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For general information about this area, see Service Management. This article only describes the additional pages, functions, and fields available for it in project365.

Service items#

Assign a project for item shipments#

You can fill in the Shipment Project No. field on a service item card to indicate the project that was used to ship the service item to a customer.


This field is for informational purposes only and doesn’t have an impact on other service functionality.

Assign a service project to an item#

You can also assign to a service item a service project and a work package from a WBS line of the project. When you enter the item on a service line, postings that you made to service contracts and orders are then copied to this project and WBS.

Service contracts#

Assign a service project to a contract#

When you add a service item to a contract line, the associated service project, as well as the related work package from a WBS line of the project, are copied to the contract header automatically.


A contract should include only service items that originate with the same project. You’ll see a message if you fill in an item used on another service project.

Assign a project to a service invoice#

When you bill a contract, the service project and work package assigned to it are copied to the invoice header and invoice lines automatically while all revenue from billing is posted to the project.

Service orders#

Assign a service project to an order#

When you enter a service item on an order line, the associated service project, as well as the related work package from a WBS line of the project, are copied to the service header and lines automatically.


All service items specified for an order must originate with the same project. You’ll see an error message if you enter an item used on another service project.

Assign a project on service lines#

When you create a service line, the associated service project and work package are copied from the related service order automatically. The system then posts, besides service ledger entries, the time and materials consumed (and later, if applicable, the revenue generated) to the project via project ledger entries.

Track times#

You can record time spent on service orders both in a project time journal and on CTC lines (the fields for either might need to be unhidden first, however).

To select a service line, use the Assist button that you see next to the Service Document No. field there; the Service Line No. field, on the other hand, is filled in automatically. The project number and work package (=WBS line) are also filled in by the system with what you specified on the assigned service contract line.

When you post time spent on a project, a project time entry is posted as well. This entry provides both data on the project and a reference to the relevant service contract line.

Prevent project journal posting#

Time entries with a reference to a service contract line can be excluded when you run the Get Project Time Entries action to prevent them from being copied to a project journal.

To do this, enter the “ “ filter in the Service Document No. field on the request page for the report. The feature is then used only on entries that the field isn’t filled in for.


The filter remains even after you exit the page so that it is already set for when you run the function the next time.

Copy time entries to service lines#

You can run the Get Project Time Entries action from the ribbon of a service item worksheet or the service line list to copy time entries that haven’t been copied yet to newly created service lines, on which other fields such as Resource No., Description, and Quantity are filled in as well.

Posting the service lines then posts not only service ledger but also project ledger entries and the time entries are marked as Copied to (the) Project.


The time entries can also be transferred to the project journal and posted to the project itself. In this case, however, the above filter must not be set so that the time entries aren’t copied to the service order but to the project instead.