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Operationvalues Preserve#

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 Standard, when the capacity unit (Work Center or Work Center Group) in the production order routings or routings line is changed, individual values such as setup, transport and waiting times (work center "routing setup") are overwritten in addition to the operation description when the work center is changed.

However, since the description in the operation is the description of the activity to be carried out, but also existing default values are simply changed when the capacity unit is changed, this behavior can be prevented by activating the "Retain operation values" switch in the "Production setup".

To do this, call up the "Production setup" via the search and make this setting.

When a new production order routing or routing line is created, both the description of the respective capacity unit and the default values for the "work centre" capacity unit are adopted.


Activation is particularly recommended when using the standard catalogs or the "etagis Interface" activation module.


Changes in the planning work plan of the planning worksheets remain unaffected by the scope of functions described.

  1. Microsoft, Microsoft Dynamics, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.