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The following features expand standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 functionality to provide additional options to those working in your organization’s production department.

Reports and documents#

To assist you in your manufacturing tasks, medtec365 provides route sheets and barcodes matching the numbers that you assigned to production orders, components, and operations in the system. To set up the feature for first use:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Report Selections Production Order, and then choose the related link.
  2. In the Usage field, choose Project Card.
  3. On a line, in the Report ID field, select report 5007239 (Route Sheet).

Afterward, you can add route sheets to your production processes. When you run the report to create a sheet, you can also choose on the Options FastTab whether you want to have additional information printed on the document, as described in the following table.

Option Description
Incl. Bar Code Turn on this toggle to have a bar code printed on the sheet.
Incl. Materials Turn on this toggle to have the materials required for each production step printed on the document.
No. of Copies Specify the number of sheets you need.

Ease-of-use improvements#

To increase traceability and transparency, you can now turn production order numbers into lot numbers so that you can continue to track items even when the status of a production order changes.

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter KUMAVISION medtec365 Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Manufacturing FastTab, turn on the Prod. Order No. as Lot No. toggle.

See the following table for an explanation of the other fields on the tab.

Field Description
Default Scheduling Period Here you can specify a date formula that will be used to refresh the ending dates on requisition and planning worksheets. The result of the calculation is added onto the value in the Starting Date field when you fill in a worksheet.

You enter 12M. This means that the next time you fill in a requisition or planning worksheet, the Starting Date field will be filled in with the work date, whereas the Ending Date field will show the same day and month, only a year later (unless that day is not a workday).
Default Run Time Turn on this toggle if you want the system, and not staff members, to fill in run times.
Default Setup Time Turn on this toggle if you want the system, and not staff members, to fill in setup times on production and output journals.
All Flushing Methods for Tracked Items Turn on this toggle if you want production order components that require item tracking and a flushing method other than Manual to be posted automatically to production and consumption journals.

Default item location and bin#

If you’ve set up a location and a bin on an item card (on the Replenishment FastTab), they’re filled in automatically when the item is entered…

  • …on a production order (in the Source No. field) during manual order creation, with both the location and bin filled in on the header.
  • …as a component on a BOM.
  • …manually on the components of a production order.

  1. Microsoft, Microsoft Dynamics und Microsoft Dynamics 365 sind Marken der Microsoft-Unternehmensgruppe.