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Sales Order Status#


The Sales Order Status app provides a simple, visual representation of the individual status messages related to your customer orders at line level:

  • Availability Status
  • Whse. Shipment Status
  • Pick Status
  • Shpt. Status
  • Inv. Status

Multiple filters can be set for each view. The existing traffic lights can be replaced with icons of your choice.

Benefits of the Sales Order Status app:

  • Visual representation for maximum transparency
  • Quicker response in case of bottlenecks in warehouses or logistics
  • Timely invoicing when shipments have been posted
  • High level of customer satisfaction as information on item availability can be provided quickly
  • Short-term provision of information to management


Sales Order Status | KUMAVISION App from KUMAVISION on Vimeo.

Get KUMAVISION Sales Order Status from Microsoft AppSource

Sales Order Status Setup#

After successful installation of the app, some setup steps are required. To do so, open Sales Order Status Setup via the Tell Me function.

The Sales Order Status Setup card opens. The following options are available:

Item Availability FastTab#

Field Description
Incl. Planning Suggestions in Avail. Calc. Specifies whether to include planning suggestions in item availability calculations.
Incl. Blanket Orders in Avail. Calc. Specifies whether to include blanket orders in item availability calculations.
Calculate status when opening sales order status Specifies whether the status should be calculated automatically when opening the Sales Order Statuses page.


The Incl. Blanket Orders in Avail. Calc. and Incl. Planning Suggestions in Avail. Calc. fields will only affect the availability calculation for the availability signal lights. These fields have no effect on calculations in the standard, e.g. on Item Availability by Event.

Signal Lights FastTab#

During the installation of the app, icons for the red, yellow, and green signal lights and a blank (transparent) icon are automatically stored in the setup. If you prefer to use your own icons, click on an icon, click inside the frame, select the image file, and click Open.


To avoid performance problems when loading the sales order list (refreshing the page may take very long), it is recommended to use small size image files for the signal light icons.

Sales Order Status#

Sales Orders#

After successful installation of the app, the list of sales orders features the following additional signal light fields:

Field Description
Availability Status Specifies whether the required items are completely available (green), partly available (yellow), or not available at all (red).
Whse. Shipment Status Specifies whether item lines are included completely (green), partly (yellow), or not at all (red) in warehouse shipments.
Pick Status Specifies whether item lines are included completely (green), partly (yellow), or not at all (red) in warehouse picks or inventory picks.
Shpt. Status Specifies whether items have been shipped completely (green), partly (yellow), or not at all (red).
Inv. Status Specifies whether items have been invoiced completely (green), partly (yellow), or not at all (red).


The signal lights display isn't calculated automatically. Thus, the fields listed are blank when you open the Sales Orders page for the first time.

Calculate the order status#

To calculate the sales order status, first select the sales orders for which you want the sales order status to be calculated.

Then, click Actions > Function > Update Sales Orders Statuses from the ribbon. The system calculates the sales order statuses of the selected sales orders.

Filter by order status#

To filter your sales orders by sales order status, e.g., to display all sales orders for which all items are available, but have not been shipped yet, you can use the Sales Order Statuses card.

To open it, click Related > Order > Sales Order Statuses from the ribbon.

The Sales Order Statuses card opens. On the General FastTab, the following filter options are available for the Availability Status, Whse. Shipment Status, Pick Status, Shpt. Status, and Inv. Status categories:

  • No Status
  • Red: No Item Available
  • Yellow: Some Items Available
  • Green: All Items Available
  • Show All

In addition, the following actions can be selected from the ribbon:

  • Update Sales Orders Statuses
    The system calculates the sales order statuses of the selected sales orders.
  • Update All Sales Orders Statuses
    The system calculates the sales order statuses of all sales orders.
  • Show Document
    Use this option to display the document that contains the selected sales order line.
  • Sales Order Lines Status
    Use this option to display the sales order line statuses of the selected sales order line.
  • Invt. Pick Lines
    Use this option to display the inventory pick lines related to the selected sales order line.
  • Whse. Shipment Lines
    Use this option to display the warehouse shipment lines related to the selected sales order line.

Sales Order Lines Status#

To display a detailed status list for a sales order line, open the Sales Order Line Status card. This is especially useful for sales order lines that have a Yellow status.

You can open the Sales Order Lines Status page from the Sales Orders list by selecting Related > Order > Sales Order Lines Status from the ribbon or via the ribbon of the Sales Order Statuses card.

On the Sales Order Lines Status card, the following functions are available from the ribbon:

  • Calc. Sales Order Lines Statuses
    Use this function for recalculation of the sales order lines status.
  • Pick Lines
    Use this option to display the pick lines.
  • Whse. Shipment Lines
    Use this option to display the warehouse shipment lines.

Calculation logic#

The following sections describe the rules used to calculate the status signal lights for a single sales order line.

The overall status signal light for the sales order is displayed as follows:

  • If the sales order does not include any lines, the status signal light is blank.
  • If the status signal lights of all lines are blank, the overall status signal light of the sales order is also blank.
  • If the status signal light of at least one line is yellow, the overall status signal light of the sales order is also yellow.
  • If there are lines with red and green status signal lights, the overall status signal light of the sales order is yellow.
  • If the status signal light of all lines is blank or green, the overall status signal light of the sales order is green.
  • If the status signal light of all lines is blank or red, the overall status signal light of the sales order is red.

Availability status#

The availability signal light of the sales order line is blank if

  • Type is not Item,
  • No. is blank,
  • Quantity (Base) is negative or zero, or
  • the line refers to a drop shipment

If Outstanding Quantity is zero, the status signal light is green.

Otherwise, the availability calculation works the same way as for Item Availability by Event:

  • If the forecast inventory before the event in the sales order line is negative or zero, the status signal light is red.
  • If the forecast inventory before the event in the sales order line is greater than zero, and greater than or zero after the event, the status signal light is green.
  • Otherwise (before: positive, afterwards: negative), the status signal light is yellow.

If an assembly order refers to the sales order line, the availability calculation by event will be performed for each assembly order line with Type = Item and Remaining Qty. (Base) > 0. The status signal light of the sales order line reflects the worst status of the assembly order lines:

  • If no assembly order line with Type = Item and Remaining Qty. (Base) > 0 exists, the status signal light of the sales order line is green.
  • If one or more of these assembly order lines have a red signal light, the status signal light of the sales order line is red.
  • The status signal light for the sales order line is yellow if one or more assembly order lines have a yellow status light, otherwise it is green.

Another difference of availability calculation for assembly order lines is that the consumed quantity is taken into account: If the forecast inventory before the event is negative or zero, the assembly order line is yellow, provided that the Consumed Quantity (Base) is > 0.

Warehouse shipment status#

The warehouse shipment status signal light of the sales order line is blank if:

  • Quantity (Base) is negative or zero, or
  • no warehouse shipment is required.

The status signal light is green if Outstanding Quantity is zero. The status signal light is green if a related warehouse shipment line exists; otherwise, it is red.

The function described below determines whether a warehouse shipment is required. In the Sales Order Status app, a warehouse shipment is required if

  • Type = Item,
  • No. is not blank,
  • Location Code is not blank, and
  • Require Shipment has been set for the location.  

Pick status#

The pick status signal light of the sales order line is blank if
• Quantity (Base) is negative or zero, or
• No pick is required.

The status signal light is green if Outstanding Quantity is zero.

In addition, the status signal light is green if a shipment is required and the total of Qty. Picked and Qty. Shipped of the associated warehouse shipment line equals the Outstanding Quantity (Base) of the sales order.

The status signal light is green if a pick line or registered pick line exits; otherwise, it is red.

The function described below determines whether a pick is required. In the Sales Order Status app, a pick is required if

  • Type = Item,
  • No. is not blank,
  • Location Code is not blank, and
  • Require Pick has been set for the location.

Shipment status#

The shipment status signal light of the sales order line is blank if Quantity (Base) is zero.

The status signal light is green if Outstanding Quantity is zero.

The status signal light is red if Quantity Shipped is zero.

Otherwise, the status signal light is yellow.

Invoice status#

The invoice status signal light of the sales order line is blank if Quantity (Base) is zero.

The status signal light is green if Quantity (Base) = Quantity Invoiced.

The status signal light is red if Quantity Invoiced is zero.

Otherwise, the status signal light is yellow.

What happens after the free trial has expired?#

What happens after the free trial? from KUMAVISION on Vimeo.