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Warehouse Management#

The following features expand standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 functionality to provide additional options to those working in your organization’s logistics department.

Make copies of shipping notes#

By using standard app functionality, you can specify a set number of invoice copies that are printed when you post an invoice sent to a customer.

A new feature lets you do the same for shipping notes so that, for example, as a wholesaler, you can respond to forwarders’ requests for a certain number of copies that they need to supply to international clients.

Each copy is printed automatically when a shipping note is posted. To specify the number of copies:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Customers, and then choose the related link.
  2. Open a customer card.
  3. On the General FastTab, fill in the No. of Shpt. Copies field.

Show quantities in item statistics#

The statistics page you can open from item cards in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 provides multiple ways in which to list currency amounts for a specific item. None of these views, however, contain item-related quantities. Therefore, a Quantity option has been added to the page.

To see quantities in statistics:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Items, and then choose the related link.
  2. Open an item card.
  3. Choose Related > Statistics > Item Statistics.
  4. Select Quantity in the Show as Lines field and fill in the other fields as necessary.
  5. Choose Show Matrix on the ribbon.

You can then see the following quantity totals for each item ledger entry type:

  • Positive Adjmt. (Qty.)
  • Purchases (Qty.)
  • Output (Qty.)
  • Assembly Output (Qty.)
  • Quantity Increase
  • Sales (Qty.)
  • Consumption (Qty.)
  • Assembly Consumption (Qty.)
  • Quantity Decrease
  • Transfer (Qty.)

All quantities except those related to item ledger entries of the Transfer type are shown as positive values. You can drill down on a field to see all the item ledger entries totaled for a certain type.

Identify receipts by supplier#

When retrieving source document lines for warehouse receipts, you can now see the external reference numbers stored on the document lines in addition to item numbers. This way, you can filter for a supplier’s item reference when creating documents for warehouse receipts.

Manage negative inventory by location#

By using standard system functionality, you can prevent negative inventory at every location of your company. However, some locations might need to make use of the option of posting into the negative.

A field has been added to the location card so that you can decide individually for each location how posting negative adjustments should be handled.

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Locations, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select a location card.
  3. On the General FastTab, fill in the Prevent Negative Inventory field.

If you didn’t turn on the Prevent Negative Inventory toggle in Inventory Setup, the field on location cards shows the following options:

  • Default (No)
  • No
  • Yes

However, if you turned on the toggle in Inventory Setup, the options are:

  • Default (Yes)
  • No
  • Yes

In other words, the default setting at a location depends on whether you’ve turned the toggle in Inventory Setup on or off.


What default option is set in item masters, that is, a Default (Yes) or a Default (No), always depends on whether you turned on the Prevent Negative Inventory toggle in Inventory Setup.

When you’re trying to post a negative adjustment, the system goes through the following sequence to decide whether to perform or prevent the posting:

  • What option is set on the item card?
  • What option is set for the location?
  • Has the toggle been turned on in Inventory Setup?

Supply certificates of conformity#

You can now also store conformance certificates for lots and provide them to customers if necessary.


Extended Manufacturing Setup#

To be able to use this feature, you need to specify a number series for certificates. To set up a series:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Extended Manufacturing Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the General FastTab, select a series in the Conformance Certificate Nos. field. Alternatively, to create a new series, select the button next to the field and then choose New.

Manage a certificate#

To manage certificates:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Conformance Certificate List, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose New to create a certificate or choose Manage > View or Edit after selecting an existing one.
  3. If you choose New, the No. field will be filled in with a number from the series that you set up for this purpose. You can also assign a number manually.
  4. Optionally, fill in the Description and Certificate No. fields based on what you see written on the certificate. The other fields on the General FastTab will be filled in by the system after you’ve run the Import function.
  5. Choose Import on the ribbon to select the file that contains the certificate.

You can then choose Get Lots from Purch. Receipts, Get Lots from Lot No. Info, or Get Lots from ILEs on the ribbon to assign the certificate to a lot.

The other actions available on the ribbon are described in the following table.

Function Description
Export Saves the image file displayed on the header.
Open Shows the image file displayed on the header.
Delete Deletes the image file displayed on the header.

Lot No. Information card#

This card shows in the Conformance Certificate No. field the number of a certificate of conformity. You can use the Assist button next to the field to open the card of the certificate itself.

Post transfers automatically#

Another new feature is that you can have the receipt of transfer orders posted at the same time as their shipment. This can be useful, for example, when you have no staff member who could confirm receipt at the destination.

You can use standard or KUMAVISION functionality for direct transfer orders, the difference being that when you choose the default option, you cannot ship or receive only part of an order.

With the KUMAVISION option, on the other hand, the system also posts partial receipts and shipments. To set up the feature:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Inventory Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Numbering FastTab, in the Direct Transfer Setup field, select the option you want to use (Microsoft Direct Transfer or KUMAVISION base Direct Transfer).
  3. In the Direct Transfer Posting field, select Direct Transfer for standard functionality. For the KUMAVISION base extension, select Receipt and Shipment.

However, for the KUMAVISION base function to work, you must also turn on the feature for a location:

  1. Open a location card.
  2. On the General FastTab, turn on the Auto Post Transfers toggle.

The toggle is then set automatically on transfer orders to which this location is assigned.

Get source document lines#

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1, you can use the Get Source Documents function to retrieve source data for the following inventory and warehouse documents:

  • Inventory Put-Away
  • Inventory Pick
  • Whse. Receipt
  • Whse. Ship

All lines that still need to be received or shipped are then copied there. Lines that aren’t required must be deleted manually. The new Get Source Document Lines function extends standard functionality to include filter options for the lines of source documents. Grouped by type of document, the lines can then be filtered, for example, by item numbers so that only part of a document is retrieved.

Post during inventory counts#

Standard functionality allows you to post to locations even during physical inventory counts. To prevent this, you can now specify that items can only be posted to other locations or not all during stocktaking.

  1. Choose the Tell Me function, enter Inventory Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. Turn the Allow Posting of Items in Physical Inventory on or off.

Deactivating the toggle means you cannot post any item that is currently stored in a physical inventory journal or on an inventory order. Items that aren’t can be used for posting, however.

Activate the toggle if you want to allow items to be posted to other locations. As an example, you might need to take stock in Warehouse 1 but want to continue working in Warehouse 2.

Get blocked items or variants#

Typically, blocked items or item variants cannot be used in physical inventory journals.

This means that they aren’t copied to a journal, for example, when you run the Calculate Inventory action from it, and you cannot enter them manually on the lines either. You also aren’t notified whether some are still in inventory despite being blocked.

In KUMAVISION base (Booster), you can use a ribbon function to specify items that would typically be unavailable but must be included in a count temporarily:

  1. Open a physical inventory journal.
  2. On the ribbon, choose Get Blocked Items/Variants.
  3. On the page that opens, you can select the items you want to unblock, and then choose Unblock Items/Variants to include them in a count.

Afterward, the items or variants remain unblocked on the page until you select them again and choose Block Items/Variants.


Rerunning the function clears the current page, however. This means that any items that you didn’t re-block before exiting the page will remain available in the system.

The lines on the page contain the fields described in the following table. You cannot change any of them manually.

Field Description
Journal Template Name Specifies the name of the journal template that the line is associated with.

This field is relevant only to users working with multiple physical inventory journals at once.
Journal Batch Name Specifies the name of the journal that the line is associated with.

This field is relevant only to users working with multiple physical inventory journals at once.
Line No. Specifies the number of the line, in steps of 100.
Item No. Specifies the number of the blocked item.
Variant Code If available, specifies the item variant that is blocked.
Blocked By Specifies if the item or variant was blocked because of a failed field check or because a user did so manually.
Blocked (User) If the item or variant was blocked by a user, specifies the ID of the person who blocked it.
Item Jnl. Variant Block Specifies if the item variant is blocked in an item journal.
Unblocked (Temp.) Specifies if the line was unblocked by using the Unblock Items/Variants function.

With the field selected, the item or variant shown on the line can be manually entered in a physical inventory journal or be filled in by running the Calculate Inventory action.
Unblocked (Temp.) At/On Specifies when the Unblock Items/Variants function was run.
Unblocked (Temp.) By Specifies who ran the Unblock Items/Variants function.
Created On Specifies when the Get Blocked Items/Variants function was run.
Created By Specifies who ran the Get Blocked Items/Variants function.

We recommend that you first use the Get Blocked Items/Variants action to fill in the page, then select the lines that you want to unblock and run the Unblock Items/Variants function from the ribbon.

Afterward, you can add the lines to the relevant journal manually (or choose Calculate Inventory on the ribbon) before completing the count and running the Block Items/Variants function to block the items again.


To be able to use unblocked items or variants on sales or purchase documents, the Sales or Purchasing Blocked toggle must also be turned off on the associated item or variant cards.



In the standard version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1, there is no central inventory overview of item stocks via locations and bins, including item tracking information (batch, serial and package numbers).

In order to be able to display a central overview of company stocks independent of bins, the stock overview was created, in which the stock quantities per item, variant and item tracking information are displayed for each storage location, zone and storage bin.

The quantity is displayed in base units, but also the quantity in storage units (for controlled logistics).


The item stock per serial number is displayed for locations that do not require a storage bin if the "SN Specific Tracking" switch is active in item tracking.

For locations with bins, the item stock is displayed per serial number if the "SN Warehouse Tracking" switch is active in item tracking.


The following settings must be made on the "Inventory Setup" fast tab in the "Inventory Summary":

Field Description
Automatic Inventory Summary Enable this option to automatically generate and update a summary of your inventory. The summary is automatically updated with each posting of inventory movements.
Display Adjustment Bin in Inventory Summary Enable this option to include the adjustment bin quantities in the inventory summary.
Display Negative Inventory in Inventory Summary Enable this option to include negativ quantities in the inventory summary.

Inventory Summary#

Field Description
Entry No. Specifies the number of the entry, as assigned from the specified number series when the entry was created.
Location Code Specifies the code for the location that the entry is linked to.
Zone Code Specifies the code of the zone to which the entry is linked.
Bin Code Specifies the bin where the items are picked or put away.
Item No. Specifies the number of the item on the line.
Variant Code Specifies the variant of the item on the line.
Lot No. Specifies a lot number if the posted item carries such a number.
Serial No. Specifies a serial number if the posted item carries such a number.
Package No. Specifies a package number if the posted item carries such a number.
Description Specifies a description of the item.
Description 2 Specifies a description of the item.
Quantity Specifies the number of units of the item in the inventory summary.
Unit of Measure Code Specifies how each unit of the item or resource is measured, such as in pieces or hours. By default, the value in the Base Unit of Measure field on the item or resource card is inserted.
Qty. per Unit of Measure Specifies the number of base units of measure that are in the unit of measure specified for the item on the line.
Quantity (Base) Specifies the quantity of the entry, in the base unit of measure.
Item Blocked Specifies that the related record is blocked from being posted in transactions, for example an item that is placed in quarantine.
Bin Content Block Movement Specifies how the movement of a particular item, or bin content, into or out of this bin, is blocked.
Item Tracking Blocked Specifies that the related record is blocked from being posted in transactions, for example a customer that is declared insolvent or an item that is placed in quarantine.
Inventory Blocked Specifies that the related record is blocked from being posted in transactions.
Dedicated Specifies that quantities in the bin are protected from being picked for other demands.
Bin Ranking Specifies the bin ranking.
Lot Warehouse Tracking Specifies that warehouse document lines require a lot number.
Bin Mandatory Specifies if the location requires that a bin code is specified on all item transactions.
Lot Specific Tracking Specifies that when handling an outbound unit, always specify which existing lot number to handle.
Serial Specific Tracking Specifies that when handling an outbound unit of the item in question, you must always specify which existing serial number to handle.
Serial Warehouse Tracking Specifies that warehouse document lines require serial numbers.

Functions in the ribbon#

The following functions can be found in the ribbon of the inventory summary:

Field Description
Item Card Opens the corresponding item card of the selected stock data record.
Item Variant Card Opens the item variant overview filtered by the item number and variant code of the selected stock data record.

Note:<brThis function is only active if the respective data record contains a variant code.
Lot Information Card Opens the lot no. information card of the selected stock data record.

This function is only active if the selected stock data record has a lot number. If no information card exists, an empty data record is displayed.
Serial Information Card Opens the serial number information card of the selected stock data record.

This function is only active if the selected stock data record has a serial number. If no information card exists, an empty data record is displayed.
Package Information Card Opens the parcel no. information card of the selected stock data record.

This function is only active if the selected inventory data record has a parcel number. If no information card exists, an empty data record is displayed.
Bin Opens the bin overview filtered to the storage location code and storage bin code of the selected stock data record.

This function is only active if the respective stock data record has a storage bin code.


The functions are locked if several data records are selected in the stock overview.

Inventory Summary from master data and documents#

The stock overview can be opened from the following pages using the ribbon or the line menu:

Page Description
Item card Opens the inventory summary filtered by item number.
Item list Opens the inventory summary filtered by item number.
Item variants Opens the inventory summary filtered to the variant of the item.
Stockkeeping Unit Opens the inventory summary filtered by item number, variant code and location code.
Stockkeeping Unit List Opens the inventory summary filtered by item number, variant code and location code.
Lot No. Information Card Opens the inventory summary filtered by item number, variant code and lot number.
Lot No. Information List Opens the inventory summary filtered by item number, variant code and lot number.
Serial No. Information Card Opens the inventory summary filtered by item number, variant code and serial number.
Serial No. Information List Opens the inventory summary filtered by item number, variant code and serial number.
Package No. Information Card Opens the inventory summary filtered by item number, variant code and package number.
Package No. Information List Opens the inventory summary filtered by item number, variant code and package number.
Warehouse Bin List Opens the inventory summary filtered by location code, zone code and bin code.
Bin Contents List Opens the inventory summary filtered by location code, zone code, bin code, item number, variant code and unit code.
Purchase order line Opens the inventory summary at line level filtered by location code, item number and variant code.

This function can only be executed for lines with the type "Item".
Sales order line Opens the inventory summary at line level filtered by location code, item number and variant code.

This function can only be executed for lines with the type "Item".
Transfer order line Opens the inventory summary at line level filtered to the outgoing location (transfer from code), item number and variant code.
Released production order line Opens the inventory summary at line level filtered by item number, variant code, location code and bin code.
Production order component line Opens the inventory summary at line level filtered by item number, variant code, location code and bin code.
Assembly line Opens the inventory summary at line level filtered by item number, variant code, location code and bin code.
Warehouse Receipt Line Opens the inventory summary at line level filtered by item number, variant code, location code and bin code.
Warehouse Shipment Line Opens the inventory summary at line level filtered by item number, variant code, location code and bin code.
Internal transfer line Opens the inventory summary at line level filtered by item number, variant code, location code and bin code (with value of "From bin code").
Storage line Opens the inventory summary at line level filtered by item number, variant code, location code and bin code.
Picking line Opens the inventory summary at line level filtered by item number, variant code, location code and bin code.
Stock transfer line Opens the inventory summary at line level filtered by item number, variant code, location code and bin code.
Bin transfer line Opens the inventory summary at line level filtered by item number, variant code, location code and bin code.
Item Journal Opens the inventory summary filtered by item number, variant code, location code and bin code.
Item Reclass. Journal Opens the inventory summary filtered by item number, variant code, location code and bin code.
Phys. Inventory Journal Opens the inventory summary filtered by item number, variant code, location code and bin code.
Logistics Item Journal Opens the inventory summary filtered by item number, variant code, location code and bin code.
Logistics Reclass. Journal Opens the inventory summary filtered by item number, variant code and location code.
Logistics Inventory Journal Opens the inventory summary filtered by item number, variant code and location code.
Logistics - Internal storage requirements Opens the inventory summary at line level filtered by item number, variant code, location code and bin code (with value of From bin code).
Logistics - Internal order picking Opens the inventory summary at line level filtered by item number, variant code and location code.
Storage bin allocation - worksheets Opens the inventory summary filtered by item number, variant code, location code, zone code (with value of the From zone code) and bin code (with value of the From bin code).

  1. Microsoft, Microsoft Dynamics, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.