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General Business Functionality#

Article Attributes#


Item attributes are used to classify and retrieve articles based on their characteristics. Characteristics can be assigned to each article. Either individually or via the characteristics preassigned to the article category.

In the following, the functional enhancements of the item attributes in KUMAVISION factory365 are explained in more detail. Basic information on this area is provided in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 Online Help.


Item Attribute#

Before you can work with the article attributes, you have to set up the required characteristics and their attributes. To do this, call up the "Article attributes" via the user search. Via "New" in the menu ribbon you can define a new article attribute with the help of the tables below.

Inforegister General#
Field Description
Code Here you can define a unique code for the attribute, by using codes as unique keys you prevent input errors.
Name Assign a name for the attribute
Type Specifies the type of attribute.
You can choose from the following:
• Option
• Text
• Integer
• Decimal number
• Date

Please note that by assigning the type, the "Data type" field is automatically pre-populated by the system.
NAV data type This field is updated when the "Type" field is maintained and sets the data type defined in the database. *
Default value Define the value with which the attribute value is always pre-assigned.
Sorting Specify the sort criterion for tabular display here. If you leave the field empty, sorting is based on the Name attribute.
Inforegister unit#
Field Description
Unit code Here you can assign a unit code, by the assignment the field unit is assigned in the background and possibly also overwritten.

Only for numeric types, and for option if integer or decimal was assigned here.
Unit Specifies the base unit in relation to the unit code.
Inforegister Factory Item Synchronization#

For a simple and unambiguous recording, values of the article card can be synchronized with the article attributes, so that the data must be maintained only in one place. The necessary setups are made on the "Factory article synchronization" info tab of the respective article attribute. The synchronization setup is described below:

Field Description
Target field ID Enter the field of the item that contains the assignment here.

For example, the ID 47 field if you want to synchronize data via the customs position.
Field name Specifies the name of the assigned field in "Target field ID".

When linking a field of the article card (with a field value) to selection values of the source table, the field "Type" must be equal to "Option":

Field Description
NAV Tables ID In this field you specify which table should be synchronized to the options table.

For example, the table ID 260 for synchronization of data from the table Customs position.
Table designation Specifies the name of the assigned field in "NAV Table ID".
NAV Key Field ID In this field you specify the primary key of the source table, these are usually "Code" or "No.".
This value is transferred to the code field of the item attribute values table.

For example, the field ID 1 for the field No. of the table Customs item.
Field name Specifies the name of the assigned field in "NAV Key Field ID".
NAV Description Field ID In this field you specify the information field of the source table that you want to synchronize.

This value is transferred to the value field of the item attribute values table.

For example, the field ID 2 for the Description field of the Customs Item table.
Field name Specifies the name of the assigned field in "Description field name".

After the field assignment, the system automatically determines the "Data type" field.


At this point in the online help, only the additional setup options for item attributes in KUMAVISION factory365 are explained in more detail. You can find the online help for the general setup options here.

Ribbon function#
Factory Item Synchronization#

Update attribute values

Use this call to transfer the data records from the reference table to the article attributes.

If changes are made in the article attribute values table, the new data records or corrections are transferred to the target table.


A maintenance in the reference table does not lead to an automatic update of the article attribute values, these must be taken over via Update attribute values.

Update reference tables

Use this call to transfer the data records from the article attribute values to the reference table.

Synchronization logic

When synchronizing, note the following:

If a field defined in the item attribute card is changed on the item card, this value is transferred to the item attributes; if the item attribute is not yet assigned, the assignment is made by the system.

Item variant
If the affected item has item variants, the changes are also transferred there. Deviating from this are fields that can be maintained in the tables themselves. These are for item variants:

  • Description
  • Description 2
  • Sale locked
  • Purchasing locked
  • Service locked
  • Production locked

Item version
If the affected item has item versions, the changes are also transferred there. Deviating from this are fields that can be maintained in the tables themselves. These are for item versions

  • Material
  • Drawing no.
  • Drawing format
  • Manufacturer code
  • Finished parts list no.
  • Work plan no.

Please note that expired item versions will not be updated.

Attributes maintenance
If you maintain the assignment of the attributes, these changes are transferred to the articles as well as to any existing article variants and article versions in the case of defined synchronization.

Call Usage#

The "Usage" call in the ribbon displays the records that currently have the corresponding item attribute assigned in the system. The fields of the "Usage" table are explained below:

Field Description
Table The table ID of the item, item category and item variants or version used by the system. This field is not displayed to you.
No./Code Indicates the article no. from the article, article variant or article version as well as the code from the article category and the Lfd. No. from the catalog article.
Variant code The variant code from the article variant or article version. The field remains empty for articles and article categories.
Article version code Specifies the item version code from the item version. For article, article category, article variant the field remains empty
Description Specifies the description.

You can display the corresponding map via "Show map" in the ribbon.

Item attributes assignment#

KUMAVISION factory365 allows you to use item attributes not only for the item, but also for catalog articles, article variants and article versions and provides the full range of functions here.

The following inheritance logic must be observed:

Item Attributes

The diagram shows you horizontally what can be derived from which element and vertically how it is inheritable in itself.


On the item card, you can assign the attributes for the item via the "Attributes" call in the menu ribbon. In the "item attributes" info box on the item card, the data of the assigned attributes are displayed directly.

Item category#

On the item category card, you can use the "Attributes" call in the ribbon to assign the attributes for the item category. In the "item attributes" info box on the item category card, the data of the assigned attributes is displayed directly.

If you assign this item category to an item, the attributes from the item category are transferred to the item.

If changes are subsequently made to the attributes of the item category, they will be inherited by the assigned item.


Please note that the attributes of the parent item categories are inherited by the child item categories. However, the inherited attributes cannot be changed in the subordinate item categories. Per item, item variant as well as item version these can always be adapted individually.

Catalog items#

On the catalog item card, you can use the "Attributes" call in the ribbon to assign the attributes for the catalog item. In the "Article attributes" info box on the catalog item card, the data of the assigned attributes are displayed directly.

If an article is created from a catalog item, the attribute definitions are taken from the catalog article.


Please note that after the item creation, no more maintenance of the attributes via the catalog articles is possible, but only on the corresponding item card.

If you subsequently assign an article category to the created article, any article attributes stored will be inherited by the item.

Item variant#

When creating new item variants, the attribute assignments of the article are transferred one-to-one to the variant and can be adjusted there according to your requirements.

To do this, call up the "Attributes" callup in the ribbon in the article variant in order to assign the type attributes for the variant. The data of the assigned attributes are displayed directly in the "Article attributes" info box.


Changes to the values of the article attributes are not transferred to the variants.

Item version#

When creating new article versions, the attribute assignment of the article or variant is transferred one-to-one and can be adjusted there according to your requirements.

To do this, call up the "Attributes" callup in the ribbon in the article version in order to assign the attributes for the article version. In the "Article attributes" info box on the article version, the data for the assigned attributes are displayed directly


In the article version, you cannot define print control for sales.

The transfer of new attributes from the associated article or variant is performed depending on the definition via the "Automatically transfer attributes to versions" field in the Design & Development setup:

Field selection Description
Not No attributes are transferred.
New only New attributes are only transferred to the versions in New status.
Until Certified New attributes are transferred to the article versions with the statuses New and Certified.
until Certified and reset to New New attributes are transferred to the article versions with the statuses New and Certified. If the article version has certified, this is reset to New, so that manual editing or checking becomes necessary.
All Basically the attributes are transferred.

The standard allows to control the overview in the article overview via attribute filters. The extension of the attribute usage to article variant as well as article version make this filter possibility incomplete, because it is not usable for article variant, article version as well as catalog articles, for this reason there is the article attribute search.

You can call the attribute search directly via the user search or accordingly from the documents listed below:

  • Assembly parts list
  • Assembly order
  • Project plan line
  • Production parts list
  • Request
  • Frame order
  • Order
  • Invoice
  • Return
  • Purchase credit
  • Offer
  • Framework order
  • Order
  • Blanket order
  • Take back
  • Credit

When calling from the documents, the data of the source line are determined and maintained as header data. If you have not yet made any selection other than setting the type to article, no initialization is performed either.


In the listed documents, you can use the attribute search, filter by article and transfer directly to the document. Please note that the article version is not taken into account for consuming documents.

If you want to transfer a catalog article, you must first create it as the correct article via the catalog article. Afterwards, please start the search again or enter the newly created article directly.

In the header area of the attribute search, you can have the search lines suggested via the fields Article category, Article, Article variant as well as Article version by maintaining the fields.

The maintenance of the fields should be done hierarchically from article category to article version. According to the hierarchy, the sequence selections are restricted.

If you do not enter data hierarchically, the higher data will be determined and filled in by the system. For example, if you start with the article version, the system determines and maintains the article category, article and article variant as defined in the article version.

External Production With Provision#


A work process that is outsourced (also called extended workbench) occurs particularly frequently in contract finishing processes and also in the assembly of subassemblies. Outsourcing is also a possible alternative to in-house processing when capacity bottlenecks occur in the company itself. Components are often provided that are required for further processing at the external manufacturer. In most cases, the product already machined is also provided.

In the case of external production with provision, the standard functionality of external production has been extended by a provision. The provision allows you to define the components that are sent along for external production or that are also provided by the external manufacturer. For logistical processing, a stock transfer order can be created for the purchase orders from the external work worksheets. The corresponding logistics documents can be printed out for the posted stock transfers.

When posting the external production order, depending on the setup of the components, the debit is made from the external production warehouse in the corresponding quantity.


The following sections describe how to set up external production with provision of materials. The basic facilities for manufacturing/production apply as a prerequisite for setting up external production with provision. For more information, please refer to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 Helpsite.

Production bill of material, version#

In the following, only the special features of external production with provision are discussed. As a prerequisite for setting up external production with provision, the facilities for manufacturing/production apply. For further information, please refer to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 Helpsite.

Inforegister lines#

In the production BOM (version), the fields "Connection code" (this field identifies the component as a raw material provision relevant to logistics) and "Provision type" must be set.

Provision type option Description Note
Empty No provision (Business Central Standard)
Order-related the components are not sent via a stock transfer order until the external production orders are created.

The issue storage location in the FA components is set to the storage location of the external worker (entered at the work center group under origin storage locations) when the stock transfer order is created. Furthermore, the posting method is changed to "Reverse" in the respective FA component line.
Connection code must be maintained
Neutral the external processor receives a certain quantity of goods in advance. The stock transfer order required for this must be created manually or via a planning worksheet. When a production order is created, the external processor only receives the order for external processing and, if necessary, a stock transfer of the product already processed. The components to be provided are already at the external processor. Here, too, the posting method of the FA components is changed to "backwards".

The issue storage location in the components is already set to the external processor when the production order is created or within the planning (is entered at the work center group under origin storage locations). When using this type of provision, it is recommended to set up storage data for the respective components at the storage location of the external processor.
Connection code must be maintained
Supplier Here, the component is only in the production BOM for information ("info section"). The procurement is done by the external processor. This setting is also used when the customer provides parts. Here no stock or issue posting takes place. No transfer to the FA


A component defined on a production BOM of an item can be linked to a specific operation using connection codes. Thus, it can be defined at which operation an item is needed or consumed. In order to use the functionality of the provision, the connection code must be defined

The connection code must first be stored in the operation before the setting for the component can be made in the production BOM. Otherwise, an error message will be displayed when trying to certify the BOM.

Work plan, versions#

In the following, only the special features of external production with provision are discussed. As a prerequisite for setting up external production with provision, the facilities for manufacturing/production apply. For further information, please refer to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 Helpsite.

Information register: lines#
Field Description
Third party article This field marks the operation as "Provision of semi-finished products" relevant to logistics. The external operation can be transferred to a stock transfer order. The registration takes place in the FA-operation or as booked capacity item with quantity without time and value.
Standard catalog code The standard catalog code is used for external labor pricing
Connection code Connection code selection


The connection code must be maintained for the use of the provision in the operations.

Workstation group#

In the following, only the special features of external production with provision are discussed. As a prerequisite for setting up external production with provision, the facilities for manufacturing/production apply. For further information, please refer to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 Helpsite.

Usually, the following settings are made when creating a workstation group for external work:

Inforegister General#

In the "Department code" field, the workstation group is assigned to a separate department (e.g. external work).

Information register booking#

On the workstation group, the vendor must be stored in the "Vendor no." field that performs the external work.

The posting method must be set to "manual", as the postings are posted via the external labor order.

In the product posting group, a separate posting group for "external labor" should be set up and assigned to better distinguish the origin of non-cash items in accounting.


The product posting group defines G/L accounts that are posted when sales and purchase postings are made.

The cost price calculation type is usually set to "piece" for external work In this case, you should then also activate the "Special cost price" check box.

If you have agreed with the vendor on a different price for each process for external work, select the Special cost price check box.


If you use the "special cost price" indicator, then you must enter the "Cost price per unit" field in the operations. The cost price in the "Posting" info tab of the work center group is then not taken into account.

Inforegister Planning#

The "Unit code" field is usually set to days, since external processing is usually calculated in days.

As a rule, a separate company calendar is created for external processing.

In addition, the external work prices and the origin storage location can be stored via "Belonging" > "Workplace group".

Determination of prices for external work#

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 Standard, a price for the external work (i.e. the price that will later be used in the purchase order) can only be stored on the work center group card or the operation (if the work center group is set up with "special cost price"). Different prices per vendor, per scale quantity, per activity (standard catalog code) or period-dependent prices cannot be maintained.

In KUMAVISION factory365 you have your own price table for the external work orders. The prices for the external work can be stored in different places. Thereby the entries of the external work prices override the prices of the work group card or the work operation.

Third-party work prices Prices (with the option of graduated prices) can be stored for the following combinations via the external work prices:

  • Workstation group (MUST)
  • Article (MUST)
  • Vendor (MUST)
  • Standard catalog (external work activity)
  • Start and end date
  • Minimum quantities (graduated quantities)
  • Price units (conversion factor weight share)

The external work prices can be called from the following masks with appropriate filtering:

  • Article card/list
  • Workplace group card / list
  • Accounts payable card / list


If more than one operation of an item should be processed via external labor, then you must assign different standard catalog codes in the operations, so that you can also define different prices.

Origin camp location#

With the origin storage locations you can control which storage locations should be used for the provided components. For external processing you must use the type "all items".

The call of the origin storage locations is made from the workstation group map/list.

  • Type of origin: workplace group
  • Origin code: which specific workstation group
  • Type: All items or a specific item
  • Code: for specific article: Item number
  • Storage location code: which storage location is to be controlled

Relocation routes#

With the help of the stock transfer routes you have the possibility to create the link between the vendor warehouse (i.e. the warehouse of the external processor) and your own warehouse.

To set up the stock transfer routes, call them up via the user search.

The stock transfer routes overview opens. In the info tab "Stock transfer route matrix" you can now make the assignment for your own warehouse (stock transfer from code = own warehouse (e.g. BLUE)) and the vendor warehouse (e.g. external).

By clicking on the Assist button you get to the transfer route specification on which you enter in the field "Transit Code = Own-LOG". This field must be filled with an appropriate code, the other fields can remain empty if no fixed deliverer is defined.

You can then close the Stock Transfer Route Specification and Stock Transfer Route Matrix windows.

Process of external production with provision#

Initial situation: Production is planned and a released FA has been created.

Outside Work Worksheet#

Calculate external labor#

In the external worksheets it is possible to calculate which released production orders should be sent to the vendor. Here, it is possible to filter on the workstation group, the vendor or the FA number, among other things.

The external work sheet then lists the pending external work calculated according to the filtering.

The vendor is taken from the work center group, the price depending on the stored prices. If there is already an external work for a FA, it will not be charged twice.

Work in the external work worksheet#

Change of the creditor: The vendor can be changed per line (order), thus the external labor price stored in the new vendor is also used.

Perform event reporting#

With the function "Execute event message" and the activated check mark "Accept event message" the proposal line can be transferred into an order. The stock transfer order for the provision of the FA components (provision type "order-related") or the processed product can be created via the "Create stock transfer orders to external manufacturers" button.

Proposal lines in which the "Accept event message" checkbox is not activated remain in the external work worksheet without a purchase order being generated.


In order to be able to subsequently generate the stock transfer order for the provisions, the external work order must be deleted again and recalculated.

Released production order#

Pursuit of the foreign work#

The tracking of external labor is done at the line level in the production order. To do this, select the corresponding line and call up the "External work tracking" via Line.

The linked documents can be viewed and called up via the window called up by this function.


In the external work order, the activity or operation of the item is ordered. Accordingly, the description of the item line in the purchase order does not contain the name of the item, but the operation description.

The columns FA no., FA line no., work center group no. and operation no. should be shown, as they represent the reference to production.

In the respective order line, you can use the "Line" menu tab to call up the FA components assigned to the operation via the connection code.

Calling up the article tracking via the "Line" menu tab is only possible if it is the last operation. In this case, the article tracking of the respective FA line is then displayed.

The order type FREMD is automatically preset for orders from the external work worksheet, but can be changed manually. This can be used to preset certain data, such as payment terms and other fields.

If the purchase order is delivered, the operation is confirmed at the same time.


If it is the last operation of a production routing, the receipt to stock (item actual message) is posted.

Book delivery#

Depending on the setup of the storage location where the production order and thus the external production order was created, the delivery of the external production is to be posted directly via the purchase order or the corresponding logistics documents. The basic process of creating logistics documents or entering delivery quantities is no different for an external production order than for an order for articles.

An exception here is article tracking and putaway in two-stage logistics if the external production order is not the last operation on an article. In this case, no article tracking can be assigned or created and no putaways are created after posting the goods receipt, since this is not a stock movement of an article.


As already mentioned, external production is the ordering of activities or operations on an item. Therefore, only a capacity item is generated within the production order when posting. Only if it concerns the last operation an article item (item type "actual message") and thus a stock movement is generated additionally.

If FA components are assigned to the operation or order line as a provision via the connection code, they are automatically posted in the background when the delivery is posted in the corresponding quantity. A special feature here are FA components with article tracking, this must be assigned to the respective FA components. Due to this, as already mentioned, the call of the FA components is available in the purchase order as well as in the logistics documents.


If the provision type "order-related" is set in the FA components, the article tracking is automatically inherited when posting the stock transfers for the provision. If the provision type "neutral" is set, the supplier must report the article tracking used on his delivery documents and this must then be entered accordingly in the FA components before posting the external production.

Stock transfer#

In the stock transfer header, the field Stock transfer order type indicates that the stock transfer is for external production. If you do not receive a separate message from your external processor about the receipt of the provision at his storage location, you should set the switch "Outbound automatically posts inbound" in the stock transfer order, because otherwise the provision is in transit and you would have to post the stock receipt to the vendor again.


Alternatively, you can perform the setup globally on the corresponding storage location card for third-party manufacturers. To do this, activate the switch "Transfer order output posts automatic input". The switch in the stock transfer header is then preset according to this setup.

The posting of the stock transfer order issue is again done depending on the setup of the storage location either directly via the stock transfer order or the logistics documents (goods issue or warehouse picking).

For FA components with article tracking and the provision type "Order-related", the article tracking is automatically transferred to the article tracking of the FA components when the stock transfer issue is posted.

Metal Tax Surcharge#


The app "KUMAVISION Metal Tax Surcharge" for KUMAVISION factory365 enables a simple administration and automatic booking of all stock values in purchasing and sales. Based on the precious metal weight share of an item, with a corresponding base price and possible additional purchase costs, a surcharge/discount value is automatically calculated in the offer and order and also automatically posted in the further process.

In addition, any number of surcharges can be managed per article, since a separate surcharge line is generated for each precious metal component. Furthermore, the precious metal weight of assemblies or products can be easily determined via the parts list using a special function.


Please note that the use of the app requires a possible additional licensing.


KUMAVISION Module Setup#

The metal control surcharge is an activation module, the use of which is only possible with additional licensing and activation. To activate the module, call up the "KUMAVISION module setup" via the user search and activate the "Activate metal surcharge" button. Provided that you have licensed the module, the functionalities are available to you in the full extent.

Article Surcharges/Discounts#

Using the surcharges/discounts, you can map additional costs of an item in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 and thus ensure correct warehouse valuation.

The precious metal costs also belong to the surcharges shown and must be entered in the system in advance. To do this, first call up the "Article surcharges/deductions" via the user search.

Further information can be found in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 Helpsite.

Warehouse facility#

An additional info tab "Metal surcharge" has been integrated in the warehouse setup. On this info tab, you can use the "Metal surcharge" field to store the previously defined article surcharge/discount. By the assignment you define the calculation basis of the metal surcharge in the sales and purchase documents.

Article metal list#

In the article metal list, all article metals are initially listed with their base prices and percentage delivery costs.

Field Description
Code Specifies an abbreviation for the metal.
Description Specifies a description of the metal.
Base price Indicates the base price for the metal on which the quotation is calculated.
Delivery costs Indicates possible delivery costs as a percentage.

Metal quotation#

In the metal quotations you manage the current exchange-dependent price quotations for the metals.

Filter area#
Field Description
Current metal code Selection on the metal code on which the filtering is to be set.
Field Description
Metal code Specifies the corresponding metal code of the record.
Offer date Specifies the offer date of the record.
Offer price Specifies the offer price of the record.

The offer price always refers to 100 kg.

Article metal content list#

You can call the article metal part list on the one hand via the user search or on the other hand via the article card via a lookup in the field "Metal list".

Via the article metal parts list you define which metals an article consists of or which surcharges are to be taken into account for an article for sale/purchase.

Field Description
Item no. Indicates the part number to which the metal allocation applies.
Metal code Specifies the assignment of the corresponding metal code for the item.
Net weight Indicates the net weight of the respective item, which is indicated on the item card in the "Net weight" field.
Metal weight In this field you can maintain the metal weight in kilograms.
Start date Here you can specify a date from which the surcharge is to be taken into account.
Berech. Sales surcharge Check the box if you want the surcharge to be included in the sales documents.
Berech. Purchase. Metal surcharge Check the box if you want the surcharge to be included in the purchasing documents.

Surcharges in the sales process#

In the sales documents, the overhead rates are calculated using the following formula:

As soon as you enter an article line with a quantity specification in a sales document, the system automatically determines the corresponding surcharge rates for you and automatically inserts them in the sales document in the form of surcharge/discount line(s).

In case of a quantity change of the article line, a quantity change of the surcharge/discount line(s) takes place automatically as well.

If you convert a sales quotation into a sales order, use the "Copy document" function or create a subsequent credit note, the addition/sales lines will also be taken into account.

Surcharges in the purchasing process#

In the purchasing documents, the overhead rates are calculated using the following formula:

As soon as you enter an article line with a quantity specification in a purchasing document, the system automatically determines the corresponding surcharge rates and automatically inserts them in the purchasing document in the form of surcharge/discount line(s).

In case of a quantity change of the article line, a quantity change of the surcharge/discount line(s) takes place automatically as well.

If you convert a purchase request to a purchase order, use the "Copy document" function or create a subsequent credit note, the surcharge/discount lines will also be taken into account.

Metal weight across multiple BOM levels#

With the action "Calculate metal weight" in the menu ribbon of the part card, the metal weights of the production BOM components in the assemblies can be written into the fields "Metal weight" and "Single-level metal weight" and "Multi-level metal weight" via the production structure BOM.

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