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Resource master data#

Resources include employees or machines. Resource management allows you to plan capacity and deployment in detail and for an unlimited period of time.

Furthermore, resources can be grouped into resource groups. Purchase and sales prices can be recorded in detail and budgeted and invoiced for resources and resource groups.


To create a resource in KUMAVISION factory365, the following setups have to be done in advance:

Number series for resource#

Set up the number series for the resources so that when a new resource is created, the system automatically assigns a sequential identifiable number for the resource.

To do this, call up the "Number series" via the user search. You can create a new number series via "New" in the menu ribbon.

Afterwards, the created number series is stored in the "Resources setup" in the "Resource numbers" field.

Further information can be found in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 Helpsite.


Set up the "Units" table according to your individual requirements to be able to make the assignment when creating a resource (base unit code).

Call up the "Units" via the user search and create the units according to your requirements (for resources it is recommended to set up the unit "Hour").

Further information can be found in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 Helpsite.

Basic calendar#

The "Base calendar" can be used for several processes in KUMAVISION factory365. In connection with the resource, you can store a corresponding base calendar, with the help of which, for example, the different holidays in a (federal) country can be taken into account.

In Germany, January 6 (Epiphany) is viewed completely differently - while in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria, for example, this is handled as a normal holiday, in North Rhine-Westphalia it is a normal working day. With the help of the stored calendar, resource availability can be calculated accordingly.

To create a base calendar, call up "Base calendar" via the user search. You can create a new base calendar via "New" in the menu ribbon.

The assignment of the possible different base calendars is done when the resource is created on the respective resource card.

Further information can be found in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 Helpsite.


Qualifications can be stored in the resources according to your skills. To define the qualifications, first call them up via the user search.

Via "New" in the ribbon you can create a new qualification with the help of the table below.

Field Description
Code Assign a meaningful abbreviation for the qualification.
Description Assign a description for the qualification.

Further information can be found in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 Helpsite.

Working Time Template#

The working time templates allow you to store the different working time models of your employees in the system. Call up the "Working time templates" via the user search.

Via "New" in the menu ribbon, you can define a new working time template that can be assigned to a resource when it is created. Further information can be found in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 Helpsite.

Capacity units#

Resource management and capacity determination of production work with different unit tables. For linking the units, the resource unit is assigned to the capacity unit.

To do this, call up the capacity units via the user search. Via the menu item "Edit list" in the menu ribbon you can edit already existing capacity units and thus link the resource unit of the capacity unit in the field "Resource units".


To create a new resource in the system, first call up the "Resources" via the user search. Via "New" in the menu ribbon you can create a new resource with the help of the table below.

Inforegister General#

Field Description
No. Specifies the number of the resource according to the specified number series. Alternatively, a manual assignment can be made.
Name Specifies the name of the resource.
Name 2 Specifies the name 2 of the resource.
Type Indicates what type of resource it is. Choice between "Person" or "Machine".
Base unit Specifies the base unit of the resource e.g. "hour", "piece".
Number of text modules Specifies the number of stored text modules.

The text modules are stored in the ribbon - Navigate - Text modules.

Further information on the topic of "Text modules" can be found in the section of the same name.
Search Keyword Specifies an alternative name / abbreviation that you can use to search for the record.

The system will automatically preset the field with the field content "Name", a manual change is possible.
Res. group no. Specifies the resource group assigned to the resource.
Locked If active, the resource cannot be used in the processes
Privacy lock Specifies whether to restrict access to data of the data subject in daily operation.
Locked (user) Field that activates the lock of the master record (as before). However, the field can now no longer be changed directly.
Care This indicates whether the record is currently in maintenance or not.
Status mandatory field check This field displays whether the mandatory field check was not performed (no check), completely checked, or incompletely checked.

The lookup on the field can be used to view the missing mandatory fields.
Locked from This shows whether the record is locked by the mandatory field check or by the user.
Corrected on Date of the last correction.
Specific calendar Indicates that the base calendar was used, for a custom calendar.
Working Time Template By assigning a working time template, the capacity quantity per weekly working day is determined when creating the resource capacity. If no working time template is assigned, this is skipped when the capacity creation function is executed.
Use timesheet If the switch is activated, the resource is available for bookings via the timesheets.
User ID of the time sheet owner Specifies the user ID of the timesheet owner.
User ID of the timesheet approver Specifies the user ID of the timesheet approver.
Workplace type Defines the type of linking of the resource. The link is taken into account in the resource utilization.

The following options are available:

Workstation group

when the resource is linked to a workstation group.


when the resource is linked to a workstation group.


if the resource is not linked.
Job no. Defines the linked workstation (group) depending on the workstation type.
External resource Marks the resource as External so that it can also be used in the procurement process.
Vendor no. Specifies the vendor to which the external resource belongs.

The system automatically determines the company contact number by entering the vendor number.
Company Contact no. Indicates the company contact to which the resource belongs.
People contact no. Specifies the person contact number to which the external resource belongs.

Invoicing information register#

Field Description
EK price Specifies the purchase price of a unit of the resource.
Indirect costs % Indicates the percentage of the last purchase price of the resource from which indirect costs arise, such as freight/travel costs or similar associated with the purchase of the resource.
Cost price Indicates the cost of one unit of the resource.
VK Price / DB Calculation Indicates the relationship between the fields "Cost price", "Sales price" and "DB %".

The choices are:
• No reference
DB % Specifies the profit margin at which you want to sell the resource. You can enter a contribution margin manually or have it entered according to the "VK Price / DB Calculation" field.
UK price Indicates the price of one unit of the resource. You can enter the price manually or have it entered according to the "VK Price / DB Calculation" field.
Credit delivery valuation group code Specifies the item group code for the supplier rating.

Further information on the topic of supplier evaluation can be found in the section provided for this purpose.
Product posting group Specifies the product type of the resource to perform transactions for this resource with the corresponding G/L account.

VAT - Product booking group Specifies the VAT details of the involved resource to perform transactions according to the posting matrix.
Standard Accrual Template Specifies how revenues and expenses are accrued from periods.
Automatic. Text module Specifies that a text module is added to the documents for this resource.
IC partner Deposit G/L account no. Specifies the number of the IC G/L account in your partner's company to which the amounts of the respective resource are posted.
Product Commission Group Code Specifies the product commission group.

With the help of commission groups, resources can be grouped and commissioned separately.

This classification into commission groups is inherited in the sales process in the posted documents.

For further information, please refer to the "Commission management" section.

Inforegister Personal Data#

Field Description
Function Specifies the function of the resource.
Address / Address 2 Specifies the address of the resource.
Location Specifies the location of the address of the resource.
Zip code Specifies the postal code of the resource's address.
Country/Region Code Specifies the country/region of the resource's address.
Social security no. Specifies the social security number of the resource (person).
Training Indicates the education of the resource (person).
Convention Specifies the convention for the resource (person).
Date of employment Indicates the date when the resource was hired.


On the respective resource card, you have the option of assigning a qualification to the respective resource via "Qualifications" in the menu ribbon. If no qualifications have been set up in the table of the same name, they must be created beforehand.

Depending on the "Projects setup" in the "Check resource qualification" field, the system checks whether the necessary qualifications for an activity type are available when a resource is entered in the project plan lines.

Set capacity#

The capacity of a resource is the amount of work that can be done within a defined period of time (one day). To calculate and define the capacities of the resource, call up the "Define capacity" function via the menu ribbon in the "Navigate" menu tab.

The "Calculate Res. Capacity" mask opens on which the filtering of the resource is already preset. By specifying the start/end date, the capacity items can be determined and defined.


The capacity is calculated on the basis of the assigned base calendar and the assigned working time template on the respective resource card.
If no allocation of one/both fields has been made, no calculation of capacity can be made.


If capacity items already exist for the calculated resource, the Calculate Res. Capacity application deletes them and creates new items.

Resource capacity#

By calling up "Resource capacity" via the user search, you have the option of viewing the capacity of the resources.

The "Set capacity" function is also available via the "Planning" menu selection on the "Resource capacity matrix" info tab.

The difference between the call on the resource map and the call in the resource capacity is that when calling from the resource map a pre-filtering is set on the resource. The call via the resource capacity is not, so that the capacity can be calculated over all available resources.

Create timesheet#

Via the function "Create timesheet..." in the menu ribbon under the menu tab "Actions" you can create a timesheet for the respective resource.

To do this, enter the start date from which the timesheet is to be created. As well as the number of periods.

Using the timesheets, the resource can record and submit for your projects, the corresponding project tasks and the times for the corresponding period.

Further information on this topic can be found in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 Helpsite.

  1. Microsoft, Microsoft Dynamics, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.