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Sanction Check#


Thanks to a whole host of fully automatic processes integrated into Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, the Sanction Check app helps avert situations where you might run the risk of getting into business with sanctioned individuals or organizations around the world.

With the new functionality, you can make sure that your vendors, customers, and employees comply with all applicable export control legislation, multiple trade restriction lists issued by the United States, and the EU’s anti-terrorism regulations (EC 881/2002 and 2580/2001).

What you get:

  • Highly efficient checks against export restrictions
  • A log that meets all regulatory requirements
  • Manual review of address and personal information and periodic review of base data
  • Automatic checks when creating sales or purchase documents
  • Blocked contacts listed during transactions
  • No hidden costs—pay only for the checks you need


ComplianceCheck Setup from KUMAVISION on Vimeo.

Get KUMAVISION Sanction Check from Microsoft AppSource



After installation of the Sanction Check app, the setup wizard opens.

Alternatively, you can run the wizard by selecting Assisted Setup > Sanction Check or enter the required information directly in Sanction Check Setup.

Sanction Check Setup#

General FastTab#

Field Description
Validity Period Specify, in days, until when the results of sanction checks are valid. Afterward, the checks must be rerun with the help of the job queue.
Save Request and Return Data Specify if, besides the results, all incoming and outgoing data streams related to the checks should be saved.

If this toggle is turned on, requests to and responses by the web service are stored in the app and can be viewed on the Sanction Check Entities page.
Max. Message Size Specify, in bits, the message size limit for search requests.

This value should only be changed if a corresponding error message is returned by the web service.
Use Own Contract Our partner company ecovium is in charge of keeping the sanctions database up to date.

We, on the other hand, provide you with prepay packages for a quick and easy start to checking for sanctions. Typically, checks are billed based on a pay-per-use model, the details of which were negotiated between ecovium and KUMAVISION AG.

If your company entered into a separate agreement with ecovium, turn on this toggle and enter the account information for the agreement.

You can also specify allowlists and blocklists here and run other ease-of-use functions.

Switching from pay-per-use packages to annual contract-based billing might lead to additional costs.

S-Check FastTab#

The S-Check FastTab and the information provided on it are only available in on-premises environments.

Field Description
S-CHECK Endpoint Address Shows the web service endpoint. The default address is:

S-CHECK User Name Specify the username for login to the web service.
S-CHECK Password Specify the password for login to the web service.
S-CHECK Company Specify the S-CHECK company for connecting to the web service.
S-CHECK Search Profile Name Specify the search profile name for the web service.

Sales FastTab#

On this FastTab, you can select the document transactions and addresses that sanction checks should be run on in sales.

Purchasing FastTab#

Here you can select the document transactions and addresses that sanction checks should be run on in purchasing.

Result Bitmaps FastTab#

On this FastTab, you can specify the icons that should be used to indicate the results of sanction checks. Options are:

  • None
    No check has been run.
  • Undecided
    The check results aren’t clear.
  • OK
    No sanctions seem to be in place.
  • Blocked
    Sanctions have been found.

Ribbon functions#

Batch Check of Entities#

Checks if sanctions have been placed on a business contact or employee within the specified filters.

Excluded from the check are contacts and employees with a check result that is still valid or for whom the Skip Sanction Check toggle is turned on.

Force Batch Check of Entities#

Rechecks if sanctions have been placed on a customer or vendor within the specified filters.

This function can be used to check business contacts that the Skip Sanction Check toggle is turned on for or contacts whose last check is still valid.

Job Queue Entries#

These entries specify—based on Report 70112170 (Sanction Check Batch)—when checks should be repeated.


Adding a sanction check entry to the job queue means that the check is going to be run regularly (that is, when it hasn’t been run yet and whenever its result is no longer valid), with each check needing to be paid for.


Indicates the response to changes in check results.

A template named ‘Block customer or vendor due to sanction check result,’ to block customers or vendors entered on sanctions lists, is already available for this purpose.

Use sanction checks#

Customer check#

To check for sanctions placed on a customer, open the relevant customer card, and then choose the Force Sanction Check Update action in the Sanction Check FactBox.

If sanctions are found, the customer is blocked. Otherwise, the system returns a result of OK or Undecided.

You can use the lookup on the Result field to open the Sanction Check Entities page, where you find more information about the result.

Vendor check#

To check for sanctions placed on a vendor, open the relevant vendor card, and then choose the Force Sanction Check Update action in the Sanction Check FactBox.

If sanctions are found, the vendor is blocked. Otherwise, the system returns a result of OK or Undecided.

You can use the lookup on the Result field to open the Sanction Check Entities page, where you find more information about the result.

Contact check#

To check for sanctions placed on a contact, open the relevant contact card, and then choose the Force Sanction Check Update action in the Sanction Check FactBox.

If sanctions are found, the contact is blocked. Otherwise, the system returns a result of OK or Undecided.

You can use the lookup on the Result field to open the Sanction Check Entities page, where you find more information about the result.

Employee check#

To check for sanctions placed on an employee, open the relevant employee card, and then choose the Force Sanction Check Update action in the Sanction Check FactBox.

If sanctions are found, the employee is blocked. Otherwise, the system returns a result of OK or Undecided.

You can use the lookup on the Result field to open the Sanction Check Entities page, where you find more information about the result.

Automatic checks before document transactions#

In Sanction Check Setup, you can specify the documents and addresses that should be checked prior to making transactions.

Automatic check of customer or vendor#

A check specified for a document and address in Sanction Check Setup is run automatically when you initiate the corresponding transaction (such as the release of a sales order).

Checks are only run if they haven’t been or if their results are no longer valid.

If an entry on a sanctions list is found during a check, the relevant document function is blocked.

Entity sanction checks#

This list shows all the checks that have been run so far, including their results and associated details. You can specify in Sanction Check Setup whether the list should also store all incoming and outgoing XML files related to the checks.

Sanctions check lists#

  • Australian Consolidated List [aus-csl]
  • CH – SECO Sanctions List [ch-seco]
  • Consolidated Canadian Autonomous Sanctions List [can-ccasl]
  • EU – Common Foreign & Security Policy [eu-cfsp]
  • EU – Ukraine-/Russia-Related Sanctions [eu-ruua]
  • Iran Watch – Iranian Entities [iw-sus]
  • Iran Watch – Suppliers [iw-sup]
  • JP – METI End User List [jp-meti]
  • List of Foreign Financial Institutions Subject to Correspondent Account or Payable-Through Account Sanctions (CAPTA List)
  • List of Foreign Financial Institutions Subject to Part 561 [us part561]
  • Military End User (MEU) List
  • Non-SDN Chinese Military-Industrial Complex Companies List (NS-CMIC List)
  • Non-SDN Menu-Based Sanctions List (NS-MBS List)
  • Palestinian Legislative Council List [ns-plc]
  • UK – Consolidated List of Financial Sanctions Targets [hm-list1]
  • UN – Al-Qaida Sanctions List [un-aqsl]
  • UN – Consolidated Sanctions List [un-csl]
  • US – Denied Persons List [dpl]
  • US – Entity List [el]
  • US – Foreign Sanctions Evaders List [fse]
  • US – List of Persons Identified as Blocked Solely Pursuant to Executive Order 13599 [13599-list]
  • US – Nonproliferation Sanctions List [isn]
  • US – Sectoral Sanctions Identifications List [ssil]
  • US – Specially Designated Nationals List [sdn]
  • US – Statutorily Debarred Parties List [dtc]
  • US – Unverified List [uvl]

Buy additional requests#

If you want to buy additional requests, open the KUMAVISION Module Setup page, and then choose Actions > Buy App Packages on the ribbon.


Can I rerun a sanction check after editing a business contact despite the result of the current check still being valid?

Yes. You can use the Update Sanction Check action in the Sanction Check FactBox for this.

How can I deactivate a check, for example, because the result from it turned out to be a false positive?

Set the Skip Sanction Check toggle on the relevant customer or vendor card (on the Shipping or Receiving FastTab). This skips the check so that you can edit the record.

Note: Make sure that the result of the check really is a false positive.

Does the batch job run checks on all business contacts?

No. The batch job excludes contacts who have already been reviewed unless their last check is no longer valid. Use the Validity Date field in Sanction Check Setup to specify when checks should be rerun.

Where do I find information about all the sanction checks run in the app?

The Sanction Check Entities page lists every check available, whatever its result. If specified in setup, the page also stores all incoming and outgoing data streams related to the checks.

How can I open a link shown in the Entity Line Comment FactBox on the Sanction Check Entity page?

You need to right-click the link, and then choose Open Link in New Tab.

Can I delete the result of a check?

No. This is because you need to be able to trace the checks that have been run. You can find all their results (and more) on the Sanction Check Entities page.

What happens after the free trial has expired?#

What happens after the free trial? from KUMAVISION on Vimeo.

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