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Risk Management#

Risk management allows you to calculate, monitor and counteract project risks. Using the task management within the risk line, you can define preventive measures.

To calculate and monitor the project risks, call up the "Risk management" via the menu ribbon. The corresponding fields are explained in more detail below:

Field Description
Comments This field indicates whether a comment of the risk line is deposited.
Risk no. This field must be filled. It controls the position of the risk line and thus the clarity of the entire risk list.
Description This field can be used to store a description for the risk.
Risk type In this field you enter the type of risk.

This field offers the following options:

- RiskIndicates
the risk

- HeadingSpecifies
a heading

- SumWith
this option you can create a sum over several risk rows. You define the range using the "Total" field.

- From-totalAs
in the chart of accounts, you can create a from-total - to-total over several rows in Risk Management.

- To-totalAs
in the chart of accounts, you can create a from-total - to-total over several rows in Risk Management.
Counting up This field specifies which risks are added together. This field works for the "From-total", "To-total" and "Total" risk types. When using the "From-total" and "To-total" risk types, the system automatically fills the "Add up" field of the row with the "To-total" risk type.
Number of open tasks Indicates the number of open tasks (measures) generated by the task creation.
Entry date In this date field, you store the date on which the risk may occur.
Responsible In this information field a user can be assigned as responsible for this risk.
Damage (MW) This field is used to specify the amount of damage.
Cum. Damage (MW) This field is automatically filled based on the "Damage (MW)" field and indicates the cumulative damage.
Probability % In the "Probability %" field, the probability of the risk that could occur is indicated.
Cum. Damage assessed (MW) This field is automatically filled based on the calculation of the "Damage (MW)" and "Probability %" fields.
Damage n. Completion (MW) This information field can be used to specify the damage after the completion of the project.
Cum. Damage n. Completion (MW) This field is automatically filled with the cumulative value of the field "Damage n. Completion".
Prob. n. completion % This information field can be used to indicate the probability of the risk after completion of the project.
Cum. Damage assessed n. closure (MW) This field is automatically filled based on the calculation of the fields "Damage after completion (MW)" and "Probability after completion %". It describes the assessed damage after completion of the project.
Active This identifier controls whether the risk is active or not.
Identified by This field is automatically filled with the user name that entered the risk line.
Identified on This field is automatically filled with the working date on which the risk line was created.
Cause Description A description of the cause can be stored here.
Damage description A description of the possible damage can be stored in this field.
Measure costs (MW) The measure costs of the risk can be entered here.
Cum. Measure costs (MW) This field is automatically populated based on the "Measure Costs (MW)" field and indicates the cumulative measure costs.
Damage Actual (MW) In this field you enter the actual damage.
Cum. Damage Actual (MW) Based on the "Damage Actual (MW)" field, this field is automatically filled.