Installation & Setup#
Setup in Business Central#
Activation of the module#
Before the module can be used, it may need to be replaced. in the KUMAVISION Module Setup. To do this, go to the KUMAVISION Module Setup page, e.g. via the Tell-Me functionality, and check whether the module is activated on the page within the Settings section.
Assisted Setup#
You can use the Assisted Setup to set up the DMS & ECM Interface. To do this, call up the Assisted Setup page, e.g. via the Tell-Me function. Here you will find the entry Setup the uploading and viewing of documents in external DMS or ECM system. under the heading Connecting to other systems. The Assisted Setup guides you through setting up the interface in a step-by-step guide.
Alternatively, you can use the Manual Setup function, which can also be used to set or modify all setup parameters.
When using the Assisted Setup, we recommend using the maximized windowed mode to display all the necessary information, especially with regard to table representations.
Step 1: Storage Type and Language Code#
In this step, you can decide which type of archiving system you want to connect.\ The following options are currently available by default:
- Microsoft1 SharePoint Online
- ELO Digital Office - REST API Service3
- ELO Digital Office - Indexserver REST Interface3
- Hyland Saperion ECM2
You can also set the default language code in this setup step.
This is required, among other things, when calculating option or enumeration values if a user accesses the environment from a different region or with a different language code.
Since the index terms are generated in the user's context, without the central language code, there would be different index labels for the same value!
Step 2: Authorization#
Depending on the DMS or ECM system used, different authentication procedures for the API connection are provided by the manufacturers. For example, logging in to the Hyland Saperion WebService2 is done using Basic Authentication, whereas the MS Graph API, which is used to connect to Microsoft1 SharePoint Online, requires the OAuth2 login process.
For this reason, 2 selection fields are used for the Authorization Type as well as the Authorization Type for Job Queue. Choose from the different types of authentication.
In general, there does not have to be a distinction between Authorization Type and Authorization Type for Job Queue. However, especially in the area of OAuth 2.0, a distinction between application authentication and delegated authentication is possible. For example, for SharePoint Online login, delegated authentication using OAuth 2.0 - Authorization Code Flow is normally used as the authorization method, whereas login via the job queue is normally done via application authentication and thus via the OAuth 2.0 - Client Credentials flow.
Depending on the authentication method selected, the required setup fields are displayed.
Authentication via OAuth 2.0 - Authorization Code Flow#
An OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow requires you to set up an app registration for delegated access in Azure AD.
Then, in the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow Settings section, provide the following information:
Field | Description |
Client ID | Enter the "Application ID (Client)" here, which will be displayed in the overview within the app registration. |
Client Secret | Here, paste the client secret that you created and copied in step 3 of app registration setup. |
Scopes | Here you can pass additional API permissions (scopes) for the Graph API. In the background, the value is always transmitted as the default scope, so that this field can normally remain empty. |
AAD Tenant Id | If Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 and SharePoint Online are running in the same Azure AD, there is no need to transfer an AAD Tenant ID at this point and the field can be left blank. However, if the two environments are in different Azure AD, the unique GUID of the Azure AD in which SharePoint Online is operated must be entered here. |
Authentication via OAuth 2.0 - Client Credentials#
To use OAuth 2.0 client credentials, you need to set up an app registration for application permissions in Azure AD.
Then, in the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Settings section, provide the following information:
Field | Description |
Client ID | Enter the "Application ID (Client)" here, which will be displayed in the overview within the app registration. |
Client Secret | Here, paste the client secret that you created and copied in step 3 of app registration setup. |
Scopes | Here you can pass additional API permissions (scopes) for the Graph API. In the background, the value is always transmitted as the default scope, so that this field can normally remain empty. |
AAD Tenant Id | If Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 and SharePoint Online are running in the same Azure AD, there is no need to transfer an AAD Tenant ID at this point and the field can be left blank. However, if the two environments are in different Azure AD, the unique GUID of the Azure AD in which SharePoint Online is operated must be entered here. |
Basic Authentication#
At this point, central credentials can be stored. These are used unless individual user-related credentials are stored in the user settings of the application.
Field | Description |
Default Username | At this point, enter the default user name that is to be used for authentication using the Basic Authentication procedure. If a separate user name is stored for the connection in the user-specific settings, the value stored there will be used instead of the name stored here. |
Default User Password | At this point, enter the password of the default user for authentication using the Basic Authentication procedure. If a separate user name is stored for the connection in the user-specific settings, the password stored there will be used instead of the one stored here. |
Step 3: Central Settings#
The central settings define basic setup steps that must be completed before the interface can be operated.
Field | Description |
Host Name | First of all, the hostname (the web address) of your DMS environment must be stored. You can view the hostname by opening any page of your DMS environment in the browser. Now copy the address from your browser's address bar into this field. In terms of connection to Hyland Saperion2, the service is usually accessible by the name followed by the application identifier "/ecmservice/api". |
Always show files by search definitions | The files to be displayed can be selected in two ways. Either the system can retrieve a specific directory in the archive and display the files contained therein, or the system searches for the corresponding entries by means of keywords via the archive. By default, both options can be used. If this setting is enabled, however, the selection by directory is prevented. This is recommended if the archiving solution you are using does not support directory structures or manages directories independently, e.g. Shareflex or Saperion. Otherwise, the setting should not be enabled. |
Document Factbox Display Type | The infobox "Documents" in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 records can be created in different forms, depending on your wishes or the archive system used. The display type stored here can be overridden per display definition, so that this value is only a basic setting. By default, the following display types are available: Standard (Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 page) In this case, a standard page is used to display the hits. The advantage lies in the near-standard display. A disadvantage is the space requirement of the control due to non-adjustable spacing and formatting as well as the currently limited possibility of opening and closing the tree structure. (default BC error) Custom Control AddIn The Control add-in displays a simple tree structure as a TreeView-Javascript Control add-in. Common standard mechanisms from web development are used here, so that it leads to a simple and fast display type. Web-Link of DMS In the case of web linking, the DMS system used can itself transmit a display as a web page to the interface and thus display it as an independent frame. This solution is not currently implemented by either Saperion or SharePoint and is not expected to be used until the connection to ELO Digital Office3. |
Document Link Display Type | If a document is opened for display, you can use the "Document Link Display Type" to specify which viewer is to be used for the display. The display type stored here can be overridden per display definition, so that this value is only a basic setting. By default, the following display types are available: Internal Document Viewer In the internal document view, the data stream of the document is "packaged" into an HTML5 display and displayed using the standard BC WebBrowser AddIn. Depending on the type of document, different integrations are possible, so that, for example, image documents are interpreted differently than PDF documents. External Hyperlink In the case of external link linking, the link that is transmitted via the DMS system is called instead of the document itself. For example, the document opens externally in SharePoint instead of BC. It is important to note that authorizations must be stored accordingly, especially with regard to cross-domain systems! |
Archive posted Documents by Job Queue | When documents are posted, document archiving can be used to ensure that the corresponding documents created are automatically archived. Use this switch to specify whether archiving is to be carried out via background processing of the task queue in this case. If this switch is not activated or if it is not possible to create tasks in this session, archiving takes place as part of the foreground session. |
Auto. update Files on Sales-Post | Specify what to do with documents if a sales posting is made and the original document (for example, the sales order) is subsequently deleted. The following options are available: "" (Empty) In this case, the documents remain unaffected by the "former" data record in the DMS. No further action was taken. Update Tags If you use this option, the index terms will be updated again. Since the original record is then deleted from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1, the index terms can be updated with the current transaction information for the last time. Move Files & Update Tags If there is a storage definition for the new document type (for example, posted sales invoice), this option moves the documents from the source document to the directory of the target document and updates the index terms at the same time. Thus, for example, the documents that were assigned to an order are automatically included in the resulting invoice via background processing. Important: Moving documents requires that the DMS system allows it! |
Auto. update Files on Sales-Release | Specify what to do with documents when releasing sales documents. The following options are available: "" (Empty) In this case, the documents remain unaffected by the "former" data record in the DMS. No further action was taken. Update Tags When using this option, the index terms are updated after they are released. |
Auto. update Files on Reminder-Issue | Specify what to do with documents if a reminder is issued and the original document is subsequently deleted. The following options are available: "" (Empty) In this case, the documents remain unaffected by the "former" data record in the DMS. No further action was taken. Update Tags If you use this option, the index terms will be updated again. Since the original record is then deleted from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1, the index terms can be updated with the current transaction information for the last time. Move Files & Update Tags If there is a storage definition for the new document type (issued reminder), this option moves the documents from the source document to the directory of the target document and updates the index terms at the same time. Thus, for example, the documents that were assigned to the reminder are automatically included in the resulting issued reminder via background processing. Important: Moving documents requires that the DMS system allows it! |
Auto. update Files on Purch.-Post | Specify how documents are to be handled if a purchase transaction is made and the original document (for example, the purchase order) is subsequently deleted. The following options are available: "" (Empty) In this case, the documents remain unaffected by the "former" data record in the DMS. No further action was taken. Update Tags If you use this option, the index terms will be updated again. Since the original record is then deleted from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1, the index terms can be updated with the current transaction information for the last time. Move Files & Update Tags If there is a storage definition for the new document type (for example, posted purchase invoice), this option moves the documents from the source document to the directory of the target document and updates the index terms at the same time. Thus, for example, the documents that were assigned to a purchase order are automatically included in the resulting invoice via background processing. Important: Moving documents requires that the DMS system allows it! |
Auto. update Files on Purch.-Release | Specify how documents are to be handled when purchasing documents are released. The following options are available: "" (Empty) In this case, the documents remain unaffected by the "former" data record in the DMS. No further action was taken. Update Tags When using this option, the index terms are updated after they are released. |
Auto. update Files on Prod. Order Status Change | Specify what to do with documents when the status of a production order changes. Because the status of an FA is part of the primary key of the operation, documents from BC may not be retrievable after the state change. The following options are available: "" (Empty) In this case, the documents remain unaffected by the "former" data record in the DMS. No further action was taken. Update Tags If you use this option, the index terms will be updated again. Since the original record from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 is then renamed, the index terms can be updated with the current transaction information for the last time. Move Files & Update Tags If there is a storage definition for the new status (e.g. Released FA), this option moves the documents from the source document to the directory of the target document and updates the index terms at the same time. Thus, for example, the documents that were assigned to a planned FA are automatically transferred to the resulting released FA via background processing. Important: Moving documents requires that the DMS system allows it! |
Step 4: Select Pages#
In the course of this step, the interface queries all pages from the DMS and displays them here as a list. Within the list, it is now possible to define which pages should be used for the interface.
Since there are no pages related to the Hyland Saperion ECM2 system, the static "page" labeled "Saperion" is displayed on it.
Step 5: Select Document Drives#
In step 5, the document drives / archives are related to the respective page and displayed for selection. At this point, you can select which libraries / archives are intended for the interface.
Furthermore, a unique Document Drive Code must be stored for each selected data set at this point. This serves as a unique key for administration and assignment in further processing within BC.
Step 6: Keywords#
In this step, select all keywords that you want to populate by data from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 or use to search for documents.
In addition, a unique code must be stored for each selected keyword, which is used to reference the corresponding keyword within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1.
Additionally predefined keywords such as Customer No. or Project No. can be assigned in the corresponding column. The predefined keywords are used in the following steps of the wizard for additional setups. Please select the appropriate predefined keyword for each of the selected keywords - if none of the predefined keywords fit, do not enter one.
You may see problems in the Warning column, such as The tag does not exist in the libraries: xxx. This is just an indication that you have used keywords that are not available in every library and therefore may not be used across the board.
Step 7: Set up display definitions#
Display definitions can already be defined in this step. To do this, the step is divided into the following paragraphs:
By default, the list of documents displayed in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 is sorted and grouped according to the folder structure of the archiving system. Alternatively, keywords can be defined to sort and group the documents.
Additional Columns
The list of documents within the infobox always displays the file names of the documents when using SharePoint Online. At this point, you can already specify additional columns to display in the lists.
If you are using a system other than SharePoint Online for archiving, columns must be selected because the file name is not yet available there at the time of display.
More Display Definitions
If you want to use different settings for different types of data, you can already define other display definitions here that can be used in the other facilities.
Further settings of the display definitions can be found in the Display Definitions setup step.
Step 8: Selecting the Storage Definitions#
The storage definitions specify where uploaded documents should be stored and which keywords should be assigned to them.
In the list of the setup step, a set of prepared file definitions appears from which you can select the storage definitions with which documents are to be stored. This list is not exhaustive, but can be supplemented by your own storage definitions, which can be added in the next step of the wizard.
Step 9: Maintain the storage definitions#
The list lists the selected storage definitions. For each entry, the desired document drive for archiving and, depending on the DMS system used, the directory for filing must be stored.
The directory can contain placeholders that are automatically populated with the data from the BC record when a document is uploaded. Some suggested placeholders have been auto-supplemented. If necessary, any additional placeholders can be added and used.
Furthermore, any other settings of the storage definitions can also be changed. If keywords are used without a predefined keyword type, they must be manually supplemented and provided with the respective data sources.
When the settings for a storage definition are complete, they can be activated with the "Active" marker. In order to be able to use a storage definition, the "Active" switch must be set.
For more details on creating and customizing the storage definitions, see the chapter Storage Definitions.
Step 10: Set up your search definitions#
By default, this app displays the files for each record that are directly linked to that record. In many cases, however, other files are also of interest. For example, if the files for a customer are viewed, not only the files directly linked to this customer are relevant, but also those that are linked to invoices or projects of the customer. In order to be able to view them, search definitions can be set up. They use the keywording via the index terms to search for all files, e.g. by displaying all files tagged with a specific customer number.
The following list displays all tables for which there is a storage definition. One keyword can be entered per table to search for files - if this is not desired for a table, the keyword can simply be left blank. In addition, the "Standard" column can be used to specify whether the files should be searched by the keyword by default - in this case, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 will automatically display the files based on this search definition when a page is opened. If you want to use more than one search definition for a table, you can create additional search definitions yourself in the next step of the wizard.
Step 11: Maintain search definitions#
In this setup step, the search definitions are finalized.
The list of created search definitions can be used to change the default settings if necessary.
If keywords have been stored without a predefined keyword type, the data source must be specified for each of them.
Once the settings for a search definition have been finalized, it can be activated via the "Active" column. In order to be able to use a search definition, the "Active" switch must be set.
For more details on how to create and customize search definitions, see the chapter Search Definitions.
Step 12: Automatic Report Archiving#
In addition to manually uploading documents to a master record or process, documents can also be automatically integrated in the course of creation from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1. This applies, for example, to the documents and reports that are generated from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1.
In this setup step, documents and reports can be selected from a prepared list, which will be used for an automatic upload to the DMS system as soon as the respective document is generated.
Additional reports can be added as needed in the next setup step.
Step 13: Automatic Report Archiving Setups#
For each selected report, a storage definition must be assigned, which defines, for example, with which keywords the report is to be saved in the DMS system.
In addition, an entry for the storage of the document can be selected from the list of subdirectories of the respective storage definition. Furthermore, the desired file name must be stored. In this case, it is possible to use placeholders of the respective storage definition for the dynamic generation of the file names.
This step completes the Assisted Setup. In general, this Assisted Setup can be called again and again. Each individual step of the setup can also be accessed via the Manual Setup.
Manual Setup#
The manual setup of the DMS & ECM Interface can be found via the Advanced Settings as well as via the Manual Setup page and selecting the entry Setting up the DMS and ECM interface or via the Tell-Me search for Document Storage Setup.
Document Storage Setup#
In the document storage setup, the basic settings for the connection of the DMS or ECM system used in each case are made. All the individual components of the facility are described below.
In the "General" area, basic settings for the DMS / ECM system used and for connectivity are stored.
Field | Description |
Storage Type | Specify here which type of archiving system you want to connect. The following options are currently available by default: Microsoft1 SharePoint Online ELO Digital Office3 Hyland Saperion ECM2 |
Host Name | The hostname refers to the web address of your DMS environment through which a connection is made. If you are using Microsoft1 SharePoint Online as your archive system, you can view the host name by opening any page in your DMS environment in the browser. Now copy the address from your browser's address bar into this field. In relation to the connection to Hyland Saperion ECM2, the address of the ECMService API is entered at this point. The service is usually accessible via the name of the server followed by the application identifier "/ecmservice/api". |
Language Code | The language code stored here is required, among other things, for the calculation of option or enumeration values, if a user accesses the environment from a different region or with a different language code. Since the index terms are generated in the user's context, without the central language code, there would be different index labels for the same value. |
Authorization Type | Specify the type of authorization to be used to authenticate users to the DMS/ECM system. Depending on the authorization method chosen, the required setup fields are displayed in separate areas. By default, you can choose from the following values: No Authentication In this case, the requests to the archive system are not enriched with authentication. This option should be used if access to the archive system is secured by other approaches and not protected by login. OAuth 2.0 - Authorization Code Flow Use this option to enable a delegated login to the archive system via authorization code flow. By default, this procedure is used for per-user access to Microsoft1 SharePoint Online. For this purpose, a so-called bearer token is obtained from the authorization office via an authorization query, by means of which the actual query is carried out. For more information on this procedure, please refer to the following link: \<> OAuth 2.0 - Client Credentials The OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Flow is a process in which it is not the actual user, but an application, such as a web service, that is authorized to log on to another application. By default, this procedure is used for application-side access to Microsoft1 SharePoint Online without direct user interaction. In this procedure, too, a so-called bearer token is obtained from the authorization office via an authorization query, by means of which the actual query is carried out. For more information on this procedure, please refer to the following link:\<> Basic Authentication In this procedure, a user name and a corresponding password are given in a Base64-encoded text in a header information of the web request and used to log on to the target system. For example, this procedure is used by default for authorization to the Hyland Saperion ECM2 API service. |
Authorization Type for Job Queue | Specify the login procedure to be used for authenticating background processes to the DMS / ECM system. This information is only used for actions taken through the task queue that do not allow for interactive user intervention. Depending on the authentication method chosen, the required setup fields are displayed in separate areas. By default, you can choose from the following values: No Authentication In this case, the requests to the archive system are not enriched with authentication. This option should be used if access to the archive system is secured by other approaches and not protected by login. OAuth 2.0 - Authorization Code Flow Use this option to enable a delegated login to the archive system via authorization code flow. By default, this procedure is used for per-user access to Microsoft1 SharePoint Online. For this purpose, a so-called bearer token is obtained from the authorization office via an authorization query, by means of which the actual query is carried out. For more information on this procedure, please refer to the following link:\<> OAuth 2.0 - Client Credentials The OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Flow is a process in which it is not the actual user, but an application, such as a web service, that is authorized to log on to another application. By default, this procedure is used for application-side access to Microsoft1 SharePoint Online without direct user interaction. In this procedure, too, a so-called bearer token is obtained from the authorization office via an authorization query, by means of which the actual query is carried out. For more information on this procedure, please refer to the following link:\<> Basic Authentication In this procedure, a user name and a corresponding password are given in a Base64-encoded text in a header information of the web request and used to log on to the target system. For example, this procedure is used by default for authorization to the Hyland Saperion ECM2 API service. |
OAuth 2.0 Authorization Codeflow Settings#
The area is only visible if the Authorization Type or the Authorization Type for Job Queue has been set to the value OAuth 2.0 - Authorization Code Flow!
An OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow requires you to set up an app registration for delegated access in Azure AD.
Then, in the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow Settings section, provide the following information:
Field | Description |
Client ID | Enter the "Application ID (Client)" here, which will be displayed in the overview within the app registration. |
Client Secret | Here, paste the client secret that you created and copied in step 3 of app registration setup. |
Scopes | Here you can pass additional API permissions (scopes) for the Graph API. In the background, the value is always transmitted as the default scope, so that this field can normally remain empty. |
AAD Tenant Id | If Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 and SharePoint Online are running in the same Azure AD, there is no need to transfer an AAD Tenant ID at this point and the field can be left blank. However, if the two environments are in different Azure AD, the unique GUID of the Azure AD in which SharePoint Online is operated must be entered here. |
OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Settings#
The area is only visible if the Authorization Type or the Authorization Type for Job Queue has been set to the value OAuth 2.0 - Client Credentials!
To use OAuth 2.0 client credentials, you need to set up an app registration for application permissions in Azure AD.
Then, in the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Settings section, provide the following information:
Field | Description |
Client ID | Enter the "Application ID (Client)" here, which will be displayed in the overview within the app registration. |
Client Secret | Here, paste the client secret that you created and copied in step 3 of app registration setup. |
Scopes | Here you can pass additional API permissions (scopes) for the Graph API. In the background, the value is always transmitted as the default scope, so that this field can normally remain empty. |
AAD Tenant Id | If Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 and SharePoint Online are running in the same Azure AD, there is no need to transfer an AAD Tenant ID at this point and the field can be left blank. However, if the two environments are in different Azure AD, the unique GUID of the Azure AD in which SharePoint Online is operated must be entered here. |
Basic Authentication Settings#
The area is only visible if the Authorization Type or the Authorization Type for Job Queue has been set to the value Basic Authentication!
This area is where the settings for basic authentication are made. These are used unless individual user-related credentials are stored in the user settings of the application.
Field | Description |
Default Username | At this point, enter the default user name that is to be used for authentication using the Basic Authentication procedure. If a separate user name is stored for the connection in the user-specific settings, the value stored there will be used instead of the name stored here. |
Default User Password | At this point, enter the password of the default user for authentication using the Basic Authentication procedure. If a separate user name is stored for the connection in the user-specific settings, the password stored there will be used instead of the one stored here. |
Show Files#
This section is used to make basic settings for displaying files.
Field | Description |
Always show files by search definitions | The files to be displayed can be selected in two ways. Either the system can retrieve a specific directory in the archive and display the files contained therein, or the system searches for the corresponding entries by means of keywords via the archive. By default, both options can be used. If this setting is enabled, however, the selection by directory is prevented. This is recommended if the archiving solution you are using does not support directory structures or manages directories independently, e.g. Shareflex or Saperion. Otherwise, the setting should not be enabled. |
Document Factbox Display Type | The infobox "Documents" in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 records can be created in different forms, depending on your wishes or the archive system used. The display type stored here can be overridden per display definition, so that this value is only a basic setting. By default, the following display types are available: Standard (Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 page) In this case, a standard page is used to display the hits. The advantage lies in the near-standard display. A disadvantage is the space requirement of the control due to non-adjustable spacing and formatting as well as the currently limited possibility of opening and closing the tree structure. (default BC error) Custom Control AddIn The Control add-in displays a simple tree structure as a TreeView-Javascript Control add-in. Common standard mechanisms from web development are used here, so that it leads to a simple and fast display type. Web-Link of DMS In the case of web linking, the DMS system used can itself transmit a display as a web page to the interface and thus display it as an independent frame. This solution is not currently implemented by either Saperion or SharePoint and is not expected to be used until the connection to ELO Digital Office3. |
Document Link Display Type | If a document is opened for display, you can use the "Document Link Display Type" to specify which viewer is to be used for the display. The display type stored here can be overridden per display definition, so that this value is only a basic setting. By default, the following display types are available: Internal Document Viewer In the internal document view, the data stream of the document is "packaged" into an HTML5 display and displayed using the standard BC WebBrowser AddIn. Depending on the type of document, different integrations are possible, so that, for example, image documents are interpreted differently than PDF documents. External Hyperlink In the case of external link linking, the link that is transmitted via the DMS system is called instead of the document itself. For example, the document opens externally in SharePoint instead of BC. It is important to note that authorizations must be stored accordingly, especially with regard to cross-domain systems! |
Archiving Files#
In the Archiving Files area, you can make basic settings for automatic archiving and for the behavior of certain business processes.
Field | Description |
Archive posted Documents by Job Queue | When documents are posted, document archiving can be used to ensure that the corresponding documents created are automatically archived. Use this switch to specify whether archiving is to be carried out via background processing of the task queue in this case. If this switch is not activated or if it is not possible to create tasks in this session, archiving takes place as part of the foreground session. |
Auto. update Files on Sales-Post | Specify what to do with documents if a sales posting is made and the original document (for example, the sales order) is subsequently deleted. The following options are available: "" (Empty) In this case, the documents remain unaffected by the "former" data record in the DMS. No further action was taken. Update Tags If you use this option, the index terms will be updated again. Since the original record is then deleted from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1, the index terms can be updated with the current transaction information for the last time. Move Files & Update Tags If there is a storage definition for the new document type (for example, posted sales invoice), this option moves the documents from the source document to the directory of the target document and updates the index terms at the same time. Thus, for example, the documents that were assigned to an order are automatically included in the resulting invoice via background processing. Important: Moving documents requires that the DMS system allows it! |
Auto. update Files on Sales-Release | Specify what to do with documents when releasing sales documents. The following options are available: "" (Empty) In this case, the documents remain unaffected by the "former" data record in the DMS. No further action was taken. Update Tags When using this option, the index terms are updated after they are released. |
Auto. update Files on Reminder-Issue | Specify what to do with documents if a reminder is issued and the original document is subsequently deleted. The following options are available: "" (Empty) In this case, the documents remain unaffected by the "former" data record in the DMS. No further action was taken. Update Tags If you use this option, the index terms will be updated again. Since the original record is then deleted from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1, the index terms can be updated with the current transaction information for the last time. Move Files & Update Tags If there is a storage definition for the new document type (issued reminder), this option moves the documents from the source document to the directory of the target document and updates the index terms at the same time. Thus, for example, the documents that were assigned to the reminder are automatically included in the resulting issued reminder via background processing. Important: Moving documents requires that the DMS system allows it! |
Auto. update Files on Purch.-Post | Specify how documents are to be handled if a purchase transaction is made and the original document (for example, the purchase order) is subsequently deleted. The following options are available: "" (Empty) In this case, the documents remain unaffected by the "former" data record in the DMS. No further action was taken. Update Tags If you use this option, the index terms will be updated again. Since the original record is then deleted from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1, the index terms can be updated with the current transaction information for the last time. Move Files & Update Tags If there is a storage definition for the new document type (for example, posted purchase invoice), this option moves the documents from the source document to the directory of the target document and updates the index terms at the same time. Thus, for example, the documents that were assigned to a purchase order are automatically included in the resulting invoice via background processing. Important: Moving documents requires that the DMS system allows it! |
Auto. update Files on Purch.-Release | Specify how documents are to be handled when purchasing documents are released. The following options are available: "" (Empty) In this case, the documents remain unaffected by the "former" data record in the DMS. No further action was taken. Update Tags When using this option, the index terms are updated after they are released. |
Auto. update Files on Prod. Order Status Change | Specify what to do with documents when the status of a production order changes. Because the status of an FA is part of the primary key of the operation, documents from BC may not be retrievable after the state change. The following options are available: "" (Empty) In this case, the documents remain unaffected by the "former" data record in the DMS. No further action was taken. Update Tags If you use this option, the index terms will be updated again. Since the original record from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 is then renamed, the index terms can be updated with the current transaction information for the last time. Move Files & Update Tags If there is a storage definition for the new status (e.g. Released FA), this option moves the documents from the source document to the directory of the target document and updates the index terms at the same time. Thus, for example, the documents that were assigned to a planned FA are automatically transferred to the resulting released FA via background processing. Important: Moving documents requires that the DMS system allows it! |
Document Drives#
From the Document Storage Setup you can call up the Document Drives action via the Setups action group. The document drives or archives that have been stored and set up are listed there. If a new document drive is to be added, a new entry with a unique code can be stored in the list and the Site Name and Drive Name columns can be used to refer to the archive system.
Archiving Tags#
From the Document Storage Setup you can call up the Archiving Tags action via the Setups action group. The list displays all tags from the archives that have been set up to be transferred from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1. If a new keyword is to be used for the interface, a new record can be created in the list. The keyword must be unambiguous. The fields Pre-defined Type, Table No. and Field No. can be taken here to make a preliminary definition of the keyword, but are not mandatory. On the other hand, it is important to select the corresponding index term to be assigned from the archive system using the DMS Field Code field. This is where the field from the archive system is stored, which is to be linked to the respective keyword.
From the SharePoint Refinable Property column, you can use a "refinable" variable (for example, "refinableString01") to be used for cross-search properties if too many hits for filtering have been found. Detailed information on this is explained in the section Crawled Properties vs. Managed Properties.
In the Multiple value field column, you can specify whether the corresponding metadata information in the DMS supports the storage of multiple values. If this is the case, you can activate this field to allow an assignment using multiple table records in the storage definition.
Storage Definitions#
From the Document Storage Setup you can call up the Storage Definitions action via the Setups action group. For general information on storage definitions, see the corresponding chapter Storage Definitions.
General - Fields and Information#
This area displays general basic information for the storage definition.
Field | Description |
Code | This field identifies the unique code of the file definition. |
Description | The Description field can be used to store a description of the storage definition for easy assignment and explanation. |
For Table ID | The For Table ID defines the unique table number from the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 object list, which is to serve as the source data range for the corresponding storage definition. If, for example, the storage definition is to be used for documents of a customer, the For Table ID must be set to the value 18 for the customer table. The LookUp button can be used to open the object list for tables to enable convenient selection of the desired table. |
For Table Caption | The For Table Caption field contains the object caption of the table selected in the For Table ID field. For this reason, the value of this field cannot be changed manually. |
Table Filters | The Table Filters can be used to store filters, for example, to differentiate between storage definitions for one and the same table in more detail. For example, the "Quote" and "Order" sales documents are based on the same table (36). The documents are differentiated by the Document Type field of the table. If different storage definitions are to be used for quotes and orders, a corresponding filter can be stored here. In the case of the quote, the filter dialog would be opened via the button of the field and a filter would be stored on the field Document Type with the value Quote. |
No Document Upload allowed | You can use this field to deactivate an upload via the infobox for the corresponding storage definition. The upload functionality in the infobox of the data set is thus prevented, so that only read-only access to the archived documents is possible. |
Only for background uploads | If this field is enabled, the corresponding storage definition is not available within the Documents infobox of the record. Instead, this storage definition is only used to transfer documents to the archive system in the background, e.g. when documents are printed or when a document is posted. |
Display Definition Code | At this point, you can select the display definition that is to be used as part of the storage definition for column display and sorting. For more information on display definitions, see the chapter Display Definitions. |
Sorting No. | Several storage definitions with different characteristics and facilities can be stored for a table. About the sorting no., you can specify how the definitions are sorted when searching for a valid storage definition for a specific scenario. |
Active | The Active switch indicates whether a storage definition is enabled for use. If changes are to be made to the settings, the definition must first be disabled. After changes have been made, however, the definition is activated and is thus also available for use in background processes. |
Directory - Fields and Information#
This area stores information about the archive and directory that is to be used for the documents of this storage definition.
Field | Description |
Document Drive Code | The Document Drive Code field specifies the archive in which files are to be stored based on the current storage definition. The LookUp button displays the document drives that have been set up for selection |
Document Drive Name | The Document Drive Name field contains the name of the drive selected in the Document Drive Code field. For this reason, the value of this field cannot be changed manually. |
Directory Path | The Directory Path contains the individual path within the archive system for storing documents. It is only required if the underlying archive system supports the use of directories. Wildcards can be used within the path specifications to dynamically map values based on the field values from the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 record. For example, a placeholder can be used for the customer number, which creates a directory with that information. Nesting directories and dynamic placeholders is also supported. The available placeholders can be entered and viewed via the Placeholders field. |
Placeholders | Wildcards are used to dynamically map directory paths based on field values of a record in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1. In order to be able to design these placeholders variably, the AssistEdit button of the field can be used to call up the page Storage Definition Placeholders. Within this page, any number of placeholders can be defined, whereby the following information is available for definition: No. At this point, enter the number under which the respective placeholder should be described. This is sequential numbering, which means that it is used in the directory path via %1, %2, %3.... Data Source Select the data source for dynamic assignment of the placeholder. Depending on the selected data source, different additional field information is possible or required. The following options are available: - Own Table When using this option, the logic obtains the information from the base table of the storage definition. When using this option, specifying a Field No. is mandatory. - Related Table With this option, the data for the placeholder is not obtained from the base table of the storage definition, but from a table linked to it. The link is done using the standard logic of table relations in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1. These can be expanded if necessary. If you have selected this option, the selection of a Table No. as well as a Field No. is required. - Function This wildcard option returns values at runtime that are calculated based on the framework of the process and are not based on table information. For example, this could be client, date, or user information. If you have selected this option, you will need to select a Data Source Function. - Fixed Value Select the Fixed Value option if you want the placeholder information to be static. In this case, it is necessary to specify a value in the Fixed Value / Parameter field. - Manually Selecting the Manually option is not possible at this point, as it would require user interaction that is not present within the process. Data Source Function This field is only editable if the Data Source has a value of Function. At this point, select the internal processing function, such as the current date or the user ID, to define the information. Table No. Use this field to specify the unique number of the table from which you want to obtain the data for the current record, if the Data Source is set to the Related Table value. If you select the desired table relation via the field, the Table No. will automatically be inserted. Table Caption This field shows the name of the one selected in the Table No.. For this reason, the value of this field cannot be changed manually. Table Relation Chain If the Data Source option is set to Related Table and the Table No. was selected on the basis of a table relation, the description of the concatenation is automatically displayed in this field. Field No. Enter the Field No. which, depending on the data source from your own or the linked table, should be used as information for the current data set. Field Caption This field shows the caption of the field selected by Field No.. For this reason, this value cannot be changed manually. Fixed Value / Parameter If the Fixed Value option has been selected as Data Source, this field can be used to store the corresponding value, which should always be used for the respective placeholder. In addition, this field is used to store the desired number of characters if the value Left-sided text is used as the Transformation Rule. Transformation Rule Transform rules can be used to specify that a calculated value should be converted before it can be used as a placeholder. In addition to textual transformations, such as conversion to upper or lower case letters, the conversion of date information or the handling of special characters is also possible. If necessary, select the appropriate Transformation Rule to reshape the placeholder value before use. When using the Transformation Rule Left-sided Text, please enter the number of characters required in the Fixed value / parameter* field. |
Subdirectories - Fields and Information#
This pane displays settings for document storage subdirectories and user choices.
Field | Description |
Allow upload to root folder | By activating this field, you can specify that files may also be stored in the root directory of the respective storage definition. If this field is deactivated, it is only possible to store it in a subdirectory. If the DMS or ECM system used does not work with directory structures, this switch is obsolete and will not be evaluated. |
Allow select custom Subdirectories | If this field is enabled, a query of the existing directory structure in the main directory is carried out before a selection dialog for the directory selection is displayed. This makes it possible to select folders that have not been created via the interface, but via alternative filing mechanisms in the DMS system. If the DMS or ECM system used does not work with directory structures, this switch is obsolete and will not be evaluated. |
Storage Definition Subdirectories | The tabular listing of subdirectories ensures that files and documents are always stored in a defined structure and that the user can only choose from the subdirectories that are predefined here. If a user uploads a file manually, the subdirectories specified here will be taken into account accordingly. These directories are also available for selection in the report archiving settings. Description This field can be used to freely describe the subdirectory. If there is no Subdirectory Path at the time of entry, the value entered here is also provided as Subdirectory Path by default but can be changed independently of this specification. Subdirectory Path This field contains the path that can be used. This is always to be regarded as a subdirectory of the Directory Path from the respective storage definition. Default By activating this field, it can be defined that the respective path to a subdirectory is a desired default path, which will be displayed accordingly in selection dialogs. The list of subdirectories for a storage definition can only have one default value. |
Storage Definition Tags - Fields and Information#
In this area, the keywords of the respective archive are mapped to the fields or functions from BC. This assignment defines the values that are to be used as index terms for keywording when documents are stored.
Field | Description |
Code | The Code field defines the respective keyword that is to be provided for the storage definition. Not every existing keyword needs to be included in a storage definition. Select the respective index term from the LookUp list in order to provide it for storage and to determine the assignment of the data. |
Description | This field contains an explanatory description for each keyword. By default, after selecting a Code, the Description is automatically prepopulated with the keyword description. However, the value can be adjusted as needed and is used to clarify the respective assignment. |
Data Source | Select the data source for the dynamic mapping of values to the respective keyword. Depending on the selected data source, different additional field information is possible or required. The following options are available: Own Table When using this option, the logic obtains the information from the base table of the storage definition. When using this option, specifying a Field No. is mandatory. Related Table With this option, the data for the tag is not obtained from the base table of the storage definition, but from a table linked to it. The link is made using the standard logic of the table relations in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1. These can be expanded if necessary. If you have selected this option, the selection of a Table No. as well as a Field No. is required. If the keyword selected in the Code field itself has the property Multivalue field, all linked data records in the table are used for the metadata information. If it is not a "Multivalue field", only the first data record found is used instead. Function This data source option returns values at runtime that are calculated based on the framework conditions of the process and are not based on table information. For example, this could be client, date, or user information. If you have selected this option, you will need to select a Data Source Function. Fixed Value Select the Fixed Value option if you want the keyword information to be static. In this case, it is necessary to specify a value in the Fixed Value / Parameter field. Manually Selecting the Manually option defines that the value of the tag assignment is to be selected via a manual user interaction. There are various procedures for this purpose in order to make it easier for the user to specify a valid value. If the value Manually has been selected as the Data Source, further settings can be made using the fields Manual Data Type, Manual Selection List, Manual Required and Manual Substitution Value for background Processes. For more information on these fields, see the relevant paragraphs. |
Data Source Function | This field is only editable if the Data Source has the value Function. At this point, select the internal processing function, such as the current date or the user ID, to define the information. |
Fixed Value / Parameter | If the Fixed Value option has been selected as the Data source, this field can be used to store the corresponding value, which should always be used for the respective assignment to a keyword when storing a document. In addition, this field is used to store the desired number of characters if the value Left-sided text is used as the Transformation Rule. |
Table No. | Use this field to specify the unique number of the table from which you want to obtain the data for the current record, if the Data Source" is set to the Related Table value. If you select the desired table relation via the field, the Table No. automatically inserted. |
Table Caption | This field shows the name of the one selected in the Table No.. For this reason, the value of this field cannot be changed manually. |
Table Relation Chain | If the Data Source option is selected as Related Table and the Table No. was selected on the basis of a table relation, the description of the concatenation is automatically displayed in this field. The value of the field is therefore not editable. |
Field No. | Enter the Field No. which, depending on the Data Source from your own or the linked table, should be used as information for the current data set. |
Field Caption | This field shows the caption of the field selected by Field No.. For this reason, this value cannot be changed manually. |
Manual Data Type | If the "Data Source" field has a value of "Manually", this field can be used to define the type of data that the manual value should be. This information is used to enable a corresponding selection dialog and to be able to validate the values before they are transferred to the DMS system. You can choose from: Free Text Specifies that it is a text field that can be filled with any information entered manually Date Specifies that the manual value is a date that can be assigned in the entry mask via a date selection dialog. Number Specifies that the value represents a number, either as an integer or as a decimal. Selection List Specifies that the field is an entry from a drop-down list. In this case, the corresponding selection list must be defined using the Manual Selection List field. Selection lists can only be used to allow the user to make a pre-made selection and to prevent free texts. This option allows you to select a single option from the drop-down list. Selection List (Multiple allowed) Specifies that the field is an entry from a drop-down list. In this case, the corresponding selection list must be defined using the Manual Selection List field. Selection lists can be used to allow the user only to make ready-made selections and to prevent free texts. This option allows multiple selection of options from the drop-down list. The selected values are transferred to the DMS system in a comma-separated manner. |
Manual Selection List | If the Data Source Manually has been selected and the option Selection List or Selection List (Multiple allowed) is stored as the Manual Data Type, this field must contain the respective selection list for the assignment. Any number of selection lists can be stored in the system, each of which can contain any number of individual entries. Further detailed information on selection lists can be found in the chapter Selection lists. |
Manual Required | By activating this field, it can be ensured that an input is made and that a record is not stored without the required information. When entering the manual values, the keyword dialog box cannot be successfully closed until all the required information has been entered. By deactivating this field, it can be ensured that the corresponding index term is optional information that is not mandatory. |
Manual Substitution Value for background Processes | When storing documents via background processes, it is not possible to manually enter values via a dialog system. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to use this field to define the values that are to be used as a replacement value in the course of a background process. |
Transformation Rule | Transformation rules can be used to specify that a calculated value should be converted before it can be used as a keyword. In addition to textual transformations, such as conversion to upper or lower case letters, the conversion of date information or the handling of special characters is also possible. |
If necessary, select the appropriate Transformation Rule to reshape the value before use. If the Format Value value is used as Transformation Rule, the corresponding formatting statement can be passed via the Format String field. When using the Transformation Rule Left-sided Text, please enter the number of characters required in the Fixed value / parameter field. |
Format String | If the Format Value value is used as the Transformation Rule, the Format String field can be used to pass the corresponding formatting statement. Further information on the use and storage of format instructions can be found in the standard documentation ( |
The following actions are available within the storage definitions:
Calling the Copy action creates a copy of the selected storage definition. After selecting this action, a window appears in which, in addition to a unique code for the new definition to be created, you can specify whether the copy should also copy the list of subdirectories and keywords to the new record. Only after this window has been confirmed with OK will the copying process take place.
Batch update File Tags
If changes or changes are made to storage definitions after documents have already been stored using this definition, the Batch Update File Tags action can be used to update the stored documents in the archive system. This is explicitly only possible if the archive system used supports an update option for the corresponding documents!
After selecting the action, a window is displayed in which, in addition to the default storage definition, a table filter can be defined in order to be able to further narrow down the documents to be updated. Once the window is confirmed, the records are filtered in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 according to the file definition and the table filter. For each individual data record, the stored documents are then retrieved and an update is made for each retrieved document based on the stored keywords.
In addition, the following actions are available in the view of the Storage Definition Tags:
Copy Tag to selected Storage Definitions
If a keyword with assignment of the data source is to be integrated into other storage definitions along with other settings, the row can be copied using this function.
After selecting the function, a list of storage definitions opens, in which one or more entries can be selected. If this window is confirmed, the keyword will be included in all selected file definitions.
If the keyword is already included in one of the selected storage definitions, the existing entry remains valid and will not be replaced by the copy run!
Search Definitions#
From the Document Storage Setup you can call up the Search Definitions action via the Setups action group.
General information on search definitions can be found in the corresponding chapter Search Definitions.
General - Fields and Information#
This area displays general basic information for the search definition.
Field | Description |
Code | This field denotes the unique code of the search definition. |
Description | The Description field can be used to store a description of the search definition for easy assignment and explanation. |
For Table ID | The For Table ID defines the unique table number from the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 object list, which is to serve as the source data range for the corresponding search definition. For example, if the search definition is to be used for documents of a customer, the For Table ID must be set to the value 18 for the customer table. The LookUp button can be used to open the object list for tables to enable convenient selection of the desired table. |
For Table Caption | The For Table Caption field contains the object caption of the table selected in the For Table ID field. For this reason, the value of this field cannot be changed manually. |
Table Filter | Filters can be stored using the Table Filter, for example to differentiate between search definitions for one and the same table in more detail. For example, different search definitions should be used for different customers due to a customer grouping, even though they are based on the same table (18). The customers are differentiated, for example, by the Customer Posting Group field in the table. If different search definitions are to be used for different posting groups, a corresponding filter can be defined here. |
Find Documents with single Match | By activating this field, you can define whether the search terms should be an "AND" or an "OR" link. If this field is enabled, hits corresponding to the individual search terms will be displayed, so that an "OR" link is applied. If this field is disabled, all search terms must be included, so that it is an "AND" link. |
Display Definition Code | The hits that are found via a search definition and the associated search should normally be displayed in a list afterwards. By mapping a display definition at this point, a link can be created so that the results are used with the display definition selected here and the fields used in it. |
Sorting No. | Several search definitions with different characteristics and settings can be stored for a table. The sort no. can be used to define how the definitions are to be sorted when searching for a valid search definition for a specific scenario. |
Default | This app basically offers various options to query and display hit lists and search results. On the one hand, this can be done via folder structuring in all DMS systems that work with directory structures. On the other hand, search definitions can be used. Furthermore, it can be useful to create several search definitions for individual data ranges in order to allow the user to select the appropriate search definition according to the respective requirement. By activating the Default field, you can specify that the corresponding search definition is the definition that should be used by default in the list and map views of the respective table. |
Active | The Active switch indicates whether a search definition is enabled for use. If changes are to be made to the settings, the definition must first be disabled. After changes have been made, however, the definition is activated and ready for use. |
Search Definition Tags - Fields and Information#
In this area, the search assignment of the desired keywords of the respective archive to the fields or functions from BC is carried out. This mapping defines the links that are to be used as filters for the index terms when searching for documents.
Field | Description |
Code | The Code field defines the specific keyword that should be used for the search definition. Select the respective index term from the LookUp list in order to provide it for the search and to determine the assignment of the filter data. |
Description | This field contains an explanatory description for each keyword. By default, after selecting a Code, the Description is automatically prepopulated with the keyword description. However, the value can be adjusted as needed and is used to clarify the respective assignment. |
Data Source | Select the data source for the dynamic mapping of values to the respective keyword filter. Depending on the selected data source, different additional field information is possible or required. The following options are available: Own Table When using this option, the logic obtains the filter information from the base table of the search definition. When using this option, specifying a Field No. is mandatory. Related Table With this option, the data for the keyword filter is not obtained from the base table of the search definition, but from a table linked to it. The link is made using the standard logic of the table relations in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1. These can be expanded if necessary. If you have selected this option, the selection of a Table No. as well as a Field No. is required. Function This data source option returns values at runtime that are calculated based on the framework conditions of the process and are not based on table information. For example, this could be client, date, or user information. If you have selected this option, you will need to select a Data Source Function. Fixed Value Select the Fixed Value option if you want the keyword filter to be static. In this case, it is necessary to specify a value in the Fixed Value / Parameter field. Manually It is not possible to select the Manually option at this point. |
Data Source Function | This field is only editable if the Data Source has the value Function. At this point, select the internal processing function, such as the current date or the user ID, to define the information. |
Fixed Value / Parameter | If the Fixed value option has been selected as the Data source, this field can be used to store the corresponding value, which should always be used for the respective assignment to a keyword when storing a document. Additional parameters can also be specified here for other functions. For example, it is possible to use a dynamic date filter to search for documents. This can be set up using the Date formula function. If this data source function is selected, this field is used to store the date formula to be used for filtering. The date formula should correspond to the filtering mechanism from the standard and cover a date range. Furthermore, when using formulas, care should be taken to ensure that these are stored directly in multiple languages in order to be independent of region and language. A possible formula for filtering documents from the previous year would be <-CY-1Y>..<+CY-1Y>. To filter all documents since the start of the current year, however, the formula <-CY>.. would have to be set up. Further information on the use of date formulae can be found in the standard documentation: In addition, this field is used to store the desired number of characters if the value Left-sided text is used as the Transformation Rule. |
Table No. | Use this field to specify the unique number of the table from which you want to obtain the data for the current record, if the Data Source is set to the Related Table value. If you select the desired table relation via the field, the Table No. automatically inserted. |
Table Caption | This field shows the caption of the table selected in Table No.. For this reason, the value of this field cannot be changed manually. |
Table Relation Chain | If the Data Source option is selected as Related Table and the Table No. was selected on the basis of a table relation, the description of the concatenation is automatically displayed in this field. The value of the field is therefore not editable. |
Field No. | Enter the Field No. which, depending on the Data source from your own or the linked table, should be used as information for the current data set. |
Field Caption | This field shows the caption of the field selected by Field No.. For this reason, this value cannot be changed manually. |
Transformation Rule | Transformation Rules can be used to specify that a calculated value should be converted as a keyword filter before it can be used. In addition to textual transformations, such as conversion to upper or lower case letters, the conversion of date information or the handling of special characters is also possible. If necessary, select the appropriate Transformation Rule to reshape the value before use. If the Format Value option is selected, the Format String field can be used to pass the appropriate formatting statement. When using the Transformation Rule Left-sided Text, please enter the number of characters required in the Fixed value / parameter field. |
Format String | If the Format Value option is assigned as Transformation Rule, the Format String field can be used to pass the appropriate formatting statement. Further information on the use and storage of format instructions can be found in the standard documentation ( |
Search Directories - Fields and Information#
In this area, the document drives to be searched are assigned to the search definition. This list determines which libraries / archives within the DMS structure are to be used in a search using the current search definition.
Field | Description |
Document Drive Code | The field specifies the unique code of the document drive to be included in the search. Use the LookUp button to select the document drives/archives to be included in the search. |
Document Drive Name | This field displays the name of the archive selected in the Document Drive Code field. Since the value is calculated automatically, it is not possible to change it. |
Within the search definitions, the following actions are available:
Calling the Copy action creates a copy of the selected search definition. After selecting this action, a window appears in which, in addition to a unique code for the new definition to be created, you can specify whether the copy should also copy the list of search directories and keywords to the new record. Only after this window has been confirmed with OK will the copying process take place.
Display Definitions#
From the Document Storage Setup you can call up the Display Definitions action via the Setups action group.
For general information on display definitions, see the corresponding chapter Display Definitions.
General - Fields and Information#
This pane displays general basic information for the display definition.
Field | Description |
Code | This field denotes the unique code of the display definition. |
Description | The Description field can be used to store a description of the display definition for easy assignment and explanation. |
Active | The Active switch indicates whether a display definition is enabled for use. If changes are to be made to the settings, the definition must first be disabled. After changes have been made, however, the definition is activated and ready for use. |
Document Factbox Display Type | The Documents infobox in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 records can take a variety of forms, depending on the display definition. This field is pre-assigned by the settings in the Document Storage Setup, but can be overridden individually for each display definition. By default, the following display types are available: Standard (Business Central page) In this case, a standard page is used to display the hits. The advantage lies in the near-standard display. A disadvantage is the space requirement of the control due to non-adjustable spacing and formatting as well as the currently limited possibility of opening and closing the tree structure. (default BC error) Custom Control AddIn The Control add-in displays a simple tree structure as a TreeView-Javascript Control add-in. Common standard mechanisms from web development are used here, so that it leads to a simple and fast display type. Web-Link of DMS In the case of web linking, the DMS system used can itself transmit a display as a web page to the interface and thus display it as an independent frame. This solution is not currently implemented by either Saperion or SharePoint and is not expected to be used until the connection to ELO Digital Office3. |
Document Link Display Type | If a document is opened for display, you can use the Document Link Display Type to specify which viewer is to be used for the display. This field is pre-assigned by the settings in the Document Storage Setup, but can be overridden individually for each display definition. By default, the following display types are available: Internal Document Viewer In the internal document view, the data stream of the document is "packaged" into an HTML5 display and displayed using the standard BC WebBrowser AddIn. Depending on the type of document, different integrations are possible, so that, for example, image documents are interpreted differently than PDF documents. External Hyperlink In the case of external link linking, the link that is transmitted via the DMS system is called instead of the document itself. For example, the document opens externally in SharePoint instead of BC. It is important to note that authorizations must be stored accordingly, especially with regard to cross-domain systems! |
Display Options - Fields and Information#
This area displays fields that reflect the general display options of each display definition.
Show File No. per Directory
If this field is selected, the Infobox Documents will display the number of documents in each folder displayed. This is done in parentheses next to the folder name. This makes it immediately clear how many documents the directory contains. If this field is deactivated, the number of documents per folder is not displayed. A display is a little faster, because the documents contained do not have to be counted.
Tags to display as columns - fields and information#
This pane shows the list of keywords to be displayed in the Documents infobox per document. Each keyword specified here will also be queried via the search and displayed here.
If, either in general or for this display definition, the Display type for infobox documents has the value Custom Control AddIn and an archive system without a direct file display (such as Hyland Saperion ECM2) is used in parallel, the keywords named here will be displayed as a comma-separated list in the control add-in instead of in a column display!
Field | Description |
Tag Code | This field is used to select the keyword for display in the info box. In general, any number of rows can be selected for display. |
Tag Description | This will automatically display the description of the keyword selected in the Tag Code field. Therefore, this field is not editable. |
Tags to group documents by - Fields and Information#
Instead of displaying documents in directory structures (if the archive system used supports this), they can also be grouped by keywords within the Documents infobox. To do this, you can create one or more rows in the Tags to group documents by pane if necessary. The keywords mentioned here are then used for a grouping.
Field | Description |
Tag Code | This field is used to select the keyword for the grouping in the infobox. |
Tag Description | This will automatically display the description of the keyword selected in the Tag Code field. Therefore, this field is not editable. |
Automatic Report Archiving#
From the Document Storage Setup you can use the Setups action group to select the action Automatic Report Archiving.
The Automatic Report Archiving lists the various documents and reports that are to be used automatically or manually for document storage.
Fields and Information#
Report-dependent information must be stored within the list in order to map the process of integrated document storage effectively and intuitively for the user.
Field | Description |
Report ID | This field specifies the unique object ID of the respective report for which the corresponding settings are to be made. By selecting the LookUp button, the desired entry can be selected from the list of all report objects. |
Report Caption | As soon as a report has been selected via the Report ID, the corresponding description of the respective object appears in this field. Therefore, this field is not editable for the user. |
Storage Definition Code | The Storage Definition Code is used to select the storage definition that is to be used for the document storage of the respective report. The storage definition defines directories, properties, and keywords with which the stored report is automatically enriched. The LookUp button can be used to open the list of all existing storage definitions for easy selection. |
Subdirectory Entry No. | If documents based on this report are to be stored in a specific subdirectory of the storage definition, the respective subdirectory can be selected here. The LookUp button displays a list of all subdirectories that are assigned to the corresponding storage definition selected via the Storage Definition Code field. |
Subdirectory Description | As soon as you click on the field Subdirectory Entry No. if a subdirectory has been selected for the storage, the description associated with the subdirectory is displayed in this field. Therefore, this field is not editable for the user. |
File Name | When creating a file based on a document print in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1, only the data stream with the content is generated. A file name must be stored individually for storage. To ensure that a unique assignment is possible for each report object, even using variable values, the file name for storing the document without extension must be specified in this field. It is also possible to use placeholders (%1, %2, %3 ...) for the dynamic specification, which are assigned at runtime via the values defined in the Placeholders field. The specification of a file extension (e.g. ".pdf") is not necessary at this point, but is done dynamically. |
Placeholders | Placeholders are used to dynamically map file names based on field values of a record in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1. In order to be able to design these placeholders variably, the AssistEdit button of the field can be used to call up the page Storage Definition Placeholders. Within this page, any number of placeholders can be defined, whereby the following information is available for definition: No. At this point, enter the number under which the respective placeholder should be described. This is a sequential numbering, which means that the use in the File Name field of the Autom. Report archiving via %1, %2, %3.... Data Source Select the data source for dynamic assignment of the placeholder. Depending on the selected data source, different additional field information is possible or required. The following options are available: - Own Table When using this option, the logic obtains the information from the base table of the storage definition. When using this option, specifying a Field No. is mandatory. - Related Table With this option, the data for the placeholder is not obtained from the base table of the storage definition, but from a table linked to it. The link is done using the standard logic of table relations in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1. These can be expanded if necessary. If you have selected this option, the selection of a Table No. as well as a Field No. is required. - Function This placeholder option returns values at runtime that are calculated based on the framework of the process and are not based on table information. For example, this could be client, date, or user information. If you have selected this option, you will need to select a Data Source Function. - Fixed Value Select the Fixed Value option if you want the placeholder information to be static. In this case, it is necessary to specify a value in the Fixed Value / Parameter field. - Manually Selecting the Manually option is not possible at this point, as it would require user interaction that is not present within the process. Data Source Function This field is only editable if the Data Source hais set to Function. At this point, select the internal processing function, such as the current date or the user ID, to define the information. Table No. Use this field to specify the unique number of the table from which you want to obtain the data for the current record, if the Data Source is set to the option Related Table. If you select the desired table relation via the field, the Table No. will automatically be inserted. Table Caption This field shows the name of the table selected by field Table No.. For this reason, the value of this field cannot be changed manually. Table Relation Chain If the Data Source option is set to Related Table and the Table No. was selected on the basis of a table relation, the description of the concatenation is automatically displayed in this field. Field No. Enter the Field No. which, depending on the Data Source from your own or the linked table, should be used as information for the current data set. Field Caption This field shows the caption of the field selected by Field No.. For this reason, this value cannot be changed manually. Fixed Value / Parameter If the Fixed value option has been selected as the Data Source, this field can be used to store the corresponding value, which should always be used for the respective placeholder. In addition, this field is used to store the desired number of characters if the value Left-sided text is used as the Transformation Rule. Transformation Rule Transformation Rules can be used to specify that a calculated value should be converted before it can be used as a placeholder. In addition to textual transformations, such as conversion to upper or lower case letters, the conversion of date information or the handling of special characters is also possible. If necessary, select the appropriate Transformation Rule to reshape the placeholder value before use. |
Automatic archie on Document Posting | If this field is activated, the corresponding document is automatically executed in the background when a transaction is posted and stored in the archive system. This field cannot be edited by the user, but is automatically assigned if the report is a document that is used in one of the following areas in the "Report Selection - Sales" * or "Report Selection - Purchasing corresponds to: Sale - Shipment - Return Receipt - Invoice - Credit Memo Purchase - Receipt - Return Shipment - Invoice - Credit Memo |
Archive PDF files | The Archive PDF files field combines two functionalities in one field. Among other things, this has to do with the fact that the use of PDF files has proven to be optimal for archiving in the IT sector. On the one hand, this field is used when a document with the respective report ID is printed within a user interaction. If the user chooses the PDF format for printing/saving, the document will only be archived if this field is also activated. Furthermore, this field is used in background processing, e.g. for automatic archiving of document postings. Since the user cannot decide on the format of the output, it is always checked for creation and archiving whether this field is active. If this field is deactivated, the report will not be used for automatic archiving. |
Archive Word Files | A user can decide within a print interaction whether he wants to create a document as a PDF, Word file or Excel file. If a user chooses the Word File option, the corresponding document will only be archived if this field is enabled. If this field is disabled, no Word files that are printed during a user interaction will be archived. Note: Please note that the long-term archiving of Word documents in particular may be problematic due to changing formats and the fact that they cannot be displayed consistently in future versions! We therefore recommend using the PDF format for archiving. |
Archive Excel files | A user can decide within a print interaction whether he wants to create a document as a PDF, Word file or Excel file. If a user chooses the Excel File option, the corresponding document will only be archived if this field is enabled. If this field is disabled, no Excel files that are printed during a user interaction will be archived. Note: Please note that the long-term archiving of Excel documents in particular may be problematic due to changing formats and the fact that they cannot be displayed consistently in future versions! We therefore recommend using the PDF format for archiving. |
Overwrite identical file name | SharePoint automatically versions identical file names by adding a counter at the end of the file name. If it is not desired that, for example, an invoice is saved again when it is printed repeatedly, this option should be activated. Only available for SharePoint. |
Within the "Autom. Report Archiving", the following actions are available:
Batch print separated files
Especially if the app is only used at a later point in time in an existing Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 system, the problem arises that historical documents are to be transferred to the archive system in a single launch. In this case, it is not possible to use a standard report directly, as it would export several documents to a file and not divide them by document number if several documents were selected.
For this reason, the Batch print separated files action has been integrated. This action is carried out on the basis of a selected data record and opens the options page for the corresponding report in order to make filters and settings. Once the parameters have been specified and confirmed by clicking "OK", the report is automatically recursively recalled in the background for each data record it contains, so that each individual document is generated and stored in the archive system.
User Settings#
From the Document Storage Setup you can call up the User Settings action via the Setups action group.
User-specific settings can be stored via this page. In detail, the following settings are possible:
Field | Description |
User ID | Enter the unique ID of the user for whom you want to make the settings. The LookUp button can be used to select the corresponding entry from the list of existing users. |
Disable Document Infobox | By default, users automatically see the info boxes in the various pages that display the document viewer and the document storage upload area. For individual users, the display may not be desired or disturbing, so that the display can be deactivated globally for the user. |
Basic Authentication - Username | This field is only visible if the Basic Authentication procedure has been selected as Authorization Type or Authorization Type for Job Queue in the Document Storage Setup. In this case, specify the valid credentials for authentication to the archive system for each user. If no user-specific information is provided at this point, the central information from the document storage setup is automatically used. |
Basic Authentication - Password | This field is only visible if the Basic Authentication procedure has been selected as Authorization Type or Authorization Type for Job Queue in the Document Storage Setup. In this case, enter the valid password for authentication to the archive system for the user that matches the Basic Authentication - Username field. If no user-specific information is provided at this point, the central information from the document storage setup is automatically used. |
Selection Lists#
From the Document Storage Setup you can call up the Selection Lists action via the Setups action group.
Selection lists can for example be used in storage definitions for manual values in order to use a structured and error-free input of fixed terms. Selection lists consist of a unique Code and a Description that can be used to represent usage. Any number of Entries can be stored per selection list. These designate the values that can be selected within the process of manual maintenance of keywords via the respective selection list and thus used for the assignment of the index value.
Test Connection#
To test basic connectivity to the archive system specified in the Host Name field, the Test Connection action can be used.
Depending on the archive system used, different endpoints are contacted when the action is executed in order to determine whether the basic connection to the respective set system is possible. Therefore, in addition to the selected Storage Type and the Host Name, the Authorization Type and the associated settings are also required.
The following endpoints are contacted with the respective archive systems:
Hyland Saperion ECM2\ http---Get on \
/archives \ This will retrieve all created base archives. -
Microsoft1 SharePoint Online\ http---Get on \
/sites/root \ This refers to the organization's default SharePoint page. -
ELO Digital Office3 - REST API Service http---Get on \
/api/system/masks/_ids \ This will retrieve the ids of all created archive masks. -
ELO Digital Office3 - Indexserver REST Interface http---Post on \
/IXServicePortIF/createSord with usage of a Json content body \ This will retrieve the ids of all created archive masks.
A success or error message then indicates to the user whether the connection was successful or not.
Export/Import Setup Data#
In order to be able to export and save setup data of the app DMS & ECM Interface, or to be able to use it for the basic setup of another client or an additional instance, the action Export / Import Setup Data can be used.
After calling up the action, a dialog box can be used to select whether the data should be imported or exported. If the Export option is selected, the file with all setup data will be created and downloaded as an XML file after the dialog box has been confirmed.
If the Import option is selected, a file dialog will be displayed after the dialog box has been confirmed, in which the desired XML file with the setup data to be imported will be provided either via drag\'nDrop or via a search using File Explorer.
File Packages#
From the Document Storage Setup you can call up the File Packages action via the Related action group.
File packages are used to automatically collect files and make them available as zip folders for download. For example, you can define a file package that compiles all invoices in a reminder or a file package that collects the specifications for all items in a sales order. Once a file package has been defined, it can be created at any time using the button of the same name from the document infobox.
General - Fields and Information#
Within the area, general information about the file package definition must be stored.
Field | Description |
Code | Each definition of a file package must have a unique code. To do this, provide a code that describes how to use the file package. |
Description | To describe the usefulness and usage of the file package, a short text can be captured in this field. |
Storage Definition | The storage definition provided here is used to describe the basic record for which a file package is to be created. Based on the storage definition defined here, the fields For Table No. and For Table Caption automatically mapped. |
For Table No. | This field represents the table number for the base record to which this file package definition should apply. The field is automatically set by the underlying Storage Definition and cannot be changed manually. |
For Table Caption | This field specifies the caption of the table, selected in field For Table No. and is therefore not editable. |
Filename | When used, a file package always results in a ZIP file. In order to be able to store this file under a specific file name, the file name per file package can be defined at this point. Specifying a file extension is not required, but is automatically appended within the creation process. In order to be able to use dynamic content based on the underlying data set in the file name, Placeholders are possible, which can be assigned in the file name via the respective referencing (e.g. %1, %2, %3...). |
Placeholders | Placeholders are used to dynamically map file names based on field values of a record in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1. In order to be able to design these placeholders variably, the AssistEdit button of the field can be used to call up the page Storage Definition Placeholders. Within this page, any number of placeholders can be defined, whereby the following information is available for definition: No. At this point, enter the number under which the respective placeholder should be described. This is a sequential numbering, which means that it can be uses in the Filename field via %1, %2, %3.... Data Source Select the data source for dynamic assignment of the placeholder. Depending on the selected data source, different additional field information is possible or required. The following options are available: - Own Table When using this option, the logic obtains the information from the base table of the storage definition. When using this option, specifying a Field No. is mandatory. - Related Table With this option, the data for the placeholder is not obtained from the base table of the storage definition, but from a table linked to it. The link is done using the standard logic of table relations in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1. These can be expanded if necessary. If you have selected this option, the selection of a Table No. as well as a Field No. is required. - Function This placeholder option returns values at runtime that are calculated based on the framework of the process and are not based on table information. For example, this could be client, date, or user information. If you have selected this option, you will need to select a Data Source Function. - Fixed Value Select the Fixed Value option if you want the placeholder information to be static. In this case, it is necessary to specify a value in the Fixed Value / Parameter field. - Manually Selecting the Manually option is not possible at this point, as it would require user interaction that is not present within the process. Data Source Function This field is only editable if the Data Source hais set to Function. At this point, select the internal processing function, such as the current date or the user ID, to define the information. Table No. Use this field to specify the unique number of the table from which you want to obtain the data for the current record, if the Data Source is set to the option Related Table. If you select the desired table relation via the field, the Table No. will automatically be inserted. Table Caption This field shows the name of the table selected by field Table No.. For this reason, the value of this field cannot be changed manually. Table Relation Chain If the Data Source option is set to Related Table and the Table No. was selected on the basis of a table relation, the description of the concatenation is automatically displayed in this field. Field No. Enter the Field No. which, depending on the Data Source from your own or the linked table, should be used as information for the current data set. Field Caption This field shows the caption of the field selected by Field No.. For this reason, this value cannot be changed manually. Fixed Value / Parameter If the Fixed value option has been selected as the Data Source, this field can be used to store the corresponding value, which should always be used for the respective placeholder. In addition, this field is used to store the desired number of characters if the value Left-sided text is used as the Transformation Rule. Transformation Rule Transformation Rules can be used to specify that a calculated value should be converted before it can be used as a placeholder. In addition to textual transformations, such as conversion to upper or lower case letters, the conversion of date information or the handling of special characters is also possible. If necessary, select the appropriate Transformation Rule to reshape the placeholder value before use. |
File Package Lines - Fields and Information#
This section defines the settings to be considered for the contents of the file package. This includes the different tables to be searched and their attachments included in the zipped file.
Field | Description |
Data Source | The Data Source is used to define where the corresponding rows for the file package are to be obtained. If the data to be taken into account is contained in the same table as the basic data record, the option Own table must be selected here. If the file package rows to be considered are contained in another linked table, select the Related Table option. |
Table No. | If the Related Table option is selected as the Data Source, the table relation for the link must be selected at this point. After selecting the LookUp button, a selection appears over all linked tables based on the stored table relations. After selecting a row, closing the dialog box will move the corresponding row into the Table No. inherited. |
Table Caption | This field automatically displays the corresponding caption of the table, selected in the field Table No.. Therefore, this field is not editable. |
Table Relation Chain | After selecting a Table No., this field displays the description of the table relation. Therefore, this field is not editable. |
Search all related records | If this field is checked, the documents will be returned to all found records. If the field is disabled, only the first record found is used. |
Storage Definition Code | This field is used to define the assigned storage definition for the selected table. This is used, among other things, to filter the possible search definitions as well as the subdirectories. |
Search Definition Code | The Search Definition Code is used to search for the documents for the individual file package lines. If no search definition is specified here, the documents are retrieved based on the directory structure of the assigned storage definition. By specifying a search definition, on the other hand, the documents are obtained via this definition and thus via filtering by keywords. |
Subdirectory Entry No. | If documents for the file package lines are not to be fetched by search definition, the list is always based on the directory structure. By specifying a subdirectory, the search tree for the documents to be integrated can be restricted at this point by fetching only those documents that are stored in a defined subdirectory. If you want to restrict the file structure with a subdirectory, use the LookUp button to select the appropriate subdirectory from the storage definition. |
Subdirectory Description | This field contains the description of the subdirectory selected in the field Subdirectory Entry No. and is therefore not editable. |
Directory Path in Package | Directory structures can also be used within a ZIP archive. If you want to store the documents of the respective file package line in a specific subdirectory within the ZIP archive, enter the desired directory path in the ZIP in this field. To ensure a dynamic directory structure, you can use placeholders (e.g. %1, %2, %3...) in the directory path, which are filled at runtime using the logic specified in the Placeholders field. |
Include original Directory | If the documents retrieved in the course of creating the file package have already been stored in a directory structure, the directory structure of the original directories can be adopted if required. If this field is enabled, the original directory structure will be appended to the path mentioned in the Directory Path in Package field! |
Placeholders | Placeholders are used to dynamically map directories or parts of a directory path based on field values of a record in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1. In order to be able to design these placeholders variably, the AssistEdit button of the field can be used to call up the page Storage Definition Placeholders. Within this page, any number of placeholders can be defined, whereby the following information is available for definition: No. At this point, enter the number under which the respective placeholder should be described. This is a sequential numbering, which means that the use in the field Directory Path in Package via %1, %2, %3.... Data Source Select the data source for dynamic assignment of the placeholder. Depending on the selected data source, different additional field information is possible or required. The following options are available: - Own Table When using this option, the logic obtains the information from the base table of the storage definition. When using this option, specifying a Field No. is mandatory. - Related Table With this option, the data for the placeholder is not obtained from the base table of the storage definition, but from a table linked to it. The link is done using the standard logic of table relations in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1. These can be expanded if necessary. If you have selected this option, the selection of a Table No. as well as a Field No. is required. - Function This placeholder option returns values at runtime that are calculated based on the framework of the process and are not based on table information. For example, this could be client, date, or user information. If you have selected this option, you will need to select a Data Source Function. - Fixed Value Select the Fixed Value option if you want the placeholder information to be static. In this case, it is necessary to specify a value in the Fixed Value / Parameter field. - Manually Selecting the Manually option is not possible at this point, as it would require user interaction that is not present within the process. Data Source Function This field is only editable if the Data Source hais set to Function. At this point, select the internal processing function, such as the current date or the user ID, to define the information. Table No. Use this field to specify the unique number of the table from which you want to obtain the data for the current record, if the Data Source is set to the option Related Table. If you select the desired table relation via the field, the Table No. will automatically be inserted. Table Caption This field shows the name of the table selected by field Table No.. For this reason, the value of this field cannot be changed manually. Table Relation Chain If the Data Source option is set to Related Table and the Table No. was selected on the basis of a table relation, the description of the concatenation is automatically displayed in this field. Field No. Enter the Field No. which, depending on the Data Source from your own or the linked table, should be used as information for the current data set. Field Caption This field shows the caption of the field selected by Field No.. For this reason, this value cannot be changed manually. Fixed Value / Parameter If the Fixed value option has been selected as the Data Source, this field can be used to store the corresponding value, which should always be used for the respective placeholder. In addition, this field is used to store the desired number of characters if the value Left-sided text is used as the Transformation Rule. Transformation Rule Transformation Rules can be used to specify that a calculated value should be converted before it can be used as a placeholder. In addition to textual transformations, such as conversion to upper or lower case letters, the conversion of date information or the handling of special characters is also possible. If necessary, select the appropriate Transformation Rule to reshape the placeholder value before use. |
Within the File Packages the following actions are available:
- Report Selection Usage Assignment
In certain cases, it may be desired that file packages are automatically obtained and attached to the process when a report or document is created. For example, a functionality could be used in this context that automatically creates a file package with the invoices individually assigned to the reminder and attaches it as an attachment when a reminder is sent by e-mail. For this purpose, an assignment can be defined using the Assignment report selection.
Due to the wide range of creation options and intervention options of sending e-mails, the integration into the e-mail process is currently not implemented on the product side and may have to be implemented. can be implemented individually by the supervising project partner.
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