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The following features expand standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 functionality to provide additional options to those working in your organization’s service department.


Role center#

A role center called medtec365 Service has been added to the standard service area, providing you with an overview of ongoing tasks and an easy way to select and open pages relevant to your work.

You can find the role under the My Settings page.

Work with tiles#

The medtec365 Service role center contains multiple cue tiles, each filtered to one or more of the repair statuses specified on service item lines. You can therefore use the tiles alone to finish most tasks in the service area.

The statuses can be changed in Service Management Setup.

Service Orders – Open

Cue Description
New Service Shows all orders that were created manually or based on receipts at the warehouse but have yet to be processed.

This includes every order where the repair status is set to New Order, Sales Return Posted, or Receipt Checked.
To Inspect Shows all orders that must still be assessed (repair status To Inspect).
Inspected Shows all orders that have already been assessed (the repair status is set to Inspected).
Customer-Held Items Shows all item ledger entries.

Service Activities – Technicians

Cue Description
To Inspect Shows all orders that still need to be assessed (repair status To Inspect).
Service Released Shows all orders on which items must still be repaired (the repair status is set to Scheduled, Service Released, or Service Started).

Service Orders – Estimates

Cue Description
To Estimate Shows all orders that cost estimates are required for but have not been created yet (repair status To Estimate).
Estimated Shows all orders that cost estimates have been created or sent for (the repair status is set to Estimated or Estimate Sent).
Estimate Rejected Shows all orders where customers did not accept estimates (the repair status is set to Estimate Rejected).
Estimate Accepted / Not Reqd. Shows all orders that cost estimates have been accepted for or where you do not need to create estimates in the first place (the repair status is set to Estimate Accepted or Estimate Not Reqd.).

Service Orders – In Process

Cue Description
Service at Vendor Shows every order where the Current Place field is set to At Vendor (that is, for which a purchase return order has been posted).
Service Released Shows all orders on which items must still be repaired (the repair status is set to Scheduled, Service Released, or Service Started).
Service OK Shows all orders that repairs have been successfully carried out for (the repair status is set to Service OK).
Service Not OK Shows all orders that repairs could not be carried out for (the repair status is set to Service Not OK).
Delivered Shows all orders where something has been or needs to be sent to the customer (the repair status is set to Sent to Customer or Confirmed by Cust.).

Service Orders – Custom

The four tiles in this section can be customized in Service Management Setup to suit your needs.

Service Management Setup#


Field Description
Order Type – Repairs Specify the order type that will be automatically entered on a service order when you run the New Case function on a customer, marketing cockpit, or serial number information card and classify the order as a repair case.
Order Type – Maintenance Specify the order type that will be automatically entered on a service order when you run the New Case function on a customer, marketing cockpit, or serial number information card and classify the order as a maintenance case.
Order Type – Receipt Specify the order type that will automatically be entered on a service order when you post a service receipt.
Archive Orders Specify whether service orders should be archived.
Archive Service Quotes Specify when you want service quotes archived. Options are Never, Question, and Always.


Field Description
Location Code (Service)
Bin Code (Service)
Specify the location and bin that will automatically be filled in on the header of a service order that you create.

Both fields are also filled in by the system on receipt headers when they are created.
Loan Location Code
Loan Bin Code
Specify the location and bin that will be automatically filled in when you enter a loaner on a service order.
Substitution Location Code
Substitution Bin Code
Specify the location and bin that will be automatically entered on a service order when you ship a substitution item from the order.
Service Consump. Location Code
Service Consump. Bin Code
Specify the location and bin that will be automatically filled in when you enter items of activity type Service Consumption on the service lines.
Customer Location Code Specify the location that will be automatically filled in as you transfer items to a customer, with the name of the bin matching the customer number.
Vendor Location Code Specify the location that will be automatically filled in as you transfer items to a vendor, with the name of the bin matching the vendor number.
Discount Reason Specify the reason for a discount granted during repairs, such as a discount on spare parts.
Logistics Discount Reason Specify the reason for a discount granted for logistics-related activities. Examples are returns in sales and purchasing.
Transaction Code TPP Select a transaction code for items posted in connection with repairs.

To prevent the posting of costs, we recommend that you treat most items that are specified in the service area as third-party property.
Transaction Code CA Select a transaction code for items added to service lines.

In service management, sales and consumption are usually posted as current assets. As a result, the system considers both to belong to this asset category if the field is left blank.
Current Place Specify what option should be selected by default in the field with the same name on new service orders. Options are:

• (blank)
• Onsite
• Inhouse
• At Vendor

The setting that you make here is automatically copied to all service item lines that you create (although you can change the option there manually, if necessary).
Place of Servicing Specify what option should be selected by default in the field with the same name on new service orders. Options are:

• Onsite
• Inhouse
• At Vendor

The setting that you make here is automatically copied to all service headers and item lines that you create (although you can change the option there manually, if necessary).

The value in this field is also changed by the system when you post certain documents, such as purchase return shipments.
Destination Doc. Type Specify the document type that will be used when you enter an item or a resource manually on service quote or order lines.

If this field is left blank, the type is retrieved from the standard service code that is assigned to the selected BOM. For more information, see Destination Doc. Type on Service Quotes and Orders.
Claim Call Type If a complaint is created from a service order, the stored call type is automatically stored in the field of the same name in the complaint.
Complaint Call Type If a complaint is created from a service order, the stored call type is automatically stored in the field of the same name in the complaint.


On this FastTab, you can specify the actions that will be added to the Lines FastTab ribbon above service item lines and service lines.

Field Description
Activity Grp. – Repair BOM Store the activities used for spare parts supply.
Activity Grp. – Service Store the activities used for repairs.
Activity Grp. – Estimate Store the activities used for estimating costs.
Activity Grp. – Sales Return Store the activities used to process return receipts.
Activity Grp. – Sales Shpt. Store the activities used to process sales shipments.
Activity Grp. – Purch. Return Store the activities used to process return shipments.
Activity Grp. – Scrapping Store the activities used for handling scrap.
Operation Group Claim Complaint Deposit of the activity group for the complaint and claim.


Field Description
Scrap Location Code
Scrap Bin Code
Specify the location and bin that will be used for two-stage disposal.

This involves transferring the item to a special scrap location and then manually posting the removal of the item from this location.
Scrap Serial No. Status If needed, specify the status that will be entered on the relevant Serial No. Information Card when you post an item as scrapped.
Scrap Source Code If needed, specify the source code that will be entered on the relevant Serial No. Information Card when you post an item as scrapped.

Cue Filter#

Here you can remove or add the repair status filters set on each cue tile on the role center.

Free to Use#

On this FastTab, you can customize four tiles that you can then filter for their repair status.

Service order types#

You can use service order types to categorize orders by the type of service provided and store different settings for each. To set up a type:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Service Order Types, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose New.
  3. Fill in the fields as described in the following table.
Field Description
Code Specify a code for the order type. The code must be unique.
Description Specify a description for the type.
Sales Order Type Pricing Specify the related sales order type if you agreed on a different pricing structure for a certain type of service.
Default Specify the default order type that will be used when you create a service order manually.

Only one service order type can be selected as the default type.
Service Order Type Here you can assign a classification to the order type. Options are:

• (blank)
• Repairs
• Maintenance

This classification is automatically entered in the Case Category fields on service case documents that you create.

You can also choose Actions > Service Activity Templ. Setup on the ribbon to specify for each order type one or more service item group codes that should be linked to an activity template code.

The template codes are then stored on the relevant item lines, whereas the activities from the template are added to the Service Activity Groups FactBox.

When you choose New Case on the ribbon of a customer, marketing cockpit, or serial number information card, the system copies the service order type entered in Service Management Setup to the new document provided the case was set up for repairs or maintenance purposes (see Service Management Setup – General).

However, if no default value is specified, the Service Order Type field remains empty on the service order.

When you create an order for inbound services, the order type is also retrieved from Service Management Setup (again, provided the type is specified there). When you create an order from a complaint registered in sales, the system fills in the type that was selected as the default type.

When a service order is created in the maintenance cockpit, the order type is copied from the associated service contract.

Order types and payment terms#

You can assign payment terms to a service order type, to replace those stored in the customer master. To assign terms to a type:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Service Order Types, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose New. Alternatively, choose Edit List to edit a type that already exists.
  3. Fill in the Payment Terms Code field.

When you create a service order, it is initially filled in with service order type Default. The system then checks if payment terms are available for the order type. If so, the terms are used. If none exist, the terms are copied from the relevant customer card.

When you edit a service order type, the system runs the same check again to update the payment terms, if necessary. The same applies when you change a customer on an order. If no payment terms are assigned to the new type, the terms will be copied from the customer, as mentioned earlier.

Service activity groups#

Service activity groups are used to set up the activities (such as the creation of cost estimates, the loan of equipment, and scrapping) that might occur during repairs.

You can store different settings for each activity so that multiple activities might be possible, which will depend on, for example, the location where services are carried out. A group consists of standard service codes (=activities) assigned to it.

When you run an activity group, the system automatically limits the pool of available activities based on the circumstances of the case you’re working on or allows you to select a suitable code. With the help of service activity templates, the groups can be combined into a sort of a work schedule.

In Service Management Setup, you can also specify groups that can be run from the ribbon of service (item) lines (see Service Management Setup – Activities).

Field Description
Code Specify the code of the activity. The code must be unique.
Description Specify a meaningful description for the activity.
Service Activity Type Assign an activity to the code. Options are:

• Repairs
• Maintenance
• Substitution
• Loan
• Service
• Scrap
• Estimate
• Logistics
Item No. Required Specify if an item number is required for the activity. Options are:

• No
• Optional
• Always
Text Required Specify if a text is required for the activity, for example, for labeling. Options are:

• No
• Optional
• Always

Service activity templates#

These templates specify the individual steps for repairs and maintenance.

Each template is linked to a service order type and a service item group so that it is automatically filled in on the relevant item lines when you create a service order. All steps are also listed in the Service Activity Groups FactBox. To set up a template:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Service Activity Templates, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose New.
  3. Fill in a code and a description for the template.
  4. Choose View on the ribbon to open the Service Activity Template Card.
  5. Choose New Line to fill in an activity group code, and then repeat the process as necessary.

Service Activity Template Setup#

On this page, you can specify per service order type one or more service item group codes that should be linked to a service activity template. When you later enter an item on a service order, the system checks the service order type and the item group code for a link to an activity template.

If a link exists, the activity template code is automatically entered in the field with the same name on the relevant service item line. Additionally, the steps that make up the activity will be listed in the Service Activity Groups FactBox.

Standard service codes#

These codes are used to assign certain settings to service activities, such as BOM or cost estimate creation, equipment rental, or item returns and scrapping.

Each standard service code can be assigned to an activity group. Based on a variety of parameters, the system then determines the relevant activity from the context of the case or allows you to manually select a suitable code.

The values that you specify on service code cards are filled in on a service order or a service line automatically when you start an activity from there.

Standard Service Code Card#

Field Description
Service Order Type If available, specifies the type of service order.

The code is only visible on orders that are of the same service order type.
Service Activity Grp. Specifies the group that the service code belongs to.
These fields are relevant to handling service orders. Only activities with the same location specified on the standard service code record can be started on the service order.

For standard service code REPLACEMENT, you choose Inhouse and At Vendor. This means that the REPLACEMENT activity cannot be run on a service order where Onsite has been specified.
Field Description
Selected Only used if the related activity group is set to Service BOM.

Item or resource lines that the field is selected for on the BOM are then filled in automatically on service quotes and orders.
Print Line Specifies whether a line containing this code should be printed.

The setting is later copied to the Print Line field on each service line that you create with this service code.
Relation Options are:

• (blank)
• Service Item
• Substitution
• Loaner

A blank field means that no relation has been specified, as in the case of BOMs. The setting is later copied to the Relation field on each service line that you create with this service code.
Type This setting is later copied to the Type field on each service line that you create with this service code.
No. Specifies the number linked to the service code.
With the Relation field filled in for a service, loaned, or substitution item, the item number specified on the service item line will be used and this field should remain empty.

The setting is later copied to the No. field on each service line that you create with this service code.
Discount Reason Specifies a discount reason, if available. This reason is copied to the associated service order automatically when the specified activity is performed.
Not Billable Shows No if an item value should be calculated. Otherwise, the No Cost option is selected in this field.

The setting is later copied to the field with the same name on each service line that you create with this service code.
Destination Doc. Type When you run a service line linked to this service code, the system will create the document specified here and fill it in with what you entered on the line. Options are:

• Service Consumption
• Service Sales
• Service Quote
• Sales Quote
• Sales Order
• Sales Invoice
• Sales Cr. Memo
• Sales Return Order
• Sales Transfer
• Sales Return Transfer
• Purch. Quote
• Purch. Order
• Purch. Invoice
• Purch. Cr. Memo
• Purch. Return Order
• Transfer Order
• Item Jnl. Pos. Adjmt.
• Item Jnl. Neg. Adjmt.
• Item Journal Transfer

The setting is later copied to the field with the same name on each service line that you create with the service code.
Direction Specifies the direction of the flow of goods.

When you post service equipment, the direction should be specified so that the current location of the equipment can be updated on the relevant service item lines. Options are:

• (blank)
• Cust. -> Serv.
• Serv. -> Cust.
• Vend. -> Serv.
• Serv. -> Vend.
• Cust. -> Vend.
• Vend. -> Cust.

The setting is later copied to the field with the same name on each service line that you create with this service code.
Location Code
Bin Code
These fields only need to be changed manually in rare circumstances, as the values from setup are filled in by default.

Lines where the Service Item relation is selected typically contain the location that was entered on the associated service item line.

For substitutions and loaned items—and for lines with consumption and transfers from and to a customer or a vendor—the location and bin specified in Service Management Setup are entered here.

The settings are later copied to the location and bin code fields on each service line that you create with this service code.
Transaction Code This field only needs to be changed manually in rare circumstances, as the value from setup is filled in by default.

Lines where the Service Item relation is selected typically contain the transaction code that was entered on the associated service item line.

For consumption, the code that is assigned to third-party property in Service Management Setup is used.

The setting is later copied to the field with the same name on each service line that you create with this service code.
Auto Create Document After an activity is inserted, the first service line where this field is set is run, that is, a document is created and, if needed, a tracking number.

The setting is later copied to the field with the same name on each service line that you create with this service code.
Auto Show Document Specifies whether the system should show new documents created for the service line.

The setting is later copied to the field with the same name on each service line that you create with this service code.
Repair Status Code If available, specifies that the status of repairs is updated when you post a document added to the lines.
Order Type This field is used on purchase and sales documents created from the related service order, for example, on sales return receipts, but has no function on service documents.

The type is later copied to the field with the same name on a service line created with this service code.

Depending on whether the target document type involves a purchase, sale, warehouse, or service transaction, the specifications entered for this type of order apply.
Work type code Work type for each resource.

By assigning a work type to each resource, it is possible to set different prices for the same resource.

Standard service item groups#

With the help of standard service item group codes, you can set up BOMs for repair and maintenance purposes. Items and resources that are relevant to either are therefore entered on standard service code cards. If necessary, you can also specify a quantity on every card.

To see the standard service item group codes, choose the relevant function on the ribbon.

You can assign one service type (such as repairs or maintenance) to each standard service item group and then store the group in the field with the same name on the relevant item card.


The Service Order Type field has no function and is shown for informational purposes only.

Field Description
Code Specifies the code of the standard service group.
Description After you enter a code, the description is filled in automatically.
Service Type Specifies the service type assigned to each item group. Options are:

• (blank)
• Repairs
• Maintenance
Copy to Serv. Line This field currently has no function.
Service Order Type Specifies the type of service order.

The service order type has no effect on processes in the system and is used for purely informative reasons.

Standard Service Item Group Setup#

On the Standard Serv. Item Gr. Setup page, you can link standard service item groups to standard service codes. If no link is specified, an activity applies to all groups.


We recommend that you link each service BOM to a service item group; otherwise, all existing BOMS are shown on service orders and quotes.

Repair Status Setup#

Each service item line contains a repair status code, showing the status of the line. The tiles on the medtec365 role center are also filtered to the statuses available in the system.

Depending on setup, some statuses automatically change when you post a certain document. You can, however, also set or change a status manually at any time.

The Status menu item on the Lines FastTab ribbon above service item and service lines provides additional statuses that can be set by users.

You specify all required repair statuses in Repair Status Setup, where you can enter codes and descriptions for the services that are rendered. To see the page, use the Search icon, enter Repair Status Setup, and then choose the related link.

To ensure that the status of repairs is correctly set on a line, you also need to assign an activity status to each code in setup. Options are:

  • (blank)
  • New Order
  • Receipt to Check
  • Receipt OK
  • Items OK
  • To Inspect
  • Inspected
  • New Purch. Order
  • Estimate Sent
  • Send Estimate
  • Estimate Not Reqd.
  • Estimate Accepted
  • Estimate Rejected
  • Service Released
  • Service Started
  • Service OK
  • Service Not OK
  • Shipment OK
  • Scrapped
  • Finished

For more information, see Set Up Statuses for Service Orders and Repairs.

Service inspection groups#

On service item lines and service lines, you can use a two-stage process for ordering items so that you can store any number of technical inspections on the top level, the Service Inspection Group. To set up a group for technical inspections:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Service Inspection Groups, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose New.
  3. Fill in a code and description for the group.
  4. On the ribbon, choose Inspections, and then enter all potential settings that you want to make available for later.

Service Inspections Setup#

All potential defects that might result from the service inspections in a group are specified on this page. You can store multiple types of inspections per group.


An inspection group cannot currently be assigned to an item card.

Service Contract Setup#

On this page, you store the service agreements that you enter into with customers.

The values that you specify here are automatically filled in on service orders in the fields with the same name.

Field Description
Contract Type Specify the type of contract that you entered into. Options are:

Fills in the Estimate Limit field.

Solution Code
With this option selected, you can fill in the Solution Code field.

You can enter any code you want. The code is used, for example, to specify that an item can be scrapped if it can no longer be repaired.

Both fields are visible on service item lines.
Customer No. If necessary, specify the customer number that will be used for this type of contract. If the field remains blank, the type will be used for all customers.
Ship-to Code If the Customer No. field is filled in, this field can be filled in as well.
Service Item Gr. Code Specify the code of the service item group code that will be used for this type of contract.

If the field is left blank, the type will be used for all service item groups.
Service Order Type Specify the order type that will be used for this kind of contract. If the field remains blank, the contract type will be used for all types of service orders.
Estimate This field can be filled in if Estimate is selected as the contract type.
Solution Code This field can be filled in if Solution Code is selected as the contract type.

Solution codes#

These codes can be used to specify individual agreements made after consulting with a customer. You store the codes on the Service Contract Setup page. They’re then shown on service item lines automatically.

You can also store activity template codes on the Solutions page, as an alternative option for having the template codes filled in on item lines later.

Attribute Classes#

The characteristic classes can be used to define parameters and settings for devices in the system (so-called device parameters). Furthermore, patient characteristics and measurements are also stored here (customer parameters). The entry is made with date, user, so that the historical values are saved. The characteristic class values of a serial number are thus displayed directly in the serial no. information list (overview) and serial no. information card in an info box.

The characteristic classes are called up via the user search.

The "Code" and "Description" of the characteristic class are also defined here at the beginning. The "Belongs to feature class type" field is used to control whether this feature class is to be used as a device parameter, customer parameter or both.

An image can also be stored for a feature class. The individual parameters/characteristics are assigned to the characteristic class on the "Characteristic class additional fields" information tab. The characteristics are mapped in KUMAVISION medtec365 using additional fields.

An example is the "Wheelchair" feature class, which is set to "All" in the "Belongs to feature class" and could contain, for example, the seat width, seat height, brake design and equipment in the "Feature class additional fields".

Customer parameters#

The customer parameters record the dimensions and values of a customer according to which a tool or device is to be set. These can be stored in the Marketing Cockpit (alternatively also on the customer card) on the "Contact info" info tab under "Characteristic classes".

The characteristic class code must be entered in the upper part of the screen. The user who entered and changed the feature class is also recorded here.

The corresponding additional fields for the parameters are listed in the lower section on the "Characteristic class values" information tab. The value of the feature is entered in the "Value" field. It is also possible to maintain an image for the respective feature class here.

Device parameters on the item#

The characteristic classes can also be stored on the article card in order to record the properties and parameters of the devices. The call is located in the menu ribbon under "Characteristic classes".

The feature classes are selected in the upper part of the screen. If the same feature class is stored again in another line, the "Historical" check mark is automatically set in the previous line in order to be able to keep track of the various parameters of a device in this way. The user who created and, if necessary, changed the data record is also recorded here.

In the lower information tab "Characteristic class values", as with the customer parameters, default values can be preset if there are settings that are the same for all devices.

On the article card, you can also control whether an article is subject to device parameters or not. If the "Device characteristic obligation" switch is activated on the "Article tracking" info tab, the device parameters must be filled or confirmed for each goods receipt posting.

Device parameters in goods receipt#

When devices are delivered, the item tracking is recorded in the goods receipt line. To do this, either the "Quantity" field is used or the "Line" button is used to open the item tracking lines.

In the item tracking lines, the characteristic classes can then be maintained on the "Start" info tab after entering the serial number.

If the device characteristic requirement is activated for the item and nothing is entered here, but the goods receipt is posted with missing device characteristics, an error message appears and the posting is not carried out.

The characteristics must now be maintained in the item tracking lines under "Quantity current delivery" or "Line" "Item tracking". The familiar screen opens again, on which the data must be maintained according to the corresponding additional fields.

The goods receipt can then be posted and the parameters are now written to the serial no. information card.

Device parameters on the serial number information card#

Once the goods have been received, the device parameters of an item are transferred to the respective serial number, taking into account any default values on the item or the characteristics recorded in the goods receipt.

For this purpose, the "Characteristic classes" is also called up on the serial no. information card and the characteristics screen opens.

The parameters can now be viewed both in the characteristic class screen and in the info box.

Parameters in goods issue#

The customer parameters are displayed in the info box in the order or goods issue.

The customer parameters are also printed on the picking slip

If a serial number is entered in the picking lines of the goods issue, the associated device parameters can be viewed. To do this, call up the "Picking lines > Article attributes" info tab.

If a device is or has been set, it is also possible to copy the customer parameters to the device parameters in the goods issue. To do this, the "Copy customer attributes to device" function is executed in the picking lines.

Search for characteristics#

The feature search can be used to search for matching serial numbers or devices at various points using the feature classes. Tolerances (-+=) can be specified. Only hits from devices in stock are displayed. A filter for the storage location and booking code can now also be specified for the search.

The characteristic search can be carried out in the following places:

  • Picking lines in goods issue
  • Overview of the serial number information list

The characteristic class and customer are entered in the upper area of the screen. As a result, the customer parameters are displayed in the "Customer characteristics" info box. It is also possible to filter on the storage location and booking code in this tab in order to further restrict the search for devices.

The individual characteristics of the characteristic class are displayed on the "Search parameters" information tab. The value of the parameter is now entered in the "Value" field. The tolerance in the search result can be controlled via the tolerance type and the tolerance.

After entering the values and, if necessary, the tolerance, the feature search is carried out via "Search". The serial numbers that match the criteria, including the exact storage location and storage bin, are listed in the "Characteristic classes search result" information tab below. In addition, the parameters of the respective device are displayed in the "Item characteristics" info box.

If the screen is confirmed with "OK", the selected serial number is transferred to the goods issue.

Service receipts#

On this page, you store all warehouse receipts used for rendering technical services.

You can store any item on this page, regardless of whether it is tracked or whether it has already been set up in the system. This means that if a customer sends multiple items back for repair, all of them can be entered here.

To set up a receipt:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Service Receipts, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose New.
  3. Like on a service order, the quantity on each line is 1 and cannot be changed. You therefore must create one line for each item you want to record a receipt for (even if all of them are from the same lot).
  4. The location and bin codes are filled in automatically but can be changed per line, if necessary.
  5. As for the External Document No. field, you can set up whether the number is required by turning on the relevant toggle in Purchases & Payables Setup. Filling in the Your Reference field is optional.
  6. The relevant customer number can be entered manually or selected by using the Assist button next to the field. The same goes for the serial, lot, and item number fields. You can also choose a ship-to code, if necessary.

When you enter a serial, a lot, or an item number on a line, you see a dialog box with the fields related to the record already filled in if the number is set up in the system.

When you enter the serial number, the system also checks whether the customer on the associated serial number information card is identical to the customer specified on the line. If the serial number isn’t set up for the combination of item and customer number you’ve entered, you see a message about it and are asked whether you want to continue. Choosing Yes and posting the receipt will replace the customer number on the serial number information card automatically.

If the entered serial or lot number isn’t available, you can specify an item number and (potentially) a variant code, an expiration date, a manufacturing date, and a customer number in the dialog box during posting and a new serial or lot number information card will be set up by the system.

If the tracking code assigned to the item requires that you enter a variant code or an expiration date or a manufacturing date, you can edit the fields in the box. Otherwise, they’re grayed out.

After you choose OK, the information you entered in the box is automatically filled in on the Lines FastTab.

When you post the receipt, a return order is posted by the system and a new service order is created. You see a message if the data that you specified is incomplete, for example, because the customer or the item is blocked.

The posted return order is also automatically linked to a case document so that you can view it again at any time.

You might see another message if the receipt cannot be used because an item with this serial number is already in inventory. You can then repost the item in the service area, regardless of whether the related service order has been completed.

You can also specify accessories on each line. For more information about the topic, see Manage Accessories.

Additionally, you can use the Inspection Codes action on the ribbon to enter a code for inspections on each line. The codes are then copied to the related service order when you post shipment lines and can be used to, for example, record damage that occurred during transportation. For more information, see Inspection Codes.


At present, the service receipt feature doesn’t check the run hour requirements of items.

External Document No.#

When you store an external document number on receipt of service items, the number is copied automatically to the service item lines during posting and to the service quote and posted service shipment.

If available, you can already fill in this field when you create an order manually. The number is then copied to all subsequent documents, for example, when a service order is converted to a sales return and then to a service receipt.

If you create an order manually and fill in the field later, that is, on subsequent documents such as the sales return order or the service receipt, the number is still copied automatically to the service item lines after posting.


The External Document No. field isn’t shown on service invoice and credit memos.

Create a sales return from a service order#

On the service order, you can use the Create Return Orders function to have a sales return order created based on service item lines.

Sales Line Details: FactBox#

On a sales return order, the No. of Service Item Lines field in the Sales Line Details FactBox shows how many open service orders exist for the customer and item that you entered on the selected line.

You can see the field at any time. You can also open the related service order via a lookup on the field, if necessary.


The No. of Service Item Lines field is filtered by customer and item numbers, not by tracking information.

Track items on service lines#

The Lot No. field has been added to service items. If a service item is automatically created during a sale because you’ve selected the Create Service Item checkbox on the associated service item group record, the lot number is entered as well.

You can open the lot number information list from a service item card by using the Assist button next to the Lot No. field.


At present, you can assign only serial or lot numbers that are already set up in the system.

No distinction is made between serial and lot numbers on a service item line, where item tracking information is stored in the Item Tracking No. field.

The system automatically recognizes if a serial or lot number is stored for the item.

You can open the serial number or lot number information card from a service item line by using the relevant line function on the FastTab ribbon.

Destination Doc. No. on service quotes and orders#

On standard service code records, you can create the BOMs that you want to open on service quotes and orders and specify per line if the destination document type should be Service Sales or Service Consumption. You can also select the Print Line checkbox on a line, if necessary.

When you insert the BOM into a service quote or order, the standard service code configuration is then copied to the document but can be changed there manually.


When you enter an item or a resource on a service quote or order line manually, the system retrieves the target document type from Service Management Setup.

Service order#


A new field called Place of Servicing has been added to service order documents, to the General FastTab. It is filled in from Service Management Setup when you create an order but can be changed manually, if needed. The field is also later copied to the service item lines.


The fields on the service item lines aren’t updated when you change the place on a service header.


All fields that have been added to service item lines are described in the following table.

Field Description
Activity Template Code This field might already be filled in based on the service order type and item group code specified for the order that you created.

However, you can change the field manually, if necessary. When you fill in a code, the activities specified on the template will be added to the Service Activity Groups FactBox.
No. of Previous Services Shows how many times the item on the line has been repaired or has undergone maintenance.

As for items that are tracked by serial number or not at all, the field shows all items with the same item number, including the same lot number.

Only services carried out inhouse (a sales return and a shipment are posted) are shown. Onsite repairs are not included but can be viewed by opening the Equipment Entries page.
Service Status Automatically set to In Process when you create a service order but can be changed manually.

The status also changes following the start of certain activities. It is used both for informational purposes and for controlling a variety of workflows. Options are:

• In Process
• Rendered
• Not Possible
• Scrapped
Place of Servicing Is filled in from the field with the same name on the service header.

The field indicates where repairs should be carried out. Options are:

• (blank)
• Onsite
• Inhouse
• At Vendor
Current Place Is filled in with the value from Service Management Setup when you add an item but can be changed manually, if necessary.

The field indicates where the item on the line is currently located. Options are:

• (blank)
• Onsite
• Inhouse
• At Vendor

The field is updated by the system if, for example, the item is shipped to a vendor for repairs.
Repair Status Code
Repair Status Changed On/At
This field is also used in the standard app but has been extended in functionality to include a log that is automatically filled in each time the status of the line changes.

Shows the date and time when the repair status was last changed. You can click the field to see a history of all the changes.
Item Tracking No.
Substitution Item Tracking No.
Loaner Item Tracking No.
These fields are filled in with a serial or lot number, depending on the tracking information specified for the item on the line.

The first field contains the serial or lot number of the current item, the second the number for a substitution item. The third is filled in with a loaner number.

The fields are used in both directions. This means if one of these tracking numbers is known in advance, you can fill in the relevant field so that subsequent processes can incorporate it.

If item tracking information is added later in warehouse handling, it is automatically retrieved when posting a document with a case number so that the information can be used thereafter.

If the item has a serial number, the system checks if a warranty date for repairs is specified on the related serial number information card and retrieves it if the value in the Warranty Date (Repairs) field is not later than the order date.
Estimate Limit Is filled in from Service Contract Setup but can be changed manually.
Solution Code Is filled in from Service Contract Setup but can be changed manually.
Vendor No.
Vendor Item No.
These fields are required when you ship an item to a vendor.

When you enter the item, both fields are automatically filled in on the line with the numbers from the related item card but can be changed manually, if necessary.
External Document No. If available, is filled in by the system when you post a service receipt.

When you create a service order manually, you can already fill in this field in an earlier stage of processing.

Ribbon functions#


Run by choosing Lines > Line, shows the accessories entered during receipt of the service item on the selected line.

Serial No./Lot No. Info Card#

Used to drill down to the relevant serial or lot number information card.


The actions on this menu set the repair status of the selected lines to the specified status:

  • Checked
  • Evaluated
  • New Estimate
  • Estimate Sent
  • Send Estimate
  • Estimate Accepted
  • Estimate Rejected
  • Service Released
  • Service Started
  • Service OK
  • Service Not OK
  • Other Status

The Other Status action opens a list of all available repair statuses so that you can change the status for one or more selected lines.

If you set the repair status to Service OK, the Service Status field changes as well, to Finished; with the status set to Service Not OK, the Service Status field changes to Not Possible.

If you set the repair status to Estimate Sent, the system checks the amount entered on the service quote against the limit for cost estimates. If the amount is below the limit, the status is set to Estimate Not Reqd. and the quote line linked to the service line is set to Finished.


The actions available on this menu were designed to give you quick access to the most important functions in the service area. Choosing a function runs one of the activity groups specified in Service Management Setup.

The impact of the Create Service action depends on where repairs are carried out. If a vendor repairs the items, you must first set up a purchase return order. Options are:

  • Create Sales Return
  • Create Purch. Return
  • Create Estimate
  • Create Service
  • Create Shipment
  • Create Review

You can also select more than one service item line before you run the function to have the activity performed for multiple lines at once.

Inspection Codes#

Found by choosing Line > Service, you can use this action to see the inspections stored for the selected line.

Service Lines#

Opens the card for the selected line.


The fields that have been added to service lines are described in the following table.

Field Description
Print Line Specifies if the line is shown on printouts.
Service Activity Step Used to sort and uniquely identify the activity on the line.
Relation Specifies the data that is updated on the line during posting.

• (blank)
• Service Item
• Substitution Item
• Loaner
Destination Doc. Type Specifies the document that is created and filled in with the data from the line when it is run. Options are:

• Service Consumption
• Service Sales
• Service Quote
• Sales Quote
• Sales Order
• Sales Invoice
• Sales Cr. Memo
• Sales Return Order
• Sales Transfer
• Sales Return Transfer
• Purch. Quote
• Purch. Order
• Purch. Invoice
• Purch. Cr. Memo
• Purch. Return Order
• Transfer Order
• Item Jnl. Pos. Adjmt.
• Item Jnl. Neg. Adjmt.
• Item Journal Transfer
Direction Specifies the direction for updating the current location on the line when you post to the service item.

You can have the field filled in by default based on a standard service code.
Destination Doc. No. Shows the number of the target document if one is created. The number is automatically removed when the document is deleted.

This field should not be edited unless absolutely necessary.
Destination Doc. No. Shows the number of the target document if one is posted.

This field should not be edited unless absolutely necessary.
Item Tracking No. Is filled in from the service item line and is used to create destination documents.
Service Vendor No. Is filled in with the vendor number stored on the related item card and is used to create purchase documents.
Finished Is selected automatically when you post the line.
Order Type Specifies the default value for document creation.

Depending on the destination document type, the order type settings for a purchase, sales, warehouse, or service document apply.
Auto Create Document After an activity is inserted, the first service line where this field is set is run, that is, a document is created and, if needed, a tracking number.
Auto Show Document Selected if a new document is created for the service line.
Service Activity Type Classifies the activity on the line. Options are:

• Repairs
• Maintenance
• Substitution
• Loan
• Other Service
• Scrap
• Estimate
• Logistics
Ribbon functions#

Deletes the service line. If a line that has already been completed or contains Target voucher no. or Target voucher no. provided is deleted manually, a message appears asking whether the line should actually be deleted.

However, if there is no Target voucher no. or Target voucher no. provided, the line can be deleted without a warning message. If a target document number is stored in a line and the document is deleted, the system automatically removes the document number in the Target document no. field.


Sets the repair status on the selected lines to the specified value. You can choose from the following statuses:

  • Checked
  • Estimate Accepted
  • Estimate Rejected
  • Service Released
  • Service Started
  • Service OK
  • Service Not OK

If you set the repair status to Service OK, the Service Status field changes as well, to Finished; with the status set to Service Not OK, the Service Status field changes to Not Possible.


The actions available on this menu were designed to give you quick access to the most important functions in the service area. Choosing a function runs one of the activity groups specified in Service Management Setup.

Function Description
Create Service Depends on where repairs are carried out. If a vendor repairs the item, a purchase return order should be set up first.
Start Line Creates the target document specified on the current line if it does not exist yet.

If the target document is of type Service Sales or Service Consumption, the document already exists and, if necessary, the item tracking data is copied from the service item line to the service line.

In all cases, the (created) document number is entered in this field.
End Line Completes the line, regardless of whether the document has been posted.

This function should only be run under special circumstances.
Transfer items on service lines#

If you want to transfer an item during repairs, you can do so directly from the service line by setting up an activity or filling in the line fields manually. Should you decide to use the second option, you need to fill in certain fields on the line as described in the following table.

Field Description
Service Activity Type Logistics
Relation Service Item (specifying the relation fills in the item that is to be repaired on the rest of the lines)
Destination Doc. Type Transfer Journal
Location Code
Bin Code
Location and bin that the item should be transferred to. By default, the system fills in both from the related item card.

Found by choosing Line > Service, you can use this action to see the inspections stored for the selected line.


Choose Post Consumption to post all lines that aren’t related to a service, loan, or substitution item, regardless of whether the destination document type is Service Sales or Consumption.

Choose Post Sale to post all lines that need to be invoiced and where the document type is Service Sales.


The FactBoxes are identical to those on standard service orders.

Service order: FactBoxes#

Service Item Line Status#

This FactBox provides you with a quick overview of the selected line, including:

  • Case No. and Case Line
  • Place of Servicing
  • Current Place
  • Repair Status
  • Estimate Limit

Service Activity Groups#

This FactBox is linked to the selected service item line. Activity groups are entered by the system based on the relevant service activity template code but can also be added manually to each line.

You can add, delete, or start activities from the box:

  1. Go to the box and then select the relevant activity.
  2. Click Service Activity Groups.
  3. In the dialog box that appears, select one of the actions described in the following table.
Function Description
New Shows a list of all activity groups from which you can select a group. New groups are never run automatically.
Delete Deletes the selected group.
Run Depending on your current configuration, adds the activity to the list of service activities and runs it immediately thereafter.

Activities that have been carried out will be highlighted in green.

Service Activities#

This FactBox shows the activities that have been created, posted, or specified for the selected service item line. Their status is indicated by one of the following colors:

Color Description
Green The relevant document has been posted.
Red The document has been created but not yet posted.
Black The document has been added to the FactBox but has not been created yet.

You can add, delete, or start activities from the box: 1. Go to the box and then select the relevant activity. 2. Click Service Activity Groups. 3. In the dialog box that appears, select the action that you want to run.

Activities that have been carried out will be highlighted in green.

Case Documents#

Every document started and posted from a service order is automatically stored with a case document. To see a document, click the number in the No. of Records field.


Case documents don’t refer to individual service lines but to the entire service order.

Change a ship-to code#

You can edit the Ship-to Code field, found on the Shipping FastTab, when you create a service order manually. After you edit the field, all service item lines and service lines filled in on the order are deleted. For this reason, we recommend that you enter a new code before you fill in everything else.

The field can no longer be changed when you’ve posted a sales return for the service order.

Complete an order#

A service order that is set to Finished isn’t automatically deleted from the system but must be removed manually.

Before you delete the order, make sure that the Finished checkbox is selected on all service lines. If it isn’t, the service order is only archived.

After the field is selected on all lines and the order is deleted (while being archived), you can choose Closed Cases (instead of Open Cases) on the associated customer or serial number information card to see the case document set up for the order.

Service quote#

You can create a service quote from the Service Activity Groups FactBox.

However, as data displayed in the Service Activity Groups and the Service Activities FactBoxes relates to a single line, the quote will be set up only for the item that was selected last.

If you want to create a quote for multiple items, select all of them and run the Activity – New Estimate function from the Lines FastTab ribbon. This opens the Service Item Lines page, where you can see all quotes that items have been entered on, except for quotes in the Finished status.

To copy the new items to an existing quote, select them and choose OK. To set up a new quote for them, choose Cancel.


You can, at any time, manually delete a service quote that was created by accident.

When you set the status of a quote to Estimate Accepted, the Finished checkbox on the relevant service lines is selected automatically.

When the quote is set to Estimate Rejected, on the other hand, the checkbox is left blank so that you can edit the quote, if necessary. Alternatively, you can select the checkbox manually and create another quote.

If a quote isn’t required, you should also select the checkbox, as you can only delete service orders where Finished is selected on all lines.


When you create a quote from a service order, the values in the Service Order Type and Case No. fields are automatically retrieved from the service header.


When you convert a service order to a quote, the field values on the relevant service lines are copied to the quote as well.


  • Estimate Sent
  • Send Estimate
  • Estimate Accepted
  • Estimate Rejected
  • Service Released
  • Other Status

The Other Status action opens a list of all available repair statuses so that you can change the status for one or more selected lines.

Service quote#

The following fields have been added to service quote lines:

Field Description
Service Activity Step Used to sort and uniquely identify the activity on a service item line.
Destination Doc. Type Is automatically filled in from the BOM.

The first line on the quote is the service repair line, with a target document type of Service Quote. The other lines can be of type Service Sales or Service Consumption.

You can change this field manually, if necessary.
Destination Doc. No. Is filled in automatically when an item or resource is retrieved from the BOM.

If you enter or select an item or a resource yourself, you also must fill in a destination document number, for example, by using the Copy to Estimate function.

The value in this field represents the service order number.
Item Tracking No. Is filled in automatically with the tracking information of the item that you want repaired (as entered on the service order).
External Document No. Is filled in when you post a service receipt provided the number was entered on the Service Receipts page.
Ribbon functions#

Sets the repair status on the selected lines to the specified value. You can choose from the following statuses:

  • New Inspection
  • Estimate Sent
  • Send Estimate
  • Estimate Accepted
  • Estimate Rejected
  • Other Status

The Other Status action opens a list of all available repair statuses so that you can change the status for one or more selected lines.

If you set the repair status to Estimate Sent, the system checks the amount entered on the service quote against the limit for cost estimates. If the amount is below the limit, the status is set to Estimate Not Reqd. and the quote line linked to the service line is set to Finished.

Other functions available on the ribbon are:

Function Description
Copy to Estimate When you add items or resources to service quote lines via a BOM, the Destination Document No. on a line is filled in automatically.

You can then use the No Estimate Lines function to delete the number, except for when it is assigned to the item to be repaired.

With this function, you can enter the number on all lines.
No Estimate Lines Deletes the destination document number on all quote lines, except for the line that is assigned to the item you want repaired.

After you have deleted the number, you can no longer copy the lines to the related service order.

The actions available on this menu were designed to give you quick access to the most important functions in the service area. Choosing an option here runs one of the activity groups specified in Service Management Setup.

The impact of the Create Service action depends on where repairs are carried out. If a vendor repairs the items, you must first set up a purchase return order. Options are:

  • Create Sales Return
  • Create Purch. Return
  • Create Estimate
  • Create Service
  • Create Shipment
  • Create Review

You can also select more than one service item line before you run the function to have the activity performed for multiple lines at once.

Service BOM#

Here you can specify the items and resources required for the service BOM by using the Selected checkbox. You also need to enter a quantity and can choose a variant if one is set up for the relevant item.

You can have a quantity filled in automatically as well. With the quantity already filled in, the Selected checkbox is also set by the system.

Additionally, you can choose Select All or Deselect All to specify what lines to run an action on.

Inspection Codes#

Found by choosing Line > Service, you can use this action to see the inspections stored for the selected line.

Key service activities#


Transportation activities typically relate to the movement of items that you intend to process in the service area.

To transport devices from, around, and to your locations, you need to select Item and Service Item in the Type and Relation fields on a standard service code line.

Afterward, the system copies the transaction code entered on the associated service item line to the service code line, where you can change it manually.

As posting transportation activities doesn’t lead to changes in item value, you should set the Not Billable field on the service code line to No Cost. If you fill in the Direction field, posting the movement of the item also updates the item’s current location (and its repair status code, if needed).

Typical document types

  • Sales return receipts, on which you post the receipt of customer-owned items.
  • Service orders for shipments to customers. Alternatively, you can create sales orders for this purpose.

For subcontracted repairs

  • Purchase return shipments, on which you post item shipments to vendors.
  • Purchase orders for returning items from vendors to your premises. However, these orders can also be classified as service activities and incorporated into the relevant activity groups.


Loans are also transportation related. However, in this case, it’s not the service items that are being moved but additional items (typically equipment that is owned by your organization). The Relation field on the relevant standard service line must therefore be set to Loan.

As a loan often involves more than one item movement, you can use a template to cover inbound and outbound transportation. Alternatively, you can set up two, with each covering one direction.

The location that you enter on a standard service code line has priority over all other locations, which provides you with a way of entering an additional location for rental equipment here. What’s more, you can add a placeholder such as a resource line, for billing the use of a loaner based on time and materials.

Cost estimates#

Cost estimates are based on your evaluation of service cases and are supplemented by price data stored in the system. They can be created in the form of service quotes from service orders.

On the lines of a quote, you can then not only enter inspection codes but also specify planned consumption and sales, as well as retrieve values from a service BOM.

For creating a quote, the relation on the relevant standard service line must be set to Service Item and the destination document type to Service Quote. As every estimate contains prices, the Not Billable field also needs to be set to No.

Repairs and maintenance#

Of all service activities, these are the activities that depend on the largest variety of outside factors. As a result, more than one template will certainly have to be set up.

For example, services can be provided onsite or inhouse, or the equipment might be sent to a vendor, and the type of service order that you create can play a role as well.

The result of this might be that a different service BOM will be required for each job, based on the inspections you carried out and the estimates customers accepted, or a purchase order must be created to have equipment repaired by a supplier.


To scrap an item, the Relation field on the relevant standard service line must be set to Service Item.

For single-stage disposal, you also need to select the Item Journal Removal option in the Destination Doc. Type field on the line.

For a two-stage scrapping process, the type must be set to Item Journal Transfer so that the item can be transferred to the scrap location that you’ve specified in Service Management Setup before its removal from that location must be posted manually.

Item substitution#

Typically, substitution means the receipt of new items, recognized as current assets.

You can use a template to decide whether a substitution item should be procured in the usual way—from inventory—or, if the item isn’t in stock, be purchased directly via a supplier or through the replenishment methods available in the system.

In either case, the Relation field on the relevant standard service line must be set to Substitution.

Other services#

Additionally, you can use resources to integrate other services such as sterilization, labeling, or quality control management into service workflows.

Service cases#

When you create a service order, the system also creates a service case document and classifies it according to the service order type entered on the order, indicating whether the services consist of repairs or maintenance.

A case classification can be stored for each type of service order that you set up in the system. If the field is left blank on the Service Order Type page, each new order that you create with this type is set automatically to Repairs. When you change the service order type, for example, from repairs to maintenance, the classification also changes.

The number of the case document is copied by the system to both the header and lines on a new service order. To see a certain case document, choose Open Cases on a customer, marketing cockpit, or serial number information card.

Each service line linked to a case is automatically filled in with all information that you need to render services, including the related item and lot number, description, variant code, and quantity.

If you create another document from a service order, such as a service quote, sales order, or purchase return order, the relevant case number is automatically copied to it. This way, you can see if a purchase or sales document is linked to a certain order and which documents are assigned to each other.

A case provides you with a quick overview of service order information and can be used, if needed, to create follow-ups, open a customer card, or see the documents that you’ve created or posted based on the service order.

For the system to create a case automatically, you must set up a number series for service cases in Service Management Setup.


The case document serves to collect information and therefore cannot be processed further.

On every service item group, you can select the Create Service Item checkbox. When you sell an item, the system then checks if this checkbox is set for the group on the related item card. If it is, a service item is created automatically after you’ve posted the sales item as shipped.

If the item is tracked, the system also transfers the item’s serial or lot number to the service item, linking them to each other. Afterward, you can drill down on the service item card to open the associated serial or lot number information card.

When you enter the service item on a service order, the linked serial or lot number is also copied to the order, and you can again use a drill down to open the serial or lot number information card from there. At the same time, the Item No. and Serial or Lot No. fields are filled in on the order.

Additionally, the system checks whether the combination of (sales) item and serial or lot number already exists for a service item. If so, the existing number is inserted. If not, you can create a new service item from the order.


You can assign only one existing serial or lot number to each service item.

You can open a service item card by drilling down on the Service Item No. field in the serial number information list or on a serial number information card. You cannot do the same on the lot number list or a lot number card, as the service item number isn’t copied to either.

Pricing for service contracts#

Service contract pricing (labor and parts) has been extended to include the selected service order type and contract number. This way, you can specify customer-specific prices for the following service activities:

  • Maintenance and repairs that a service contract was set up for (via the Contract No. field).
  • Service orders that are created without reference to a contract.


To be able to use the feature, you need to open the following pages (unless you’ve already specified the relevant records):

Sales Order Type#

  1. On the ribbon, choose New.
  2. Fill in a code and a description. All other fields have no impact on pricing.

Service Order Type#

  1. On the ribbon, choose New to set up the service order type that you want to use contract pricing for.
  2. Fill in the Sales Order Type Pricing field to assign a sales order type (such as the kind you’ve just created on the Sales Order Type page) to this type of service order.
Price List#

If you want to work with customer price or discount groups, you need to set them up here.

Fill in a group in the Assign to Type field on the price list header, and then specify, in percent, the required order type and discount on the lines.

Service Contract Card#

On the contract, fill in the Service Order Type field (and, possibly, the Customer Price Group or Customer Discount Group field).

Price update#

The Price Update % field, found on the Price Update FastTab on a service contract, can be used to store different price update percentages for contracts set up in the service area.

To configure the feature:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Update Service Contract Prices, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the request page, in the Update Contracts field, choose one of the options described in the following table.
Option Description
No – % on Report Updates the line percentages on all service contracts where the Price Update % field has been blank so far.

This option requires that you fill in the Price Update % field on the request page.
Yes – Ignore % on Report Updates the line percentages on all service contracts where the Price Update % field is filled in. The new value is retrieved from the contract specified on the request page.

Allows leaving the Price Update % on the request page blank, as the field has no impact on the process.
All – Include % from Report Updates the line percentages on all service contracts, regardless of whether the Update % field on a contract is filled in.

Requires that you fill in the Price Update % field on the request page, as the report copies the percentage from the page, ignoring the values on the contracts.


Prices are always updated for the entire contract, regardless of the starting dates entered on individual lines. If you want to recalculate the price for a single line, you need to do so manually.


When you create a new service order, the system then enters on each service line the specified customer price or discount group and, in the Sales Order Type Pricing field, the sales order type linked to this type of service order.


If the system calculates a 100% discount based on the specified customer discount group, the Not Billable field is automatically set to No Cost.

Maintenance schedule and cockpit#

To improve the scheduling of service operations, the maintenance cockpit has been implemented as a link between service contracts and service orders. The cockpit can be used to show and schedule all maintenance work that is due and create the required service orders.


Inspection types#

Before you can use this feature, you need to set up different inspection types. Each type represents a way of doing work in the service area, such as maintenance. You can create any number of inspection types.

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Inspection Types, and then choose the related link.
  2. Fill in the fields as described in the following table.
Field Description
Code Specify a code (abbreviation) for the inspection type. The code must be unique.
Description Specify a description for this type of inspection.
Scheduled Interval Specify the time span that will be filled in as the interval on service contract lines.
Interval Type Specify how the next servicing date should be calculated. Options are:

• Scheduled Serv. Date
• Actual Servicing Date
Service Order Type This field is set as a filter on the service contract field with the same name to determine the correct customer contracts.

If the type selected here is not identical to the service order type on a contract, you cannot enter this type of inspection on the document.

If you leave this field blank, the inspection type is entered irrespective of the service order type specified on the contract.

Schedule templates#

These templates specify the intervals at which maintenance should be performed.

You can use the inspection types that you’ve set up to specify exactly what kind of servicing needs to be done. To fill in a template:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Maintenance Schedule Template List, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose New.
  3. Enter an inspection type. The Scheduled Interval and Interval Type fields are then filled in by the system.

Item Card#

To link a template to an item, open the relevant item card and fill in the Maintenance Schedule Template field there.

Vehicles, Drivers, and Technicians#

You can create any number of technicians on this page and link them to a resource, device, location, or responsibility center.

Field Description
Type Specifies the type of record. Options are:

• Vehicle
• Driver
• Technician

At present, only records of type Technician can be entered on service orders or in the maintenance cockpit. The Vehicle and Driver types have no impact on the system.
Code Specifies a unique code (that is, abbreviation) for the vehicle, driver, or technician.
Description Specifies the name of the vehicle, driver, or technician.
Employee No. If available, shows the number of the employee who is linked to the record.
Resource No. If available, shows the number of the resource linked to the record.
Shelf No. Might contain a description but has no impact on any process in the system.
Fixed Asset No. If available, shows the fixed asset that is linked to the record.
Responsibility Center Specifies the location or branch office responsible for the record.
Location Code If available, shows the code of the location assigned to the record.
User ID If available, shows the ID of the user who is linked to the record.
Blocked With the field selected, the record is blocked and cannot be used.
Blocking Reason Specifies the reason for blocking the record.

The location or the user ID filled in for a technician is copied to all service orders that you enter the technician on.

You can also specify a technician on a service item card, with the selection window already filtered to this type. When you create entries in the maintenance cockpit, the Technician field on each entry that is linked to the service item is then filled in by the system, although you can still edit the field, if necessary.

Schedules on service contracts#

When you post a sales shipment, the system checks whether the item specified on the document is linked to a service item group that a service item is automatically created for in this case. If so, a valid service contract is determined and a line with EUR 0.01 is added per inspection type.

As a result, the same service item might appear on a contract more than once.


The Service Order Type field must be filled in on the relevant contract; otherwise, you cannot create it from the maintenance cockpit.


The line values need to be adjusted manually after creation.


Service contracts in the Canceled status aren’t included in the check.

On each contract line, you can then see the starting date of the line, the inspections that are carried out, and the interval at which maintenance is performed, as well as when the equipment was last serviced, when it was scheduled to be serviced again, and when the next servicing date is.

The values in the Starting Date fields are retrieved from the posted shipment but can be changed manually, if necessary.


At present, you cannot fill in contract lines with an interval that is later than the billing period.

At any time, you can add a line to the contract manually. You can also delete it if the New Line checkbox on the line has been selected and the status of the contract has been set to Open. You can no longer do so if the Lock Contract checkbox is selected.

To end the line, you must fill in the Contract Expiration Date field.


At present, the Annual Amount field on the Invoice Details FastTab must be set manually to the value specified in the Calcd. Annual Amount field.


The Change Status field is automatically set to Open and must be manually set to Blocked if you want to block a line.

Maintenance cockpit#

This cockpit helps you plan upcoming service cases. To open it, choose the Search icon, enter Maintenance Cockpit, and then choose the related link.

Afterward, you can use the Create Cockpit Entries function on the ribbon to retrieve all service lines that are due until a certain date. To narrow down their number even further, you can set a variety of filters on service contract header fields.


Items that don’t contain an inspection type on contracts aren’t retrieved by this function.

Each line on the cockpit then shows the most important information from a contract, including the items involved, the customer who has them, the types of inspection used, and the last and next servicing date. Any technician specified on a service item card is also automatically entered on the relevant lines.

To finish a line, fill in the Schedule On and Scheduled Technician fields and select the Planned checkbox on it.


The Schedule On and Scheduled Technician fields aren’t mandatory. The Planned checkbox, however, must be set if you want to create a service order for a cockpit line.

You can also select multiple lines and run the Enter Values for Filtered Recs. Action on the ribbon to copy to them the Planned, Schedule On, and Scheduled Technician field values that you enter on the request page.

Running the Delete Records in Filter action, on the other hand, deletes all selected lines from the cockpit.

You can then run the Create Service Docs. action to create service orders from the lines. On the request page, you can turn on the Split by Technician toggle or select one of the options in the Combine Lines field to copy, by service item or customer, multiple contract lines to a new service order.

Based on your setup, the orders will look as described in the following table.

Combine Lines Split by Technician Result
No Turned off One service order is created per line.

If available, the technician is then copied to the service item lines.
No Turned on One service order is created per line and technician.

If available, the technician is shown on the service header and the service item lines.
By Service Item Turned off One service order is created per service item number.

If available, the technician is then copied to the service item lines.
By Service Item Turned on One service order is created per service item number and technician.

If available, the technician is shown on the service header and the service item lines.
By Customer Turned off One service order is created per customer (independent of the items specified).

If available, the technician is then copied to the service item lines.
By Customer Turned on One service order is created per customer (independent of the items specified).

If available, the technician is shown on the service header and the service item lines.

When the orders are created, the document numbers linked to them are entered on the maintenance cockpit entries so that you can later open an order by drilling down on the relevant Document No. field.

Additionally, the contract numbers are entered on the new service headers and lines. The service order type is also copied from each contract, as is the location and user ID you’ve filled in when you set up the Technicians page; the same goes for the type of inspection.

The date entered in the Schedule On field in the cockpit is copied to the Starting Date field on the relevant service order, or, more specifically, to the service item line that it was specified for. If different starting dates are filled in on an order, the Starting Date field on the Details FastTab remains blank.

The work date, on the other hand, is copied to the Posting Date and Document Date fields on the Invoicing FastTab. You can change them manually, as you can all other fields, except for the Response Date field.

When you delete a service order, the data entered on the maintenance cockpit line is deleted as well; when you post an order, the line is also deleted.

When a service shipment is posted, the Last Planned Service Date and Next Planned Service Date fields on the service contract are recalculated, whereas the Last Service Date field on the General FastTab is updated on the service item.

Equipment entries#

When you choose Post > Ship or Post > Ship and Consume on the ribbon of a service order, the system creates a posted service shipment and checks if the items that are specified on it are tracked via serial numbers. If they are, the consumption calculated for them will be copied to the service ledger entries and the equipment entries linked to the relevant serial number information card.


In version 22.3, only consumption posted by running the Post > Ship and Consume function is copied to the equipment entries. From the next version, both options can be used.

You can cancel equipment entries manually by running the Change Cancellation Qty. action on the Equipment Entries page. This opens a page where you can see the full quantity of the line in the New Cancellation Qty. field and can change it manually.

To have the Cancellation Qty. set automatically, you must fill in the Equipment Entry No. field on an entry so that the quantity is filled in by the system when you post the relevant line.


The process only marks an entry as canceled; nothing is posted in connection with the entry.

Invoice a service contract#

When you invoice a contract, the system copies to the unposted invoice all contract lines where the ending date of the billing interval is later than the line’s starting date.

The next invoice is due in September. Two lines show a starting date of 10/01/2023. These lines will not be included on the current but the next invoice (sent in October).


When a customer sends accessories along, you can record them even if they’re not known to the system.

On service receipts#

On service receipts, you can run the Accessories action from the Lines FastTab and choose an existing item, resource, or G/L account to specify auxiliary equipment—or fill in a text line if the equipment you’ve received isn’t in the system yet.

The descriptions can be replaced as well. If available, you can also enter serial or lot numbers or expiration dates here.

When you post the receipt, each accessory is then assigned to a certain service item line and can be changed there, if necessary.

On a service order#

If you create a service item line for a service order manually, you can again use the Accessories action to add auxiliary equipment.

Accessories can also be shown and entered on service item worksheets. When you delete a service item line, the related accessories are deleted as well.

When you post a shipment, you can run the Accessories action on an equipment line of the posted document to see the accessories that are being shipped together with the equipment. You can no longer edit them, however.

With the Equipment Entries function, you can create a link to equipment specified on a sales or purchase document when you post to an item, a resource, or a G/L entry.

During posting, the information pertaining to the equipment is then copied from the related serial number information card to the Equipment Entries page, which you can get to from the document.

When you post the document, the system checks if the new item ledger entries meet the following criteria:

  • The posting can be traced to a sales or purchase order.
  • The entries contain serial numbers.
  • Sale or Purchase is selected as the ledger entry type.

If one of these criteria isn’t met, the process is canceled.


If the Positive checkbox is selected for an item ledger entry of type Sale or Purchase, the process is canceled as well. In this case, it is a reversal that must be posted by running a different function (Undo Shipment).

If the criteria are met, the system checks whether equipment entries exist for the document (a sales or purchase order) and, if available, copies them to the serial number information card.

Consumption or similar, for example, from a production order, isn’t posted in this context. In the case of sales and purchase orders, the important thing is to ‘carry along’ and visualize the information required to identify the items posted (with or without serial numbers).

However, this means that when you ship or receive items tracked by serial number with a quantity greater than 1, the system cannot tell which number is assigned to what equipment entry, as the entries are created by document line. All of them can therefore be assigned only to the first serial number that is posted.

As a result, the system also cannot check the availability of certain numbers or the quantities on partial shipments. With no BOM assigned either, it can also not check whether the selected items correspond to the required product.


The feature uses only serial numbers, not lot numbers.

When you post a line of the document (whether shipped partially or completely), the equipment entry linked to the line is deleted.

Source, whereabouts, and use of equipment#

On the Serial No. Information Card, you can now see the manufacturer, the supplier, and the current location of a piece of equipment.

To be able to use this feature, however, you need to choose Info Card Required on an item card ribbon. A serial number information card is then set up automatically when you post to the item.

Warranty times#

Multiple warranty fields have been added to the Item Card page and are used during the processes described in the following.

Posting a receipt
The Vendor Warranty Until field on the serial number information card that is created automatically is filled in by the system based on when you received the delivery.

Posting a shipment
The Customer Warranty Until field is filled in on the card based on when the delivery was shipped, and the shipment date is copied to the Startup Date field.

Creating a service item
The end of warranty (if available) is retrieved from the Customer Warranty Until field specified on the associated serial number information card.

When you enter a service item on a service item line, the warranty dates are filled in automatically. If no service item is specified, they’re retrieved from the serial number information card that is linked to the line item, with the ending date copied from the Customer Warranty Until or Customer Warranty Repairs Until field, whichever is later.

Returning an item to a customer
The Warranty Repairs Until field on the serial number information card linked to the line item is updated with the document date from the shipping document (provided the Item Repairs Warranty field has been filled in).

Archive documents#

Despite archiving capabilities in sales, the standard app doesn’t keep a record of service quotes or orders after they’ve been completed. But considering that archived documents might still be of some help to you, you can tell the system in medtec365 to keep them around.

Like in sales, you can use a toggle to specify how quotes and orders should be archived:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Service Management Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the General FastTab, in the Archive Service Quotes or Archive Service Orders field, select if you want quotes or orders archived automatically or run a function to do this.

If set to Always, a quote is archived when it is printed, deleted, or posted. When set to Never, you need to run the Archive action on the ribbon.

You can see the number of versions a document has been archived in the No. of Archived Versions field on the document itself, and in the Sell-to Customer Service History FactBox, in the Arch. Quotes or Arch. Orders field. Clicking the highlighted number in any of these will get you to a specific document.

Besides the document, the system will archive the comments, beginning texts, and ending texts stored for it.

Like in sales, you can also restore an archived version if it is linked to a service order that hasn’t been completed yet.

Warranty claims and complaints in service#

When processing a service order, a complaint or claim can be created directly from it.


The Warranty claims and complaints module and the FMEA module are unlocked modules that can only be used with additional licensing and activation.

Because the Warranty claims or complaints is generated directly from the service order, the documents are automatically linked to each other via the call number.


Service activity groups#

Within the service activity group, it is necessary to create an activity with the designation warranty claims / complaints, which is to be set up as follows:

Field Description / Value
Code WAC
Description Warranty claims and complaints
Service Activity Type Service
Item No. Required No
Text Required Here you can also set whether a text must or can be entered when creating a complaint/reclamation or whether a text is never required.

The specific activity warranty claims / complaints is stored in the Standard service codes.

It is possible to bundle warranty claims / complaints into a single activity. However, if necessary, two separate activities can also be set up for this purpose.

Standard servicecodes#

In order to be able to create a Warranty claims or complaints from a service order, Standard service codes codes must first be created.

In the header of the standard service code card, the warranty claims / complaints activity is entered in the service activity group field.

The standard service code lines are set up as follows:

Field Description / Value
Relation Service item
Type item
Discount Reason Free of charge
Line discount % 100
Zero position Free of charge
Target document type warranty claims or complaints
Repair status Status of warranty claims or complaints
Create receipt automatically Tick can be set if required.
Display document automatically Tick can be set if required.
Order type Select call subtype


It is recommended to create a standard service code for warranty claims and complaints.

Standard service item group setup#

After creating a new standard service code, it is necessary to check the standard service item group setup setup and add to it if necessary.

Service management setup#

In the Service management setup on the "Default" info tab, the call types can be stored in the "Complaint call type" and "Complaint call type" fields. A call subspecies can only be defined in the standard service codes if a call type exists.

An activity group for complaints and claims can be entered on the "Activity" information tab in the service facility.

Repair status#

When a complaint or claim is created, the repair status is transferred from the standard service code line to the service item line as the active repair status. It is therefore advisable to create a specific status value for complaints and one for claims and configure it accordingly.

Service activity templates#

If complaints and claims are an integral part of the service process, it is advisable to integrate them directly into the activity templates.

Workflow: Warranty claims and complaints from serviceorder#

When processing a service order, it is possible to create warranty claims or complaints from the service order.

If the activity templates are set up accordingly so that the warranty claims / complaints is included in the process, the activity group can be executed directly in the Service activity groups info box. To execute the activity, the activity is selected. The activity can be executed by clicking on Service activity group.

If this is not set up, the activity can be added and executed manually using the New action.

Depending on the setup in the Service activity group, a text can be entered after the activity has been carried out. The text entered is stored in the Service activity group info box in the Info field. The text is also stored in the warranty claims / complaints in the acceptance text.

Alternatively, the Create processing action can be called up in the service item lines or in the service lines. This will display a selection list of all activities set up as a service, from which the corresponding activity can be selected. If there are several options to choose from within an activity group, a further page appears for selecting a complaint or appeal.

A new service line is then created using the standard service code, the warranty claims / complaints is generated and these two documents are linked together.


If the warranty claims / complaints is started via the Create processing action and the warranty claims / complaints activity is not stored in the Service activity groups info box, the acceptance text must be stored directly in the warranty claims / complaints. In this case, no page opens in advance to store an acceptance text.

If the warranty claims / complaints is deleted, the document number is automatically removed. If the warranty claims / complaints is archived, the document number is automatically moved to the Target document no. field. The line is also set to Completed.

The following data is pre-assigned in the generated warranty claims / complaints:

  • The customer number is taken from the service order
  • If set up, the call type is pre-assigned from the service management setup and the call subtype from the standard service code line
  • The call number of the service order is transferred to the field of the same name so that the document can be found via the call documents
  • If the current user is linked to a salesperson code via the user facility, which is stored with a contact number, the contact details are entered as the "Reporting person"
  • If a text was entered when the service activity was started, this is entered as the acceptance text
  • The service item is entered as the "Rejected item". The call data is taken from the service line

Multiline warranty claims / complaints#

If a warranty claims / complaints already exists for a service item line and warranty claims / complaints is created for another line, the status of the existing document is checked.

If the status is set to Open, the item is automatically included in the existing document.

If the status is set to Released, a new document is automatically created.


If an item is automatically integrated into an existing document, the acceptance text must be entered in the document. Prior text entry is not possible in this case.

If warranty claims / complaints is to be created for several selected lines, this must be done via the Create processing action. The Standard service codes page opens once for all selected lines, which can be used to select whether a warranty claims / complaints should be created. Depending on the selection made, warranty claims / complaints is then created for the selected lines.


If the call classification is changed in warranty claims / complaints, this is automatically changed in the linked service line. The archived warranty claims / complaints is stored in the call.

As the call number of the service order can be found in the linked warranty claims / complaints, these documents are also displayed in the call documents.

Alternative integration option#

If the warranty claims / complaints are not to be integrated into the service process or if this should / can only be done subsequently, it is possible to create warranty claims / complaints manually and then also transfer the items manually from the service.

The two actions Service item lines and Service item delivery lines are available on warranty claims / complaints page for this purpose.

However, the customer number must first be entered, as the service orders or deliveries are filtered for this.

In contrast to integration from the service order direction, no reciprocal link is created via the call number in the header and in the disputed items.

  1. Microsoft, Microsoft Dynamics, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.