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Financial Management#

The following features expand standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 functionality to provide additional options to those working in your organization’s finance department.

G/L Account Card#

On a G/L account card, you can specify in the Project Entry Type field whether a certain value should be treated as usage or revenue when it is posted to this account through a project.

Typically, the field can remain blank, as the choice which values are posted to accounts is made by the sales or purchase document you post them from.

You can, however, use the field to change this setting for certain accounts. For example, on a purchase document, you can then post G/L account line values as revenues (entry type Sale) and on a sales document, as expenses (entry type Usage).

A posting made to a project-related general journal will always be considered usage—unless this field is used to turn the entry into revenue (entry type Sale).


Check the preview before posting to ensure that the correct project ledger entries are created.

Non-deductible VAT#

For general information about the feature, see Set Up Non-Deductible VAT - Business Central. This article only describes the additional pages, functions, and fields available for it in KUMAVISION project365.

VAT Setup#

You can now also use dimensions to calculate percentages of non-deductible VAT.

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter VAT Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. Fill in the fields as described in the following table.
Field Option
Non-Deductible VAT Type (blank)
Indicates that this field hasn’t been filled in yet. To proceed, you must select one of the following options.

Corresponds to standard functionality, which means the system posts lines by using the non-deductible VAT percentage that has been specified for them on the VAT Posting Setup page.

Determines a non-deductible percentage based on dimensions and dimension values (and, potentially, a time frame, as will be explained later).
Non-Deductible VAT Check Show Notification
Shows a message if the current combination of VAT business and product posting groups entered on a line allows for a non-deductible percentage based on dimensions, but none can be found.

You can still post the line, however.

Show Error
Displays an error message during posting.
Non-Deductible VAT Date Posting Date
Posting dates will be used to calculate non-deductible VAT.

Document Date
Document dates will be used to determine the percentage.


The fields in this table are only visible if the Non-Deductible VAT toggle has been turned on.

Non-Deductible VAT Dimensions#

Can be opened by choosing Actions > Non-Deductible VAT Dimensions on the ribbon.

If you selected the Dimension option in the Non-Deductible VAT Type field on the VAT Setup page, the non-deductible VAT typically specified in VAT Posting Setup is stored with dimensions and dimension values instead. In that case, you specify on this page the dimensions that you want the system to consider for calculating a percentage, as well as the order of priority in which they should be searched for.

You then need to specify for each dimension value from which date a percentage will be valid for them by choosing Dimension > Dimension Values on the ribbon and filling in the fields as necessary.

Non-deductible VAT is only used for lines on which you stored a business and posting group combination that allows the use of non-deductible input VAT via the Allow Non-Deductible VAT field in VAT Posting Setup (see the standard help for more details).


If you selected Dimension as the non-deductible VAT type, you cannot enter a percentage in the Non-Deductible VAT % field in VAT Posting Setup, as the percentage from the dimension values should be used instead.

Project deferrals#

For general information about the feature, see Defer Revenues and Expenses.

The following section only explains the additional pages, functions, and fields available for it in KUMAVISION project365.

Projects Setup#

The standard app doesn’t include a function to defer project ledger entries; they’re posted in sales and purchasing as if no deferral took place, that is, one entry is created per posting date. To change that:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Projects Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the General FastTab, turn on the Use Deferral toggle so that you can defer amounts on project ledger entries in the same way as project revenue and usage.

Fixed asset integration#

This section describes the integration of project management into fixed asset accounting. For general information about the functionality, see Manage Fixed Assets (contains video) - Business Central | Microsoft Learn.


A FastTab named Project Integration has been added to the Fixed Asset Setup page, containing a toggle called FA Project Integration. Only if this toggle is turned on are you able to use the features described in the following. If it isn’t, nothing is posted to a project when you post a fixed asset transaction.

Turning on the toggle then unhides the other fields on the tab. You can choose in the Depr. Book (Projects) field the depreciation book for which FA ledger entries will be posted to projects. For each posting type—from acquisition cost to custom1 and custom2—you can also choose the work package that specific FA values should be posted to automatically.

Fixed asset card#

To link a fixed asset to a project, open a fixed asset card and fill in the Project No. field. This way, posting a fixed asset transaction also posts the FA value to the specified project.

Post an FA ledger entry#

When you post a ledger entry for a fixed asset linked to a project, a project ledger entry is created. This entry is posted to a WBS line containing a work package of the same FA posting type as the package specified in Fixed Asset Setup. If none is found on the current WBS, an error message appears.

However, the system must not create project ledger entries for asset purchases or sales at this point, that is, for fixed asset ledger entries where the posting type is set to Acquisition Cost, Proceeds on Disposal, Salvage Value, or Book Value on Disposal, or where the posting category is Disposal or Bal. Disposal.

The exception are internal projects, identified as such on the Project Type page. Their FA transactions must be set up manually, which creates project ledger entries. But these don’t include amounts used to, for example, measure the financial value of a project. They’re stored in the Fixed Asset Total Cost (LCY) field instead.

To create project ledger entries, project journal lines are set up and posted. What kind of project ledger entry is created during this process depends on the posting type specified for the fixed asset. If that type is Gain/Loss, Proceeds on Disposal, Salvage Value, or Book Value on Disposal, Sale is selected as the ledger entry type; else, the Consumption option is used.

All project ledger entries are of type G/L Account, with the correct account being chosen based on the fixed asset group that you specified for the relevant FA ledger entry type. The value of a project ledger entry corresponds to the FA value that is posted for a project but with the sign reversed. The entry also contains the dimensions of both the project and the fixed asset it’s related to.

Financial reports#

Financial reports set up for internal projects might include fixed asset-related consumption even if the specified FA type doesn’t allow costs to be stored for them in the usual way.

For this purpose, you can select the Include Fixed Asset Total Costs checkbox in the column definition if you choose Project Ledger Entry as the entry type. With the field selected, the report column will include not only the total costs of the relevant project ledger entries but also those of the fixed asset based on the Fixed Asset Total Cost (LCY) field value stored with the entries.

Integration Cashflow#

The project payment plan can be integrated into the cash flow worksheet by activating the "Project Payment Plans" source in the "Suggest Worksheet Lines" function. The planning date and amount from the payment plan rows are transferred to the cash flow rows. The project number is entered as the document number, the source type is project payment plan, the source number is the number of the payment plan line. The planning dimensions are also transferred.

G/L registers#

The G/L Registers page has been extended to include the fields From and To Project Ledger Entry No. and functions that you can run to show their values.

Both fields are only filled in for postings that originate from a general journal assigned to a project. They remain blank when ledger entries are created for the project from a sales, purchase, or other document, as these entries must be posted with the help of the project journal.


  • When you post to a general ledger account from a document line, a project ledger entry is posted at the same time as the line values.
  • When you post an accrual from a document, this (and only this) value is posted through a general journal at the same time as a project ledger entry.

Deferrals in purchasing#

Among other things, the use of deferral codes on purchases lines has an impact on the ledger entries created for a project. The following example shows how a deferral affects these entries.

You buy items for a project at a quantity greater than 1 and a unit cost of EUR 60.00 per item. The total costs need to be distributed over three months, with the WBS line invoiced based on time and materials.

Scenario 1
The field Purch. Deferral Line Amt. Type is set to Source Entry. This way, only the original expense entry contains an amount and is included on the invoice.

Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Invoice Qty. Unit Price Line Amount Billable
Source entry 01/01/2025 70 60 4.200 70 80 5.600 Selected
Deferral posting 01/01/2025 -1 4.200 - 4.200 0 80 0 Not Selected
01/01/2025 1 1.400 1.400 0 80 0 Not Selected
01/02/2025 1 1.400 1.400 0 80 0 Not Selected
01/03/2025 1 1.400 1.400 0 80 0 Not Selected

Scenario 2

The field Purch. Deferral – Sales Amt. is set to Distributed so that the original expense entry isn’t billed but the entries containing part of the total are.

Whereas source entries can be allocated to items, resources, or G/L accounts, deferrals are always posted to a G/L account with a quantity of (-)1.

Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Invoice Qty. Unit Price Line Amount Billable
Source entry 01/01/2025 70 60 4.200 70 80 5.600 Not Selected
Deferral posting 01/01/2025 -1 4.200 - 4.200 -1 5.600 - 5.600 Not Selected
01/01/2025 1 1.400 1.400 1 1.866 1.866 Selected
01/02/2025 1 1.400 1.400 1 1.866 1.866 Selected
01/03/2025 1 1.400 1.400 1 1.868 1.868 Selected

  1. Microsoft, Microsoft Dynamics, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.