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Project planning#

In the following, you will be introduced to project planning. It will be shown how a project can be structured and how plan values can be stored.

Project Assistant#

For a quick and easy creation of a project KUMAVISION factory365 offers a wizard for project creation.

For this, it is first necessary that the user has assigned the role center "Project Manager" in the user customization.

On the start page of the "Project Manager" role center, the "New Project" call is located in the activities area.

After clicking on the call, the wizard will be started.

Creation progress#

The "Creation progress" screen is used for the navigation/status overview of the project wizard.

This is divided into four sub-areas with their respective statuses:

  • Copy project
  • General project data
  • Sale to data
  • Invoice to data

Furthermore, the current processing step with the overall progress status is displayed.

In the lower area of the mask you have the following selection options:

Copy project#

Field Description
Project type Specifies the type of project it is.
Template Project No. Specifies the project no. to submit the new project.

If a project template is already stored in the project type, it will be preset automatically.
Transfer from project:
(Copy project awards,
Copy quantity,
Copy milestones,
Copy document texts)
From the "Template Project No.", if it is activated, the following data can be transferred from the template to the new project:

• Copy project prices
• Copy quantity
• Copy milestones
• Copy document texts
Copy risks Here the risks from the "Template project" can be taken over for the project to be created.

The following selection options are available:

• No
• Risks only
• With values
• with probabilities
Project task no. from Here the project tasks can be taken over from the "Template project" for the project to be created. Specification of the "Project task no. from" value.
Project task no. until Here the project tasks can be taken over from the "Template project" for the project to be created. Specification of the "Project task no. to" value.
Start date / End date Specifies the scheduled start/end date of the project.
Origin Set:

Do not create plan lines when copying

Project plan lines:
Project plan lines to be copied from the template project using the project plan lines

Project items:
Generate project plan lines based on the project items from the template project.
Line type Depending on the project plan line origin, you can define which line type(s) you want to transfer:

Project plan lines:
- Budget + BillableAll
project plan lines
- BudgetOnly budget
marked project plan lines
- BillableOnly
billable marked project plan lines.

Project item:
- Consumption+SalesAll
project plan lines
- Consumption
Only consumption marked project items
- SaleOnly sale marked project items

General project data#

Field Description
Unit of responsibility code This field can be used to assign the project to a unit of responsibility. The unit of responsibility is copied from the customer to the project and is used for information purposes only. The field has no effect on visibility control nor is the unit of responsibility inherited from the project to the documents created from the project.
Responsible Specifies the person who is responsible for the job.
Project Manager Specifies the person who is responsible for project management.
Project description / Project description 2 Specifies the project description
Start date / End date Specifies the start date / end date of the project.
New storage location code Specifies a new storage location code.

Sale to data#

Field Description
Sale to contact Specifies the contact at the customer who is responsible for the order.
Sales to debtor Specifies the customer no. to which the cost of the project is to be charged.

If you have previously maintained the "Sales to contact" field, this field will automatically default to the linked customer.

If you have gone through the project wizard and have filled in all the necessary fields with the corresponding data, you can create the project by clicking on "Create project".

The project map will be opened for you after creation in order to be able to enter further information. Alternatively, you can close the project map.

Project map#

Inforegister General#

On the "General" info tab, the general data of the project are defined first. These are explained in more detail below:

Field Description
No. Specifies the number of the project of the correspondingly defined number series.
Description / Description 2 Specifies the description of the project.
Project type Indicates what type the project is.

If the following data has already been stored in the project type, it will be transferred to the project when the project type is assigned:

• Project booking group
• Project number series
• Template Project No.
• Project type Dimension code
• Dimension code
• Dimension Value Prefix
• Task breakdown
• Reserve
• Order type
Sell to deb. no. Indicates the number of the customer who usually bears the costs for the project.
Sell to deb. template code To create a project to a contact, the corresponding contact number is specified and the "Sales to deb. template code" field is filled with the appropriate template.
Sell to contact no. Indicates the contact of the customer, who usually bears the costs for the project.

In the Planning and Offer statuses, it is also possible to work with pure contact addresses. When the status changes to Open, a customer is created for the contact.

Pleace note, that in case of using contacts, the field "Sales to deb. template code" or "Invoice to deb. template code" must be maintained. To deb. template code" field must be maintained.
Sell to name / name 2 / name 3 Specifies the name of the customer who usually bears the costs for the project.
Sell to address / address 2 Specifies the address of the customer to whom you usually send the invoice.
Rech. to deb. no. Indicates the number of the customer who usually bears the costs for the project.

By assigning the "Sales to customer no." field, the "Invoice to customer no." field is automatically preassigned with the "Sales. To customer no." field automatically.

If there is a different invoice recipient, the corresponding number must be changed manually.
Rech. to deb. template code Specifies the "Rech. an Deb. template code".
Rech. to contact no. Specifies the contact no. of the invoice recipient.
Rech. to Name / Name 2 Specifies the names of the invoice recipient.
Rech. to address / address Specifies the address of the invoice recipient.
Rech. to zip code Specifies the postal code of the invoice recipient.
Rech. on site Specifies the location of the invoice recipient.
Rech. to country/region code Specifies the country/region code of the invoice recipient.
Rech. to contact Specifies the name of the customer who usually bears the costs for the project.
Phone no. / Mobile phone no. Specifies the stored phone number of the customer.
E-mail Specifies the deposited e-mail address of the customer.
Search Keyword Specifies the search term of the project. This is automatically pre-populated with the description of the project and can be changed manually.
Unit of responsibility code This field can be used to assign the project to a unit of responsibility. The unit of responsibility is copied from the customer to the project and is used for information purposes only. The field has no effect on visibility control nor is the unit of responsibility inherited from the project to the documents created from the project.
Responsible Specifies the person who is responsible for the job.
Locked Please transfer from the customer or other master data
Task breakdown Specifies the task breakdown to be used for the project.
Archived version Indicates the number of archived versions. A lookup makes it possible to view the versions.
Corrected on Indicates when the project data of the project map was last changed.
Project Manager Specifies the person who manages the project.

Inforegister Tasks#

On the "Tasks" info tab, the project tasks that are/will be planned in the project are first defined. This is the first "rough planning" for the project.

Task breakdown#

The task outline is used for the systematic and clear presentation of the project tasks and enables a uniform structure across the projects by means of predefined outline structures. The task outline is assigned to the project in the "Task outline" field in the project map. Using the following functions, you can insert the task outline into the project task lines.

Insert Outline Structure Function
You can call up the "Insert Outline Structure" function on the respective project card via the ribbon. This function inserts a completely new outline structure at the end of the structure details.

Insert outline structure to postable function
You can call up the "Insert outline structure up to bookable" function on the respective project card via the ribbon. This function inserts an outline structure up to and including the first bookable outline structure.

Project tasks#

If you have previously inserted an outline structure in the project task rows, you have the option to insert a new row below an outline structure level via the [...] Assist button.

The system inserts a new line with the position numbering and description of the layers above.

Now enter the project tasks that occur / are planned in the project using the table below.

Field Description
Project task no. Specifies the number of the project task
Description Specifies the description of the project task
Project Task Type Specifies the type of project task.

The choices are:
• Account
• Headline
• Total
• From-Sum
• To-Sum
Service type In this field, assign the activity type for the project task in case of an account.

With the activity type you influence the project account determination and have the possibilities to influence the maintenance of the project plan lines.
Previous milestone Indicates a dependency on a previous milestone.
Milestone Specify here that the task is a milestone. A task can only be set as a milestone if type=total.

Due to the type=total, the values for a milestone can be easily tracked using the flowfields for costs and revenues. Based on the flowfields, the user can also dive into the plan lines or project items to analyze the milestone situation.
Milestone date Set here when the milestone is due.
Belongs to Milestone Specify here to which milestone the task belongs.
Status Indicates the status of the project task.

If a project task is finished, the corresponding plan lines are set to 100% during task progress.
Cross country skiing articles The checkmark "Long run item" identifies a project task as a task for long run items.

For more information on "cross-country skiing articles", see the section with the same name.
Task See a possible CRM task created from this here
Task status Status of the task, see for details there
Distribution type Define here which distribution type should be used to distribute the possibly created project plan lines between start and end time.
Maintenance is necessary if you carry out quick planning directly via the project tasks and the planning type is set to Resource.
Start date Specifies the start date for the project task.
If you have activated date maintenance at task level, you can change the planning date of the start line via the task.
The system creates a new project plan line with the type text and the default text code stored in the setup. The date is transferred to the Planning date field.
End date Specifies the end date for the project task.

If you have activated date maintenance at task level, you can change the planning date of the end line via the task.

The system creates a new project plan line with the type text and the default text code stored in the setup. The date is transferred to the Planning date field.
Working days The number of working days between the start and end dates, provided that the planning type is Resource and the resource capacity has been defined for the resource.
Budget (cost price) Specifies the budgeted cost price for the project task depending on the time period of the "planning date filter".
Actual cost amount Specifies the cost amount for the consumption of items, resources, and expense line items posted to the project task depending on the "Planning Date Filter" period.
Archived consumption Cost amount (MW) See consumption in an archived version for comparison.
Billable (sales amount) Specifies the billable sales amount for the project task depending on the period of the "planning date filter".
Invoiced (sales amount) Specifies the billable sales amount for the project task depending on the period of the "planning date filter".
Purchase commitments Amount (MW) See here the purchase order commitment (MW) (values of open purchase orders) for the project task.
Actual messages (MW) See here the value for the production orders/articles already created for the project task.
Capacity costs (MW) See here the value for the capacity costs (machine and personnel costs) already paid for the project task.
Consumption costs (MW) See here the value for the material consumptions already done for the project task.
Planned consumption costs production order (MW) Indicates the planned consumption costs (planned material requirements) based on a generated production order.
Planned capacity costs production order (MW) Indicates the planned capacity costs (planned machine usage) based on a generated production order.
Initial order Amount (MW) Represents the sales amount of the initial order.
Follow-up order(s) Amount (MW) Represents the sales amount of the follow-up order.
Variance(s) Amount (MW) Represents the amount generated via the forecast.
Actual progress % Indicates the actual progress of the project task in %.
Actual progress date Indicates the date of the actual progress of the project task.
Forecast (MW) If you set the forecast to "Project task", use this field to specify the total costs you currently expect for the project task.

For the calculation of the forecast (MW), the system determines it as follows:

(Consumption (cost price)
Time commitment Amount (MW)
Purchase commitments Amount (MW)
Stock commitment Amount (MW)
Production commitments Amount (MW))
Actual progress %


The function Project Tasks Move In and Move Out only works with defined task breakdown in the project map as well as project task type Account.

You can call up the "Engage/disengage" functions via the "Tasks" info tab using the "Line" menu selection.

When the function "Indent" is called, the current line is indented one level down and bracketed by a from-sum and a to-sum line.

The description of the indented line is assigned to the from/to sum line. The new project task gets the description from the default. The already entered plan lines are also assigned to the new line.

When the Move function is called, the current line is moved up one level. If it is not the last position of the task block, the next number of the upper range is used. If it is the last position, the task block is deleted and the task number is assigned to the from total.

Task numbering
Task determination is based on the outline structure and depends on the current position and project task type of the row.

If a line is inserted between existing positions, the system inserts a continuing line to the upper line.

If a line is inserted at the bottom, the next project task number is inserted based on the top line.

Document texts Project tasks#

You can describe a project task in detail using a long text. This long text is printed on the documents you define.

To define a document text for a task, first select the desired task line in the "Tasks" info tab.

Using the "Line" menu selection on the "Tasks" info tab, you then select the "Document text" menu item.

You can now decide whether you want to enter a pre-text or a post-text for the line.

The project document text map opens.

Call up the "Format Editor" via the menu ribbon and enter your desired text in the editor text field. After confirming the entry with "OK", your text will be displayed in the "Preview" field.


Please note that pre- and post-texts on the project header and on the project tasks are not passed on to subsequent documents. This is only possible with texts on project plan lines.

Create tasks#

Via "Create tasks" you can create tasks or Outlook tasks such as a meeting invitation.

When you create a task, a project task is created for you in the background. The project task is created within the From task you selected.

You can create the tasks in the project area using the Tasks call in the Project Map, Project Tasks as well as from the Project Team.


Please note that the creation of an Outlook task is only possible with the corresponding setup. Further information about the connection / setup can be found in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 Helpsite.


The plan lines can only be changed via the CRM task (contact tasks).

In the "Project setup" you define how the project task no. is created via the fields "Step size CRM task", "Separator CRM task" as well as "Counter CRM task". Further information can be found here.

Alternatively, you can also create a task directly from a contact card by entering a project number.

Create activity#

Via "Create activity" you can create activities and/or communications such as telephone calls from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 and file associated documents. The time defined at this point is transferred to the timesheet.

You can call the "Create activity" function from the project map, project overview, project task, project plan line as well as from the project team map.

Assign the activity type as well as description of the activity. The seller code is determined based on your registration.

In the project fields, specify to which project task the document should be assigned and to which plan item the times should be recorded.

If you have selected the project plan position, the system will create an entry for you in the work time table (the prerequisite for this is the use of working times).

For further information on the topic of "Creating activities", please refer to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 Helpsite.


Milestones serve as intermediate goals within a project. Based on these goals, "smaller stages" can be logged as project progress within a project or dependencies to further milestones or tasks can be defined.

In KUMAVISION factory365 you have the possibility to assign milestones to the project tasks.


In the "Projects setup" you can globally control the behavior for all milestones via the "Milestone behavior" field. You can choose from the following options:

Field Description
Behavior milestone Define here how the system should behave when maintaining milestones in the area of date violations:

milestone is ignored
system alerts you to a violation
system prohibits you from a time violation

A milestone is entered on the respective project card on the "Task" info tab in the respective task line via the "Milestone" field. In the following, the relevant fields on the task line for the identification of a milestone are explained in more detail:

Field Description
Milestone In this field, specify that the task line is a milestone.

A task line can only be set as a milestone with type=sum.

Due to the type=total, the values for a milestone can be easily tracked using the flowfields for costs and revenues. Based on the flowfields, the user can also dive into the plan lines or project items to analyze the milestone situation.

When you mark a project task as a milestone, any maintained "Belongs to Milestone" field is cleared.
Field Description
Milestone date In this field you can set the due date of the milestone.
If you have not set the Milestone behavior to None in the project setup, the system checks:

• If the project task is marked as a milestone
• The project end date is not before the milestone date
• The project start date is not after the milestone date
• If the milestone has already been assigned project tasks, the milestone date also checks against existing project plan lines as well as project items of the assigned tasks.
The milestone date of the associated project task is also updated with the milestone date of the milestone in this process.

If a milestone date is not already maintained, this is initialized with the end date of the project.
When deactivating (unchecking) the "Milestone" field, the milestone date will be cleared.
Belongs to Milestone Specify here to which milestone the task belongs.
Maintaining the field updates the Milestone Summary field and the Milestone Date checks are run as described there.
Milestone behavior#

For maintenance start and end date
The maintenance of start and end date in the project task is checked against a possibly assigned milestone. See also description for milestone date

For care status
If the status of a milestone is set to completed, the system will ask you whether all associated project tasks should also be set to completed and will also execute this if confirmed.


If you also use KUMAVISION Down Payment Accounting, it will also check here if a down payment plan by milestone is maintained and generate the down payment invoice assigned for it.

When care summation
You can assign the milestone to the project tasks defined in the "Filter criterion" by maintaining the "Total" field.

The same checks or updates are performed as for the assignment via the Belongs to milestone field.

For maintenance project task type
If the project task type is set to Account, the start and end dates will be processed, with all other settings any milestone information will be deleted.

Cross country skiing articles#

By means of the long run articles a long run planning and administration can be accomplished. Article items with a long procurement time are created as project plan lines in the project. Later, these articles can be used as components in project-related production orders. In this way, the requirements for these long-run items are triggered directly from the project, even without a production order already existing or the position of the component in the production order being known. If the production order is then created and the components are defined in the order, the requirements coverage of the component can be linked directly to the long-run item in the project.


The cross-country items are set up in the project via the project tasks. For this purpose, separate tasks should be created in the project for long-run items. The "Cross-country item" check mark identifies a project task as a task for a cross-country item.


The checkmark "Long-run article" in a project task means that only project plan lines of the type "Article" and "Text" may be created for this project task. The lines with the type "Article" represent the long-run articles. The lines with the type "Text" can be used for groupings or notes.

If now for the project task, project plan lines are entered, the items with the type "Article" are automatically provided with the indicator "Long run article".


Transferring project plan lines that are marked as "long-run items" to project book sheets or posting these lines is not allowed and is intercepted by corresponding error messages.

After the project plan lines have been created for the corresponding long-run items, procurement documents / procurement processes can be triggered for these project plan lines in order to achieve the corresponding coverage of requirements for these long-run items.


The created procurement documents should be compellingly reserved for the project plan lines. On the one hand, the quantity in the procurement document is then considered reserved, and on the other hand, only reserved procurement quantities can be transferred from the project plan line "Long-run items" to the corresponding FA component. Only the quantity that is already covered by the procurement documents can be assigned to an FA component, regardless of the quantity of the project plan line itself.

Cross-country skiing articles as components in FA and E+D order#

If a long-run item has been defined in the project, it can also be viewed in project-related production orders. In this case, the "Long-run item" label is managed in the FA components in the "Long-run item" field itself.

In order for a component to be recognized as a long-run item in the production order and in the E+D order, the following criteria must be met:

  • Project number must be set as project reference in the FA component.
  • The article number, variant code and storage location code must match between the project plan line marked as a long-run item and the FA component.

In addition, the quantity that has already been linked / used for this FA component by a long-run item project plan line can be viewed in the "Long-run item linked quantity (base)" field.

The fields "Long-run item" and "Long-run item linked quantity (base)" can also be viewed accordingly in the lines of an E+D order.

Although it is possible to display directly for an FA component or E+D order line whether it is a long-run item, the available quantity of the long-run item cannot be displayed directly. This is due to the fact that it is calculated based on the reservations for the long-run project plan lines, taking into account the due date of the FA component and the planning date of the project plan lines. Further, there is the fact that a long-run article project plan line can serve several FA components, but there can also be several long-run article project plan lines for one article. Therefore, the available quantity of a long-run article is always calculated at runtime. This is done in the "Long-run article overview" screen. This overview can be called from the FA components and E+D order lines respectively.

To do this, call up the cross-country skiing article overview via the "Line" > "Line" > "Cross-country skiing article overview" info tab.

By means of the "Long-run item overview" mask, not only the quantity available for allocations can be viewed. This screen is also used to set or cancel links between FA components and long-run item project plan lines. In this way, the procurement quantity already reserved for the project plan line is transferred to the FA component or, in the case of cancellation, written back from the FA component to the project plan line.


The "Long run item overview" screen can be called up not only for FA components or E+D order lines. It can also be displayed for the entire production order / E+D order. The overview can also be used from the project. Here it can be called up for project plan lines, project tasks and the entire project. The information and handling of the "Cross-country items overview" mask is described in the following sections.

Structure of the cross country skiing article overview#

The "Long-run item overview" screen shows the quantities available for links to the long-run item project plan lines for FA components. Furthermore, this mask offers the possibility to directly set links between FA components and long-run article project plan lines and thus to transfer the already reserved quantity from the project plan line to the FA component. It is also possible to delete these links.

The structure of the cross-country article overview, the individual calls and functions of the mask are described below.

Data areas of the cross country skiing article overview#
Origin address#

In the upper area of the long run article overview, the field "Called from" shows from where the long run article overview was called. E.g. from the FA component, the production order or the project.

Overview post#

The summary items are displayed in the rows area. The overview items are formed on the basis of FA components and project plan lines and are created as main items and sub-items. If the long-run item overview is called up from a production order or E+D order, the main items are created on the basis of FA components. The associated sub-items are created on the basis of the project plan lines, which are possible requirement coverers for these long-run items. If, on the other hand, the long-run article overview is called up from a project, the main items are created on the basis of project plan lines and the sub-items are created by the FA components as possible requirements originators.

Note text#

This area displays a short note text for the selected item. (If a note exists for this item).

Post details#

In the info boxes area, the details of the respective item are displayed. The item origin (FA line / project plan line), the item type (main item / sub-item), item and variant information as well as the due date and the storage location where the item is required are displayed. In addition, the quantity information is displayed here and whether the item is to be considered "Available". The quantity display in the overview items is explained below.

Quantity display in the cross country article overview#

The aim of the long-run item overview is to show how FA components can be covered by the long-run item project plan lines already in the MRP. For this purpose, the quantities of the long-run items must also be displayed accordingly. The display of the quantities in the long-run item overview depends on whether they are main items or sub-items. In addition, there are separate fields for each reference (FA component, project plan line) that represent the quantities. Basically, for each main item, the sum of the sub-items is also calculated.


If the main item is an FA component, the sum of the quantities of its sub-items (project plan lines) that can be used to cover the requirements of the FA component is also formed for this main item. If the main item is a long-run project plan line, the FA components that could be covered by this project plan line are displayed as sub-items.

Basically, the quantity fields have the following meaning:

Quantity fields FA component

Field Description
Residual quantity (base) Displays the remaining quantity of the FA component line to the base unit. The remaining quantity represents the portion of the expected component quantity that has not yet been consumed.
Reserved quantity (base) The quantity in base unit that has already been reserved for the component line from procurement documents or warehouse stock is displayed here.
Linked quantity (base) This field displays the quantity in base unit that has already been linked to project plan lines for long-run items.
Open quantity (base) The "Open quantity" for the base unit is displayed here. The open quantity is the quantity that still has to be covered by reservations or links to long-run article project plan lines in order to ensure procurement for the remaining quantity of the FA component.
Open quantity = Remaining quantity - Reserved quantity

Quantity fields Project plan line

Field Description
Quantity (base) This field displays the quantity of the project plan line as a long-run item for the base unit. This field is purely informative and shows the planned quantity of the project plan line.
Linked quantity (base) This field displays the already linked quantity of the project plan line with FA components.
Available range (base) In this field the quantity of the project plan line available for links to the base unit is displayed. The available quantity is the reserved quantity of a project plan line, because only the quantities that are reserved on procurement documents or warehouse stock can be passed on to an FA component.


For a main item (FA component or project plan line), sub-items can be displayed that have the "Unavailable item" checkmark set. These items cannot be covered or used to cover requirements.

An item is marked as "not available" if there is a date conflict between the FA component and the planning line. I.e. the FA component cannot be covered in time based on the planning date of the project plan line. Another reason would be if the quantity of the FA component is already completely covered (the remaining quantity is completely reserved) or if there is no available quantity in the project plan line. These items are then no longer used for requirements coverage, but they are still displayed to show the overview of the links that already exist between the project plan lines and FA components and to indicate date conflicts. These positions are marked accordingly and provided with a note text.

Actions of the cross country skiing article overview#

The mask "Long run article overview" has actions with which the view of the mask can be controlled, but also links between long run article project plan lines and FA components can be created or deleted again. The individual actions are described below:

Action Description
Recalculate By means of this action the data in the mask are recalculated and displayed. This action is used to update the mask.
Set shortcut This action sets links between the long-run article project plan lines and the corresponding FA components.
Delete link This action deletes the links between the long-run article project plan lines and the corresponding FA components again.
Show post By means of this action, the already existing links between the project plan line and FA component can be displayed for a position / item.
Setting and deleting long-run article links#

Setting and deleting links between long-run article project plan lines and the corresponding FA components is triggered from the long-run article overview. The actions "Set link" and "Delete link" are used for this purpose.

The setting and deletion of links is explained below on the basis of the call of the cross-country article overview for an FA component. The reason for this is that the setting and deletion of links always starts from the FA component, regardless of how the "Cross-country skiing article overview" screen was called up. Depending on the call, only the filtering of corresponding FA components takes place, which are then processed one after the other, in which the links are set or removed accordingly.

When setting a long-run article link for a FA component line, the system checks whether this component corresponds to a long-run article in project plan lines. For this purpose, the system checks whether the component has a project reference and whether these project plan lines marked as long-run articles have the same article / variant / storage location combination. If this is the case, the corresponding project plan lines are used as possible default lines. In this case, the planning date of the project plan lines is filtered so that they are before or the same as the due date of the component. The date filtering is important so that the requirement-covering documents for the project plan line can also be used for the FA component line. The link can now be set until the FA component "open quantity" is 0 (zero) or there is no more available quantity in the filtered long run item project plan lines.

The link is set with the "Set Link" function for the FA component line.

After the link has been set, a corresponding "long-run article link item" is also created. This item records which FA component was linked to which project plan line with which quantity. The fields "Linked quantity (base)" in the FA component and the project plan line are also calculated on the basis of these items.

The linking items can also be viewed in the cross-country article overview.

The link transfers the reservation (proportionate to the linked quantity) from the project plan line to the FA component. This also results in a direct link of the requirement-covering document (e.g. a purchase order) with the FA component.

However, the link also has a direct effect on the project plan line. In order to reduce the demand for the long-run article for the project accordingly and to minimize redundancy of the demand between the FA component and the project plan line, the quantity of the project plan line itself is also reduced.

Delete shortcuts#

The deletion of link items has two integrated steps. Firstly, resetting the existing link according to the long-run item link. The other is the transfer of the reservation without the long-run item link.

In the first stage, using the long-run article link items, the link is undone by moving the reservation in the amount of the linked quantity from the FA component to the project plan line listed in the item.

In the second stage, the system checks whether there is still a reserved quantity for the FA component beyond the link. I.e. after deleting the link, there is still a "Reserved quantity" for the FA component, which may have been set by manual reservations. If this is the case, the reservation is also transferred to the first matching project plan line. The aim of this transfer is to always concentrate the existing requirement coverage for the long-run items of a project at the long-run item project plan lines. If the surplus reservation quantity were only cancelled in this way, it would then be available for other projects/consumption. However, the transfer ensures that the demand cover remains reserved for the project.

The link for the FA component is deleted again using the "Delete link" function.

By deleting the link, the long-run article link item is deleted and therefore the linked quantity in the FA component and the corresponding project plan line is also reduced / set to 0 (zero).

Furthermore, the "Open quantity (base)" is also set high again in the FA component, since there is no longer any requirement coverage for the remaining quantity of the FA component.

On the other hand, the quantity and the available quantity in the project plan line and the available quantity in the project plan line are set high. As a result, the reservation on the demand cover passes from the FA component to the project plan line and the demand cover is still available to the project.

Calls of the cross-country skiing articles overview from the production and project#

As described in previous sections, the long-run article overview can be called for FA components and project plan lines. However, it can also be called for FA lines, production orders as well as project tasks and the entire project.

This section describes the calls and explains the structure of the summary items per call.

Call for FA components / E+D order lines of the MRP type "warehouse part#

The "Long-run item overview" screen can be called up for FA components and E+D order lines of the MRP type "Stock item" using the action "Long-run item overview".

In both cases, the long-run article overview for the respective referenced FA component is called.

Here you can now view the possible, requirements-covering long-run article project plan lines for the component and create or delete a link between the FA component and the project plan line.

The individual actions for this can be taken from the previous section.

Call for FA lines / E+D order lines of the MRP type "Production part#

The "Long-run item overview" screen can be called up for FA lines and E+D order lines of the MRP type "Production part" using the action "Long-run item overview".

In both cases, the long-run article overview is called for the referenced FA line.

The FA components of the respective FA line that have been identified as long-run items are displayed as the main items in this call.

As a sub-item, the project plan lines are shown for the respective FA components, which can serve as requirement cover if necessary.

If the actions "Set link" or "Delete link" are used for a FA line, the displayed FA components are run through one after the other and the selected functionality is performed for the individual FA component.

Call for a production order / E+D order#

The "Long-run item overview" screen can be called up for an entire production order or an E+D order.

In both cases, the long run article overview for the referenced production order is called. In the case of the E+D order, it is the production order that is listed in the header of the E+D order.

All FA components of the production order that have been identified as long-run items are displayed as main items in this call.

As a sub-item, the project plan lines are shown for the respective FA components, which can serve as requirement cover if necessary.

If the actions "Set link" or "Delete link" are used for the entire production order, the displayed FA components are run through one after the other and the selected functionality is performed for the individual FA component.

Call for a project plan line#

The "Long-run item overview" screen can also be called up for a project plan line. For this purpose, the respective project plan line must be marked as "Long-run item".

In the called cross-country article overview, the corresponding project plan line is displayed as the caller.

The corresponding project plan line is displayed as the main item in this overview. The FA components that could be covered by this project plan line are displayed as sub-items for this project plan line.

If the actions "Set link" or "Delete link" are executed from this view, they do not refer to the project plan line as the main item, but to the individual FA components as sub-items. I.e. the individual FA components are gone through one after the other and the selected action is executed there for each individual component. The assignment of the long-run item therefore always takes place from the view of the component.

Call for a project task#

The "Long-run item overview" screen can also be called up for a project task. For this purpose, the respective project task must be marked as "Long-run item".

In the cross-country item overview, the corresponding project task is displayed as the caller.

As main items, the corresponding project plan lines for this task are displayed in this overview, which are marked as "long-run items". For each main item, the respective FA components that could be covered by this project plan line are then displayed as sub-items.

If the actions "Set link" or "Delete link" are executed from this view, they do not refer to the project plan lines as main items, but to the individual FA components as sub-items. I.e. the individual FA components are gone through one after the other and the selected action is executed there for each individual component. The assignment of the long-run item is therefore always done from the component's point of view.

Call for entire project#

The "Cross-country item overview" mask can also be called up for an entire project.

In the cross-country article overview, the corresponding project is displayed as the caller.

All project plan lines for this project that are marked as "long-run items" are displayed as main items in this overview. For each main item, the respective FA components that could be covered by this project plan line are then displayed as sub-items.

If the actions "Set link" or "Delete link" are executed from this view, they do not refer to the project plan lines as main items, but to the individual FA components as sub-items. I.e. the individual FA components are gone through one after the other and the selected action is executed there for each individual component. The assignment of the long-run item is therefore always done from the component's point of view.

Handling of long-run article links#

This section describes the handling of long-run article links for different actions in the processing of production orders / E+D orders and in the project.

Within the framework of production order / E+D order processing#
Separating and reintegrating separate production orders#

In E+D orders, individual subassemblies can be outsourced to separate production orders or reintegrated from a separate production order. In this case, the noted requirements coverage (reservations) is also outsourced or reintegrated. Therefore, the long-run article link items are also outsourced or reintegrated with the separate production order.

Deleting an FA component#

When an FA component is deleted, the system checks whether it is a long-run item. If this is the case and there are reservation items for the FA component, the reservation is transferred to the corresponding long-run item project plan line before the component is deleted.

For more information, see the section "Deleting cross-country article links".

Deleting a production order/ individual FA lines#

When deleting the entire production order or individual production order lines, the system checks for the entire production order or the corresponding production order line whether it contains components that are marked as long-run items. If this is the case, the reservations are transferred to the corresponding long-run article project plan lines before these components are deleted.

For more information, see the section "Deleting an FA component".

Reducing the quantity in an FA component#

If an FA component is marked as "long-running" and a quantity reservation exists for this component, then the existing reservation is converted to a long-running article project plan line before the quantity is reduced. After the reduction of the quantity, the system restores the reservation for the FA component according to the following scheme:

If the new "Expected quantity (base)" is smaller than the originally reserved quantity, then the reservation is only made according to the new "Expected quantity (base)". If, on the other hand, the new "Expected quantity (base)" still exceeds the originally reserved quantity, the reservation is set back to the originally reserved quantity.

This ensures that after the quantity reduction, the portion of the reservation that is no longer needed is assigned to a corresponding project long-runner and the component retains its reservation again up to the maximum previously reserved quantity.

Cancellation of the reservation from a FA component#

If an FA component is marked as a "long-run item", it is not possible to cancel the reservation for this component manually (call the reservation reversal directly from the FA component). This is due to the fact that reservations for long-run items in the production order are not simply cancelled and made available again for all consumptions, but are moved to the corresponding long-run item project plan lines. As a result, the reserved requirements coverers still remain linked to the project.

The cancellation of the reservation for a FA component that is marked as a long-run item is therefore aborted by an error message. Instead, the "Delete link" function in the "Long-run item overview" is to be used to transfer the existing reservation to a corresponding long-run item project plan line.

If the reservation was transferred to the project plan line, it can be cancelled there for the respective project plan line. This then represents a conscious decision, so that the reserved requirement cover for the long-run article is to be decoupled from the project.

Cancellation of the reservation from the demand deck#

If an FA component is marked as a "long-run item" and has a reservation for the requirement cover, the reservation cannot be cancelled directly from the FA component.

However, it is possible to cancel the reservation from the demand-covering document. This is due to the fact that changes to the requirement-covering document must be possible. E.g. if the planned delivery date cannot be met.

If a reservation is cancelled in a requirement-covering document that references an FA component for a long-run item, the long-run item link for this component is also adjusted accordingly.

Consumption posting of a FA component#

After posting the consumption for a FA component that is marked as a "long-run item", the long-run item link is adjusted to the reserved quantity again. This is due to the fact that the reserved quantity may be consumed with the consumption posting (reservation to stock). Therefore, the long-run article link must also be reduced accordingly.

Status change in the production order#

When status changes are made in the production order, the long-run article links for this production order must also be taken into account accordingly. There are two options that must be taken into account:

Change from "Firmly Planned" to "Released":
With this status change, the long-run article link items must also be moved from the firmly planned production order to the released production order in parallel with the reservations.

Change from "Released" to "Finished":
If a production order is terminated, all remaining (unused) reservations for long-run items that are linked to the production order are distributed again to the corresponding long-run item project plan lines and are thus still available in the project.

In the context of editing project plan lines#

When editing project plan lines that are marked as "long-run items", the system must perform appropriate checks and actions with regard to long-run item links (long-run item link items). These are described below.

Creating book sheets for cross-country article project plan lines#

It is not possible to create project book sheets for project plan lines that are marked as "long-running items". This is prevented by a corresponding error message. The purpose of this is that project plan lines for long-run items must not be posted. A project plan line for long-run items offers the possibility to generate requirements in advance for parts that are needed during production and have a long procurement time. It serves the long-run article only as a trigger of the procurement, the actual consumption takes place as a component in the production order.

Booking cross country article project plan lines#

Posting project plan lines that are marked as "long-run items" is not permitted. A project plan line for long-run items offers the possibility to generate requirements in advance for parts that are needed during production and have a long procurement time. It therefore only serves as a trigger for procurement, the actual consumption of the component takes place in the production order.

Deleting long-run article project plan lines with link items#

If a project plan line that is marked as a "long-run article" is deleted, the long-run article links of this project plan line to the corresponding FA components are also deleted. However, the reservation that has already been transferred to the requirements planner remains in the FA components. If it was the only long-run article project plan line for the article / variant / storage location combination, then the "Long-run article" check mark is also removed from the corresponding FA components, since there is no longer a reference to a long-run article in the project.

Project plan lines#

In the project plan lines you can define the "detailed planning" for the project. Per project task line you have the possibility to define which items, resources and expense financial accounting items should be used.

To do this, first select the desired project task line and then call up the project plan lines via the "Tasks" info tab.

Define the project plan line using the table below.

Field Description
Project task no. Specifies the number of the associated project task.
Automatically preset by the system.
Line type Specifies the type of planning line.

The following are available for selection:

• Budget
• Billable
• Budget and billable
Order type Initial orderWhen the first sales order is created, the order type is set to initial order

Follow-up orderWhen
creating a follow-up order, the order type is set to Follow-up order

maintaining the forecast, the project plan lines created during the forecast release (archiving) are marked as a deviation.

Plan lineInitial
value when creating a new plan line
Planning date The planning date of the plan line is initialized depending on the set working date with the working date (working date <> today) or with the set start date of the project. If the start date is not set on the project card, the working date is always assigned.
Planned delivery date Specifies the scheduled delivery date of the item associated with the project planning row. For a resource, the scheduled delivery date is the date when the resource will be used for the project.
Desired delivery date Specifies the date when the customer wants the order to be delivered.
Promised delivery date Specifies the date on which you committed the delivery of the order based on the result of the Delivery Date Commitment function.
Goods issue date Specifies the goods issue date.
Planned goods issue date Specifies the date when the goods should be delivered from the warehouse. If the customer requests a specific delivery date, the application calculates the scheduled delivery date by subtracting the transportation time from the requested delivery date. If the customer does not want a delivery date or the requested delivery date cannot be met, the application calculates the contents of this field by adding the transportation time to the delivery date.
Start date If you work with the "Distribute planned quantity" function, the specified day from which the times were distributed is displayed in this field.
End date If you work with the "Distribute planned quantity" function, the specified day up to which the times are distributed is displayed in this field.
Belongs to Milestone If the associated project task is assigned to a milestone, this is displayed in the field.
Document no. If the project plan line is created by the system, the document no. of the originating document is specified here. The field can also be maintained manually if required.
Type Specifies the type of planning line.

The following are available for selection:
• Resource
• Article
• G/L account
• Text

As soon as you create a new project planning line with type=article as well as storage location, so a new stockkeeping data card for the entered article no. and the storage location code of the project is created by the system.

During the initial creation, the data is transferred from the article card to the inventory data.
No. Indicates the number of the item, resource or G/L account.

In the "Nr" field, the Assist button is available to you for article/resource search in a simplified way.

The characteristics for the search can be defined in the characteristic search. In the column Number of result the number of articles with the defined characteristic are displayed.

Resource search based on qualifications. If qualifications have been stored in the specified activity type, these are checked against the qualifications of the resources. If these match, the check mark is set in the "Qualified" field.
Description Specifies the description of the item, resource or G/L account.
Cross country skiing articles If the associated project task is marked with Long run item=Yes, the marker is automatically set on the project plan line.
Long-run article Linked quantity (base) This field displays the already linked quantity of the project plan line with FA components.
Belongs to Milestone If the associated project task is assigned to a milestone, this is displayed in the field.
Article version code If you work with article versions, then you specify here the article version for the procurement.
Retrieval from storage location code Will be pulled from the Invoice and Shipping info tab if the procurement method is set to "Retrieval" in the plan line.
Storage bin code Indicates the storage bin where the items are picked/put away.
Quantity Specifies the quantity of units of the resource, item or G/L account.
Distribution type Specifies the distribution type for the "Distribute planned quantity" function.

The following selection options are available:
• Empty
• Forward
• Backward
• Manual
Belongs to line no. If you work with the function "Distribute plan quantity", the field "Belongs to row no." indicates to which base row the "distributed" row belongs.
Distributed quantity If you work with the function "Distribute planned quantity", the field "Distributed quantity" shows how much of the quantity has been distributed.
Distributed quantity (Original) If you work with the "Distribute planned quantity" function, the field represents the originally defined quantity.
Distributed purchase price (MW) See here the cumulative cost amount of the distributed lines.
Reserved from Specifies the reservation of.
Vendor no. For a quick procurement of your project requirements, the possibility was created to transfer positions directly from the project plan lines into the planning proposal, inquiry, order, invoice as well as credit note.

In this field, specify the vendor from which you want to procure this item.
Purchasing document type If you have transferred the plan line, you will see the document type of the purchasing document here.
Purchase document no. If you have transferred the plan line, you will see the no. of the purchasing document here.
Cost price Maintain here in project currency the cost price of the position.
Calculation tracking lines available If a check mark is set here, an article calculation has already been created for the position.
Cost amount Indicates the cost amount of the position in project currency.
UK price Maintain here in project currency the sales price of the position.
Line amount Specifies in project currency the line (sales) amount of the item.
Quantity to be transferred in book. sheet Specifies the quantity to be transferred to the project book. sheet.
Invoiced amount (MW) See here the already invoiced amount in client currency of the positions.
Actual progress % Indicates the actual progress of the project plan line in %.
Actual progress date Represents the maintenance date of the Actual Progress.
Forecast (MW) If you set the forecast to "Project plan line", use this field to specify the total costs you currently expect for the project task.

For the calculation of the forecast (MW), the system determines it as follows:

(Consumption (cost price)
Time commitment Amount (MW)
Purchase commitments Amount (MW)
Stock commitment Amount (MW)
Production commitments Amount (MW))
Actual progress %
Forecast (MW)
Service type This field shows you the transferred activity type from the project task.
Sales account no. You will see the sales account determined by the system in this field.
Consumption account no. You will see the consumption account determined by the system in this field.
Procurement method If you set the procurement method to stock transfer, the system creates a stock transfer route from the standard storage location to the storage location of the project planning line if it is different.
If a stock data card already exists, it will be updated based on the default.
With the procurement method simulation a calculation FA is created in the background.

If you want to trigger a purchase order for the item, set the procurement method to purchase, this will update the inventory data for the item and storage location.
Sales document Document type Specifies the document type of the sales document.
Sales document no. Specifies the sales document no. of the sales document.
Document texts project plan lines#

You can describe a project plan line in detail using a long text. This long text is printed on the documents you define.

Call up the project plan lines via the desired project task using the call of the same name on the "Tasks" info tab.

Select the project plan line for which you want to enter a document text. Then call up the "Document texts" menu selection via the ribbon. You can now decide whether you want to enter a pre- or post-text for the line.

The entry of the pre- or post-texts is done in the same way as for the tasks. Further information can be found in the section "Document texts for tasks".

The reports listed here print the project texts depending on the "Show additional text" switch:

Project plan lines Project analysis Budget comparison project Account proposal project *Project offer

Distribute plan quantity#

It often happens that tasks take longer than one working day, for a more accurate resource planning it is now necessary to distribute the estimated hours over the working days.


Before splitting, in the case of the Budget and Billable line types, it is necessary to clarify how billing is to be performed:
-Flat rate billing

The line must be divided into a billing and budget line beforehand on the project task via Functions\Split plan line. Billing is then done via the original plan line.

-Resource statement

The line type remains unchanged and is then settled via the line item.

The prerequisite for the distribution is that the line type is Budget.

To distribute the planned quantity, call up the "Distribute planned quantity" function via the menu ribbon.

The Distribute Planned Set screen opens where you can specify the following distribution criteria:

Field Description
Project no. Specifies the project no. of the project. The project no. is automatically preset by the system.
Task no. Specifies the task no. to be distributed. The task no. is automatically preset by the system.
Description Specifies the description of the task no. to be distributed. The description is automatically preset by the system.
Type planning Specifies the planning type of the distribution. You can choose from the following options:

EmptyNo distribution is made.

ForwardStarting from the
start date, the system compares the available resource capacity and creates a new project plan line for
the capacity quantity until the quantity of the line to be distributed is distributed.

Starting with the end date, the system compares the available resource capacity and creates a new project plan line for the capacity quantity until the quantity of the line to be distributed is distributed.

Enter the quantity and date manually here.
Consider resource group assignment If you activate the switch, only resource assigned to the resource to be distributed will be offered.
Start date Define here from which day the times are to be distributed.
End date Define here up to which day the times are to be distributed.
Resource selection Specify here how it wants to distribute:

system starts from the first resource and tries to distribute the quantity in the period until the quantity is distributed.

system considers the resource filter and distributes as for resource.

system checks against the qualifications assigned to the activity type of the project task/project plan lines and searches for those resources with matching qualifications and distributes the quantity as under none.
Resource filter Set a filter here to specify under resource selection defined decision.
Quantity New line Set the quantity for the distribution here in case of manual distribution.

Confirm your entry with "OK" to distribute the planned quantities.

The daily residual amount is calculated as follows:

Resource capacity * Quantity in order (Proj.) * Quantity in assembly order * Quantity in service order * FA time requirement Remaining quantity available for the day

If the line to be distributed is a budget and billable line, the line will be split into a budget and billable line in the course of quantity distribution. The billing line item is inserted before the original line item.

FA Calculation#

The calculation in KUMAVISION factory365 has been extended so that also project plan lines can be calculated. New cost prices can be calculated and taken over, however, deviating from the calculation for sales, no sales prices.


Call up the "Evaluation & costing setup" via the user search. Via the info tab "General" you have the possibility to set up the costing on project plan lines in the field "Cost E+D order (project)".

The following selection options are available to you:

Selection option Description
Calculate only A simulated FA is created and a calculation is generated.
Calculate+Advertise A Simulated FA and a calculation are created and the created FA is then opened via page 5232961 "Simulated E+D order (calculation)".
Calculate+Take Over A Simulated FA and cost estimate are created and the cost price is transferred to the project plan line.
Preparation of a calculation#

A prerequisite for creating a cost estimate is that a project plan line has the type "Article" and the procurement method "Simulated".

To create the cost estimate, call up the function "Calculate production cost estimate" for the desired project plan line via the menu ribbon > "Actions" > "Functions" > "Costing".


Please note that the project must not be in "Order" or "Finished" status.

Already when selecting the procurement method "Simulated", the calculation is performed automatically.

In addition, a cost estimate can also be created subsequently using the "Calculate production cost estimate" function.

Through the costing, a simulated FA is set up and a costing is performed depending on the setup, the FA is then also displayed or the costing result is taken over as the cost price for the project plan line.

The calculation can be checked via the "Calculation tracking lines" action.

Transfer of the calculation into a sales quotation#

If a project plan line is transferred to a quotation, a cost estimate existing for the project plan line is automatically linked to this quotation line as well.

From the quotation, you can view the reference to the simulated FA of the project plan line. To do this, select the "Functions" menu item via the "Line" info tab and execute the "Costing tracking lines" function.

Post calculation#

If the cost estimate has to be changed subsequently or a new costing run has been carried out, the newly calculated cost price can be adopted again in the costing proposals using the "Adopt costing proposal (preferred)" function. The price is also adopted in any existing sales document.

Addition in simulated production order#

Simulated production orders additionally have the identifier "FA used in calculation" on the info tab "General". This indicates whether the respective production order is used in one or more calculations.

A lookup on the identifier will display the "Calculation Tracking Lines (Sales + Project)" overview.

If a calculation is linked in project and sales in parallel, only the information for the project plan line is displayed in the "Calculation tracking lines (sales + project)" overview, as this is the leading document.

Information register booking#

Field Description
Status Indicates the current status for the project.
Project booking group Specifies the booking group set up for the project according to the booking matrix setup.
WIP method Specifies the method used to calculate the working capital value for the project.
Allow budget/billable lines Here you can control whether you want to allow project plan lines of the type "Budget" or "Billable".
Apply consumption link Indicates whether consumption items, e.g. from the project posting sheet or purchasing line, are linked to project planning line.
% completed Indicates the percentage of the project's expected resource consumption that has been posted as used.
% Invoiced Specifies the percentage of the project's invoice value that has been posted as invoiced.
% of overdue plan lines Indicates the percentage of the project's planning lines for which the planned delivery date has expired.

The course of a project is largely determined by the status. The individual options are described in detail below:

In this project phase you can perform preliminary calculations. In addition, the project structure can be defined, i.e. you can define project tasks as well as associated project plan lines. No bookings can be made yet.

The project is offered to a customer. Preliminary calculations are also possible at this stage. You can also change the structure and budget of the project. Postings cannot be made.

Open (=order):
Expenses from purchasing as well as from time recording are now recordable and postable. With the posting of sales invoices and credit notes, project revenues can be posted to the project. Postings are only possible in this phase.

You can no longer change the project structure and budgets. This status is used to perform recalculations The real costs of a project can be compared with the budgeted amounts. Completed projects can no longer be posted.

Inforegister Invoice and Shipping#

The Invoice and Shipping Inforegister is used to provide billing and shipping information about the customer.

Field Description
Storage Location Code The field is pre-populated from the Projects setup by the default project storage location (if any). If no default project storage location is stored in the setup, a selection list on the regular storage locations will appear at this point.

If "Create project storage location" is active in the Projects setup, the newly created storage location will be entered in this field.

The field is used when creating a project plan line of type "Item" to fill the field "Storage location code" in the project plan line.

The field is used when creating a project plan line of type "Item" to fill the field "Storage location code" in the project plan line.
Relocation of storage location The field is pre-populated with the field of the same name from the Projects (if any) setup. If no "Stock transfer from storage location" is stored in the facility, a selection list of all regular storage locations (no project storage locations) appears at this point.

The field is used when changing the procurement method to "Stock transfer" in a project plan line to fill the "Stock transfer from storage location" field in the project plan line.

Inforegister dates#

Field Description
Start date Specifies the date when the project starts.
End date Specifies the date when the project should be completed.
Establishment date Specifies the date when the project was created.

Foreign Trade Information Register#

Field Description
Currency code Specifies the currency code for the project. By default, the field is empty. If you enter a foreign currency code, the project will be planned and invoiced in this currency.
Invoice currency code Specifies the currency code to be applied when creating invoices for the project. By default, the currency code is based on the currency code that has been stored on the customer card.
Exchange rate calculation (cost price) Specifies how project costs are calculated when you change the Currency Date or Currency Code fields in a project plan row.

The choices are:

MW fixed
The project costs in the local currency are fixed. A change in the currency exchange rate changes the value of project costs in a foreign currency.

FW fixed
The project costs in the foreign currency are fixed. A change in the exchange rate changes the value of the project costs in the local currency.
Exchange rate calculation (sales price) pecifies how project sales prices are calculated when you change the Currency Date or Currency Code fields of a project plan row.

The choices are:
MW fixed

The project prices in the local currency are fixed. A change in the currency exchange rate changes the value of the project prices in a foreign currency.

FW fixed
The project prices in the foreign currency are fixed. A change in the exchange rate changes the value of the project prices in the local currency.

Inforegister WIP and revenue recognition#

Field Description
WIP posting date Indicates the posting date that was entered during the last execution of "Calculate WIP project".
Total WIP invoice value Indicates the total WIP sales amount that was last calculated for the project.
WIP maintenance amount (total) Indicates the total WIP maintenance amount that was last calculated for the project.
Deactivated sales amount Indicates the amount of declared sales that was last calculated for the project.
Deactivated cost amount Indicates the declared cost amount that was last calculated for the project.
Disabled DB Specifies the disabled DB for the project.
Disabled DB % Indicates the deactivated contribution margin in percent for the project.
Posting date WIP to G/L item Indicates the posting date entered during the last execution of "Post WIP to G/L Project".
Total WIP invoice value in G/L accounts Indicates the total WIP sales amount that was last posted for the project.
WIP balance for G/L accounts (total) Indicates the total WIP balance that was last posted to the project.
Deactivated sales amount in G/L accounts Indicates the total declared sales amount that was last posted for the project.
Deactivated cost amount on G/L accounts Indicates the total deactivated cost amount that was last posted for the project.
Deactivated DB on G/L accounts Indicates the contribution margin that will be realized for this project.
Deactivated DB (financial accounting) %. Indicates the contribution margin in percent that will be realized for this project.

Inforegister Forecast & Commitment#

On this Inforegister the Forecast & Obligo information of the project is presented. At this point, the Inforegister is mentioned for the sake of completeness.

For further information, please refer to the section "Forecast & Commitments".

Document texts project header#

You can describe a project in detail using a long text.

To define a document text for a project, select "Pre-text" or "Post-text" in the ribbon.

The project document text card opens.

Call up the "Format editor" via the ribbon and enter your desired text in the editor text field. After confirming your entry with "OK", your text is displayed in the "Preview" field.


Please note that pre- and post-texts on the project header and project tasks are not inherited by subsequent documents. This is only possible with texts on project plan lines.

Project scheduling#

With the help of project scheduling, you have the option of creating a rough schedule at any point in the project. Scheduling can be defined at project level, project task level and project plan line level. Forward, backward and midpoint scheduling is possible.


Project tasks using predecessor and successor structure#

Project tasks can be related by means of predecessors/successors. To create a predecessor/successor structure, click on the number in the "Predecessor/successor" field of the respective project task line. The "Project task dependencies" page opens on which you can assign the predecessors/successors to the project task via "New" in the "Project task dependencies" selection field.

Set project task duration#

Use the "Duration" field to specify the expected duration of the respective project task. You can enter T = day(s),WT = weekday(s),W = week(s),M = month(s),Q = quarter(s) or Y = year(s), L = the current time unit based on the date.


The "Project scheduling" function in the ribbon allows you to calculate the planned start date and the planned end date of the project tasks based on the predecessor and successor structure and the duration of the project task.

When you execute the function, the "Project scheduling" option window opens.

Feld Beschreibung
Termination direction Über das Feld können Sie die Terminierungsrichtung festlegen. The following options are available: Forward, backward, center point termination.
Termination type The scheduling fixed point is selected in the field. The options "Project" or "Project task" are available. If you select the "Project task" option, the additional "Scheduling task" field appears, which you can use to select the corresponding task.
Scheduling task The field is visible as soon as you have selected the "Project task" option in the "Scheduling type" field. You can select the corresponding task here.

Confirm your selection to perform the calculation.


Scheduling does not shift any existing planned start or end date of project tasks with the "Milestone" indicator.


It is a good idea to create a project template for similar projects, which you can use to transfer a project task structure, a predecessor and successor structure as well as the project task duration to a new project. Only a fine adjustment is then made in the project. Only predecessors and successors that exist in the original project template are transferred. New relationships to existing project task lines are not taken into account.

Procedure Termination direction#

Forward scheduling

Starting from the scheduling fixed point, all project tasks are scheduled as follows:

Project task planned start date + duration = planned end date
Planned end date of predecessor = planned start date of successor tasks

Backward scheduling

Starting from the scheduling fixed point, all project tasks are scheduled as follows:

Project task planned end date - duration = planned start date
Planned start date successor = planned end date of predecessor

Center point scheduling

Starting from the scheduling fixed point (only possible for project tasks), all successors are scheduled forwards and all predecessors are scheduled backwards.


When scheduling on the basis of the project, the planned start date of all project tasks without predecessors is set to the project start date.

Project tasks of the From total type receive the earliest planned start date of the subordinate tasks of the Booking type as the planned start date and the latest planned end date of the subordinate tasks of the Booking type as the planned end date.

Only the self-contained predecessor and successor structure is calculated for a midpoint termination.

Project storage location#

For the correct representation of the transfer of risk, goods are transferred from their production site to the construction site or to the customer and not delivered directly and thus consumed. The project is then debited upon acceptance by means of a deliberate consumption posting.

For this purpose, a project storage location is always created for a project. This can be a storage location for several projects or a storage location explicitly for one project.

In the latter case, a new storage location is created based on the "Sales to customer no.".


In the "Projects setup" you can control whether you want to create one project storage location per project or use one storage location for multiple projects.

Project storage location per project:

If you decide to automate the creation of project storage locations per project, you also have the option to store a storage location template from which the necessary facilities for the newly created project storage location will be preset. The following facilities are copied from the template storage location:

  • Storage bins,
  • Stock posting facility,
  • Stock transfer routes,
  • storage location map (register)


For project specific extensions an event is available, which can be used to copy additional items like dimensions or warehouse staff if required.


It is recommended to create a storage location only for the templates and not to use the template location as actual location.

field description
Create Project Storage Location For the procurement and logistics processes, use this to specify whether the system should create a project storage location for each project.

The project storage location hereby represents the point of delivery for the project.
Standard Stock Transfer From Storage Location This field is a drop-down list of all regular storage locations (not project storage locations). It specifies the stock transfer route and is transferred to the "Stock Transfer From Storage Location Code" field on the Invoice and Shipping info tab of the project map.

Project storage location for multiple projects:
If you decide not to automate the creation of a project storage location, you have the option to store an existing storage location that will be used by default for the projects.


This option is only available if you have decided against a project storage location per project.

Field Description
Standard project storage location The field is a selection list on the storage locations available in the system.

It specifies the default project storage location for all projects and is automatically transferred to the "Storage Location Code" field on the Invoice and Shipping info tab.

The field is only used when "Create Project Storage Location" is disabled.
Standard Stock Transfer From Storage Location The field is a pick list of all regular storage locations (not project storage locations).

It specifies the stock transfer route and is transferred to the "Stock Transfer From Storage Location Code" field on the "Invoice and Shipping" info tab of the project map.
Project Storage Location Number Series Used when manually creating a new project storage location.
Manual plant#

In addition to the automatic creation of a project storage location, you also have the option to manually create a project storage location per project.

To create a project storage location, click on the project map in the "Associated" > "Setup" > "Create project storage location" ribbon.

If the function is executed, a query opens where you can decide whether you want to use the number for the storage location from the number series from the Projects setup, or assign a manual number.


Please note that this function is only available to you if the "Create project storage location" switch in the Projects setup is deactivated.

Stock data#

When creating an article item in the project plan line, in the case of the storage location found, a stockkeeping data card is directly created in the background for the article and the corresponding project warehouse.

In the project plan line, the procurement method can then be defined directly on the inventory data card via the "Procurement method" field.

If the procurement method "Stock transfer" is selected, a stock transfer route is directly created in the background according to the settings in the "Project setup" for the standard warehouse.

Project Team#

A project team can be defined for each project. The definition takes place on the project card in the menu ribbon under "Project team".

Create the project team members using the table below:

Field Description
Project no. Specifies the number of the project to which the project team is assigned.
This field is filled in automatically.
Type Here you define which type the project member has. You can choose between resources (internal and external employees) and contacts (project members of the customer or further project participants).
In the case of the contact type, the system fills the Company no. field using the customer no. of the project card, from which the company name is also derived.
No. Here you can select depending on the type of member.

Type=Resource: Selection of the respective resource no.
Type=Contact: Selection of the respective contact no.
Type=User: Selection of the respective UserID
Roll code Specifies the role of the project team member.

To assign code to the roles, roles must have been previously set up in the table of the same name.
Roll Specifies the name of the role.
Start date Specifies the start date for the deployment of the resource. The start date automatically defaults to the project start date and can be changed manually.
Name Specifies the name of the resource, contact or user.
E-mail Specifies the e-mail address of the resource, contact or user.
Phone no. Specifies the phone number of the resource, contact or user.
Cell phone no. Specifies the cell phone number of the resource, contact or user.
End date Specifies the end date for the deployment of the resource. The end date automatically defaults to the end date of the project and can be changed manually.
Company no. Specifies the company number of the contact as soon as the Type=Contact field.
Company name Specifies the company name.
Business relationship Indicates the business relationship
Seller code Specifies the seller of your company
People Contact No. Specifies the persons contact no.
Planned quantity Specifies the plan quantity of the project team member.
Quantity plan lines Specifies the amount of plan lines for the project team member.
Residual quantity Plannable Indicates the remaining quantity that can be planned by the project team member.
Amount of time Indicates the amount of time already recorded for the project by the project team member.
Project quantity Specifies the project quantity for the project team member.
Total consumption Indicates the total consumption of the project team member.
Rest plan lines Specifies the remaining amount of plan lines for the project team member.
Rest plan Specifies the remaining plan quantity of the project team member.


If the fields "Responsible" and / or "Project Manager" are maintained on the project card, the project team records are also created with the Responsible / Project Manager role.

If you maintain a resource in the project plan lines, data records are also generated for this project team.

Please note that when creating from the project plan line, the team record is not deleted when changing the resource or deleting the record.

Archive project versioning and project status#

The project planning in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 is always supplemented and corrected, so that a comparison of different plan statuses is not possible. In the plant engineering solution, you can carry out a versioning of the project planning in order to have access to older planning statuses and to compare two planning statuses with each other.

Project version#

To create a project version, execute the function "Release version" in the respective project via the menu ribbon. The current version of the complete project status has thus been archived and can be viewed via the number of the "Archived versions" field on the "General" info tab or via the menu ribbon under the "Project archive" menu item.

The archived project states contain a complete copy of the project map with the following additional information on the "Version" info tab:

field description
Version number Indicates the version number of the archived project state.
Archived by Indicates who created the version.
Archived on Gives the date when the version was created.
Archived at Indicates the time when the version was created.
Archiving comment If an archiving comment has been stored during archiving, it is displayed at this point.
Last current no. project item Indicates the number of the last project item at the time the version was created.
Last Item Sequence No. No. Specifies the number of the last item at the time of version creation.
Last value item no. Specifies the number of the last value item at the time the version was created.
Last no. of resource items Specifies the number of the last resource item at the time the version was created.
Last no. of capacity item - Specifies the number of the last capacity item at the time the version was created.

Project structure version#

The project structure version can be viewed via the "Project structure" menu item in the project version ribbon. This corresponds to the project structure at the time of archiving with the additional identifier of the version number.


When archiving from the project structure, the project map is also always archived.

Project version comparison#

By means of the project version comparison you can compare different project statuses with each other.


To be able to use the project version comparison to the full extent, global settings must first be defined on the "Version comparison" info tab in the "Project setup". You can find more information here.

Version comparison field setup#

You can set up the version comparison field setup on the one hand via the "Projects setup" and on the other hand via the project version comparison mask. The difference between these two calls is that the call from the project setup is user-independent (field UserIDFilter = "empty") and the call from the project version comparison is made in relation to the user (field UserIDFilter = "UserID").

In the header of the version comparison field setup, general information is displayed first:

Field Description
UserIDFilter With the field "UserIDFilter" you have on the one hand the possibility to make a global setup for all users or to define specifically per user (by specifying the corresponding UserID) an individual comparison setup.
Number of Assigned Fields This field shows you the number of fields that have currently been activated in the "Visible" field.

In the lines you can make the actual setup. The individual fields and their meaning are explained in more detail below:

Field Description
Position Use the position numbering to determine the positioning in the version comparison in the version detail overview.
Field No. Indicates the number of the corresponding field.
Field Name Gives the field name of the field.
Field label Gives the field label of the field.
Visible Check the box if you want the field changes to be displayed in detail in the version detail overview.
Consider in field comparison By activating this checkbox, you control whether a comparison of the corresponding field of two versions should be considered in the version structure.

If the checkbox is not activated, the line will not be visually displayed accordingly in the version structure when a change or similar is made.

Compare project versions#

You can compare different project versions via the respective project card using the call of the same name located in the menu ribbon.


Please note that two released project versions must exist in the system in advance for the version comparison.

The header of the project version comparison card contains the following fields:

Field Description
Project number Indicates the number for which a version comparison is to be made.
Calculate The switch serves as an identifier for the calculation.

By calling the version comparison, the system automatically creates a new calculation based on the two currently released versions.

As soon as you change a version, the switch deactivates. By the function "Recalculate" this is activated again.

(Switch is not editable for the user)
Version left Specifies the version to be compared with another opposite version.

Please note that when the project version comparison mask is called up, the two current released versions are always preset first.

To compare the versions specified in the header, the "Recalculate" function is executed in the ribbon.

A comparison structure with colored highlighting of the lines is inserted in the main window. The color scheme is similar to the one defined in the project setup .

Leading for the comparison structure is always version left. Means, all lines of the version left are inserted into the version structure under consideration (appropriate coloring) with version right. If there are additional lines in version right, these are also inserted in corresponding representation and position.

If version left has no opposite version for comparison, only version left is inserted.

For a better orientation of the coloring, the legend located in the footer offers you.

In the version details, either the fields of the line or the comparison of the fields, if the line is included in both versions, are displayed to you. Which fields are displayed how in the version details is defined in the version comparison field setup.

System logging#

The activity log items from the purchase and sales document printouts are marked with the project numbers from the header and can be seen from the project via activity log items.

Shipping preparation#

In the production of complex articles, the situation can often arise in shipping that the manufactured article must be disassembled and packed in a manner suitable for shipping. In connection with the plant engineering solution, it is also possible to use shipping units across FAs within a project. For this purpose, it is necessary that the production orders have a project reference, e.g. that they are generated by MRP in the project.

Project-specific shipping units can now be assigned to these production orders by setting the "Project-specific shipping unit" checkbox in the component lines. This is set for all component lines of the production order.

Now shipping units can be assigned. They are no longer FA-specific, but can be assigned in all FAs that have the corresponding project number.

The assignment can also be assigned from the "Material structure" in the project. Here, all FAs linked to the project plan lines are directly visible. If the corresponding lines are transferred to a sales order, the shipping units can be used in the goods issue. For this purpose, the function "Insert project-specific shipping units" is used in the goods issue. To do this, all lines that belong to FAs that use project-specific shipping units are selected.

The goods issue can then be posted normally. After the shipping units have been fully posted, the original lines are automatically posted in the background and the sales delivery is completed. When inserting the project-specific shipping unit, the system checks whether each FA that uses one of the shipping units is also linked to this goods issue. If this is not the case, the system terminates with an error and points out the FA.

Basic information about shipping units can be found here

  1. Microsoft, Microsoft Dynamics, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.