows are to be considered.


Please note that only project tasks of line type="Budget and Billable" or "Billable" can be transferred in a UK document

Sales documents are created at the project customers. For this purpose, the information stored in the project is used. Thus, sales to customer, invoice to customer, the delivery address and the payment terms of the project are used to create the sales documents.

After commissioning, the sales quotation can be converted into an order in the system as usual using the "Create order" function.

Sell order#

If the customer has already ordered the project, you can also create a sales order directly from the project via the project plan lines. The function calls can be found on the one hand on the project map via the "Tasks" info tab and on the other hand via the project plan lines.

If you want to create the sales order over all lines, the call via the "Tasks" info tab is suitable at this point. By means of the row selection you can control which task rows are to be considered.

Sales documents are created at the project customers. For this purpose, the information stored in the project is used. Thus, sales to customer, invoice to customer, the delivery address and the payment terms of the project are used to create the sales documents.

The order processing corresponds to the standard order processing.


Maintain the quantity to be delivered in the "Quantity to be delivered" field. In case of an activated item tracking please maintain the concerned serial no. or batch no. via the item tracking. Item tracking maintenance from the order is the same as item tracking maintenance from the project plan lines.


Maintain the quantity to be invoiced in the "Quantity to invoice" field. Please note that if item tracking is enabled, no item tracking can be specified for the billing case.

Dimension expansion#

For easy evaluation of the projects, the creation as well as assignment of dimensions has been optimized.

Dimension specification by the activity type#

Dimension specifications can be assigned to the activity type, so that when the activity type is selected in the project task, the dimension is assigned to the task.

Project type#

In the project setup you can define that for reporting purposes a dimension Project type is maintained and assigned to the system in parallel to Project type.

Project Chart of Accounts#

For effective project controlling, all project movements can be assigned and evaluated via a separate chart of accounts.

Down payment accounting#

Within financial accounting, KUMAVISION's "Down Payment Accounting" module enables the simple planning, creation and management of down payment invoices. The add-on module is fully integrated into the standard processes of accounts receivable and accounts payable, such as dunning and payment transactions, and can likewise be used for plant engineering in KUMAVISION factory365.


Please note that the "Down payment accounting" module is an add-on module that requires additional licensing. If you do not have this license integrated in your solution, the following functionality from this section will not be available to you.

The following adjustments were made for this purpose:

Down payment plan#

The following fields have been added to the down payment plan in KUMAVISION factory365:

Field Description
Project task no. Contains the project task number you assigned.
Maintenance is possible only for projects.
Milestone Define herewith that when completing a milestone, the defined down payment invoice is generated by the system in the background. The FiBu department then only has to post and send this.

You can access the down payment plan for projects as well as project tasks via Down payment plan in the project card.

By maintaining the project task, you specify that you want to set the down payment schedule at the project task level.


Please note that if you select a project task defined as a milestone, the system will also activate the milestone billing functionality (the Milestone field defined with a check mark). A combination of the source types Project as well as Project task is not allowed.

Down payment plan by milestone#

If you have assigned a milestone for invoice creation in the down payment plan, the down payment invoice is created when the status of the milestone changes to completed.

For more information, see "Down payment accounting".