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Equipment Tracking#

With Equipment Tracking, you can link the serial numbers of components used on a production order to the numbers specified for the manufactured goods. As a result, you can no longer set an order to Finished until all components that were consumed in the manufacture of each item are entered on its serial number card.


You need a separate license before you can use this feature.


Item card#

Item Tracking#

On this FastTab, you must enter an item tracking code of type Serial No. so that you can trace an item on an order throughout its production lifecycle. On the associated Item Tracking Code Card, you also need to turn on the SN Info Must Exist (under Inbound and Outbound) and Create SN Info. on Posting toggles.


On this FastTab, you must turn on the Track Prod. Order Serial Nos. toggle.


Before you can reset (that is, turn off) this toggle, you need to delete all serial numbers that have already been assigned in production.


You’ve completed production planning and released an order to make 5 packages of electronics. Each package requires multiple components.

As you’ve also posted consumption for all components needed for the order, you can now link the serial numbers of the components to those of the items you’re making.

You can assign tracking numbers in multiple ways.

Option 1

  • Open a released production order.
  • Select a line, and then choose Line > SN Tracking on the FastTab ribbon.


This option requires that a tracking code be set up for the production item, for example, via a corresponding number series.

Option 2

  • If you’re used to specifying tracking data manually or entering custom serial numbers, you can instead choose Line > Item Tracking Lines (CTRL+Shift+I) on the FastTab ribbon to open the Item Tracking Lines page.
  • After filling in the lines, you then need to choose Component Tracking on the ribbon so that you can link the components that were used during production of the item to the item itself.

Option 3

  • You can also use the Lookup button next to the Quantity field of a production order line to open the Item Tracking Lines page.
  • As with Option 2, you must then fill in the tracking lines and choose Actions > Functions > Component Tracking to link the tracking information available for consumed components to the item that is being manufactured.

Assign entries on production orders#

To assign consumption entries to item tracking lines on a production order:

  1. Open a released production order.
  2. Select an item, and then choose Line > SN Tracking on the FastTab ribbon.
  3. On the Equipment Tracking Lines FastTab, select the line that you want to assign entries to, and then choose Assign to Prod. Order Consump. on the ribbon.
  4. On the page that opens, choose one or more lines that specify components consumed during production of the item.
  5. Choose OK to see the line information copied to the Production Order Links FastTab. The related items and quantities are then removed from the Prod. Order Consump. Entries FastTab shown underneath.


Consumption entries that should have been assigned to more than one item in production can still be reassigned on the SN Tracking page (see Adjust Quantities).

Adjust quantities#

On the SN Tracking page, you can modify any quantity that was allocated in full to components of one item as actual consumption but should have referenced other items as well.

To recalculate consumption entries, edit the Quantity field on the Production Order Links FastTab, and then run the Update action (F5). However, the quantity that you want to change to cannot exceed the quantity remaining on the entries. Else, you’ll receive an error message.

One time assignment#

You can only assign item tracking lines to components once. After the information has been assigned, it’s no longer displayed in the form of consumption entries and therefore cannot be assigned to any other item in production.

If the item quantity on a production order is no more than 1, you can run the Auto Assign Consump. Entries function to assign tracking lines to consumption entries automatically, as it is clear from the context for which item the consumption was posted.

Assign to item tracking lines#

  1. On the Production Order Links FastTab on the SN Tracking page, select the tracking lines of the components consumed when producing a certain item.
  2. On the FastTab ribbon, choose Assign to Item Tracking Line.
  3. Select the line that you want the consumed components to be linked to, and then choose OK.

This copies the line values to the Production Order Links FastTab on the SN Tracking page. At the same time, the components and their quantities will be deleted from the Prod. Order Consump. Entries FastTab there.


You can adjust component quantities even before you link their serial numbers to an item. If consumption entries should have been assigned to more than one production item, you can also reassign them on the SN Tracking page later (see Adjust Quantities).

Adjust quantities#

If the components used to manufacture an item must be linked to more than one item tracking number, you can change their quantity even before you link tracking lines to the item in production.

  1. Go to the Production Order Links FastTab and adjust the component quantity in the Quantity field.
  2. On the ribbon, choose Assign to Item Tracking Line.
  3. Select the line that you want the consumed components to be linked to, and then choose OK.

This copies the line values specified for the adjusted entries to the Production Order Links FastTab on the SN Tracking page. At the same time, it removes them from the Prod. Order Consump. Entries FastTab there.

To ensure the correct assignment of consumed components, you also need to run the Update function by pressing F5. If you enter a component quantity greater than the quantity remaining on the entries, you’ll receive an error message.

On the ribbon of the SN Tracking page, you can additionally reset or delete links to lines or components.

Deletes all links between the production order and equipment tracking lines so that all consumption entries are available again for reassignment.

Delete selected#

Only deletes the links between the production order and the selected tracking lines. All components that assignments have been deleted for are then available again on the Prod. Order Consump. Entries FastTab.

Production output#

Even after all production order output has been reported, you can create and change the links to consumption entries before setting the order to Finished.

Assignment by output#

Links to item tracking lines remain available even after output has been reported for a production item and its components so that you can still delete, add, or change consumption entries at this time.

Order status Finished#

With the Track Equipment on Prod. Order toggle turned on for the production item on its card, the status of production orders where the item is being used can only be set to Finished if all consumption entries posted to the order have been assigned to item tracking lines. Otherwise, you’ll see an error message.


Equipment entries#

This action, found on the ribbon of both the Serial No. Information List and Serial No. Information Cards, shows the component tracking information assigned to items for which you set the status of the associated production order to Finished.

Item tracing#

By selecting Usage -> Origin in the Trace Method field on the Item Tracing page, you can trace the component serial numbers that were included as part of the serial number specified for the completed item on a certain production order.

The Origin -> Usage trace method, on the other hand, shows you all entries that were posted after output was reported for the order.